A War Between Spies

Chapter 786: Orphan

Ukraine is a land of right and wrong. Being able to leave makes Yang Yi feel good. It is very dangerous in the war of Dai Ivan and Deyo. If he accidentally, he will spread to him. Now that he has completed his goal, he should hurry.

Of course, there is also the completion of Justin’s commission, but Yang Yi intends to return to Ukraine after the war between Deyo and Ivan. Look at the posture of the ram. Debon should not live for a long time, so don’t worry about the contract. Fighting with Ivan, or playing with the ram, this war is coming to an end.

After leisure, Yang Yi couldn't help but think about what happened during this time.

The old arms giant fell, and a new arms dealer rose strongly. This kind of thing is too normal, but the idea of ​​replacing the big Ivan and defeating the Djo is the ram, one is also Chinese, and the same is very young. People, Yang Yi always feels that this thing lacks realism.

God knows how the rams do it, but everyone knows that after the ram has succeeded the big Ivan, it will inevitably be a strong rise of a new giant in the underground world.

Think of the ram, think of Yrebin, Yang Yi naturally remembered Jetero.

If Jetero still refuses to give up, or if he wants to give him the status of Dejoy by his own performance, he will definitely die.

Whether it is the Dark Devil or the Ram, their fighting power is too strong, like a very sharp knife. Maybe they are not qualified arms dealers, but they are good at fighting, whether it is a big big or a secret fight, a ram and A bunch of black devils are really too strong and too terrible.

Therefore, if Jetero did not leave Ukraine and refused to leave, he would definitely die.

Yang Yi, who is worried about Jetro, couldn’t help but sigh.

Just then, the phone rang.

When seeing the caller ID, Yang Yi was very shocked. He knew very well that he didn't think about what he was going to do, but when he was thinking about Jetero, Jetero called and made him feel some. stunned.

Say that it’s been a good way to break the line from Jeter’s call, and that it’s still not answered. Yang Yi’s rare hesitation.

But it was only hesitating for a moment, Yang Yi still connected the phone.


Jetero just called Yang Yi's name, and then he didn't say anything.

"I listen."

Jetero sighed for a long time, then he slowly said: "You, I am looking for you, I want to... forget it."

The phone was hung up, and Jeter whispered and said that after two sentences, he hangs up again.

Jetro is inexplicable, but Yang Yi doesn't have to guess to know what Jetro wants to do. If he doesn't find himself on the road, Jeter will never make this call.

Jetero will fall into the present situation, and Yang Yi does have an unshirkable responsibility.

Yang Yi understands that if he ignores the call of Jetero, then Jetero is likely to call him again. Jetero hangs up the phone just because he has not faced a desperate situation, waiting for Jetro to go to nowhere. To the point, if you don't want to die, you can only ask for help.

Once the employer was going to die, if Jetero really had nowhere to go, Yang Yi would like to take him to his knees. It can be said that it is a breeze. Everything depends on whether Jetro has any use for him. If it is useful, Yang Yi can Effortlessly provided Jetrow with asylum, of course, from then on, Jetero can only be his younger brother.

If you take the initiative to call Jedero back, the effect may not be too good, and the best time for Jetro to face his desperate situation and have to pull down to Yang Yi for help.

Of course, the premise is that Jetro is useful. If Jetero is useless to Yang Yi, why should Yang Yi take care of Jetro's life and death.

However, Yang Yi, who was very worried, almost did not hesitate. He quickly called Jedero back to the phone.

Jetro soon connected Yang Yi’s phone. After receiving the call, Jetero did not speak for a long time.

Yang Yi sighed, then he whispered: "Jetero, what happened."

Jetro’s voice was helpless. He whispered: “Djoy sent someone to Ukraine. He wants to kill me. I think... I’m done, can you, can you help me to send Boya Tower and send it? Go to a safe place."

Yang Yi was silent for a moment, whispered: "Jetero, you can do this yourself. The injury of Boyata should be almost good. If you take him away now, no problem, why do you want it? Stay and die."

After that, Yang Yi hesitated for a moment, and finally whispered: "If you can't get out now, I can help you leave Ukraine. This is what I owe you. I last helped you and sent you to a safe place. We are not owed to each other."

Jetero sighed low: "I got the news, Nicholas is coming."

After a long sigh, Jetero continued to whisper: "Now Nicholas has already arrived in Ukraine, and Deyo succumbed to Nicholas. He would rather develop a competitor for himself~www.readwn.com~ and also with Ivan This beating was in the end, and Nicholas also received the support of the United States. He has inevitably replaced the Djokovic, so I am finished."

The news that Jetero revealed was too astounding. Yang Yi’s time seemed to have some reaction.

Nicholas is a man of Deyo, and still is still, but Nicholas is not controlled by the Djokovic, so the Djokov has used all the power he can use, but he has never used Nicholas, an uncontrollable man.

Now, Deyo has no other choice, so he finally used Nicholas.

Only in this way, Jetero really does not have any need to exist.

Yang Yi swallowed and whispered: "What is your current situation?"

Jetero lost his soul and said: "Djou tried to appease me. He told me that the temporary failure was nothing. He also said that he had mobilized the manpower to come to Ukraine. Everything is up to me, but a friend of mine told me that Choosing Nicholas, he would rather split his power to Nicholas and kill Big Ivan, but Deyo didn’t tell me that he sent Nicholas, so Deyo wants to kill me. He comforts me just to Hold me steady, and wait for Nicholas to arrive after my death."

Sure enough, Jetero was abandoned, and Deco’s appease was just to stabilize him. Although Jetro is now no one in hand, if he surrenders to Ivan, he can still cause great trouble to Deyo, so Djokovic Will stabilize him.

Yang Yi Shen said: "How do you get this news? Is it reliable?"

Jetero sighed and said: "From the hands of Deyo, Nicholas's competitors, so although he is not my friend, the news is absolutely accurate."

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