A War Between Spies

Chapter 802: Not well

Anton came back, and he didn't come back the next day. He came back at midnight in the middle of the night.

Most people have already taken a break, and Yang Yi is no exception. But after learning that Anton returned late at night, he climbed up from the bed for the first time and then rushed to the living room to welcome the returning Anton.

"How come back so early?"

When Anton looked at Yang Yi, he thought about it and said, "Don't watch me anymore."

Some guilty Yang Yi laughed: "The next is not an example. We just want to see how serious your psychological trauma is. From my point of view, which of you... Friends are a little older, but she is not psychological. Trauma? On the contrary, she has a taste, and has a unique name for this woman, a mature woman."

Anton hesitated for a moment, then he nodded and said: "Yes, she is a good woman, passionate and intoxicating."

Yang Yi smiled. When he was trying to speak, Anton looked at him and said, "Do you like mature women?"

After a moment of squatting, Yang Yi repeatedly shook his head: "What do you say?"

"Look at your expression and you know, I understand why you don't like Kate and Xiao Yu. They are not the type you like."

Yang Yi angered: "What about nonsense? Who said that I don't like them? My problem is that both of them like it. By the way, I don't want to tell you this."

Anton patted Yang Yi’s shoulder gently, then he pointed to the sofa on the side: “Sit.”

Yang Yigui sat down with God, and then Anton sat next to him, whispering: "Do you know where your problem is?"

"Where is it?"

"Your skin is too thin."

"But, but..."

"No, you want to say that Xiao Yu is too strong?"


"You want to say that you can't bear to hurt Kate?"

"Yes, but..."

“Do you want to say that it is against morality to interact with two women at the same time?”

"Of course! And..."

"You want to say that you want to have two women, but in the end you will only lose them?"


"Say it."

"What did you say and let me say?"

Anton shook his head and whispered: "Wrong, first of all, you should not be bound by the world's moral standards. Who are we? We can't get married in this life, we can't live a normal life, we are everyday. When I wake up in the morning, I don't know if it is a long sleep next time I fall asleep.

None of the things we do are legal. Everything we do is a crime. How do you ask yourself to be so harsh in your feelings? ”

Yang Yi said very seriously: "You don't want to argue. This is not a moral issue. This is a question of love."

Anton smiled and shook his head. "No, this is not a moral issue, nor a problem of love. This is a question of ability. The root of the problem lies in the things I can do. You can't do it. You can make two. Women fall in love with you, but you can't let two women accept each other's existence, and I can, so admit it, this is the ability problem."

Yang Yi is speechless.

Anton sighed softly and said: "In fact, you learn things very quickly. You learn very quickly. Now let me teach you how to deal with women. In fact, it is really simple. You only need to remember the following. The principle is good, daring..."

Yang Yi disdainfully said: "Bold and thin-minded, isn't it? Who knows the secret of this bad street?"

Anton smiled: "The first three elements are really known to everyone, but what you don't know is the next part."

Yang Yi took a moment and said: "What is it?"

Anton said with a light face: "This is not the attitude you have to ask others."

Yang Yi is very sincere: "An Dong, please teach me."

Anton slowly said: "Bold and thick skin is only the most basic psychological quality. More importantly, you must understand what the woman wants, and you have to give her what is needed. This is the most important thing. ""

"such as?"

"Kate needs a sense of security and needs a sense of belonging. She can't do without you now, so you don't have to do anything at all. What she can't accept is the existence of another woman, so if you hook your finger, she will be willing to serve you. Do anything."

Yang Yi was a little angry and said: "Hey, don't say Kate."

Anton continued to smile: "Xiao Yu is complicated. She has a good impression on you, but she is not in love with you. The reason may be that you are very handsome, maybe your common experience, or other reasons. But it doesn't matter. It's important that if there is no Kate, then she is already your girlfriend, but if Kate is there, she will never cross the level of falling in love with you, so you need to let Xiao I love you."

"How did you know?"

Anton pointed to his own eyes and said: "Of course I can see it, so you know what Xiao Yu needs?"

"Xiao Yu wants to be the strongest gunman!"

"No, this is not the point. You can't help her become the strongest gunman~www.readwn.com~ You can't help her. Let me tell you what Xiao Yu needs. Xiao Yu is very strong. She is very strong. She can't tolerate it. I shared you with Kate, but you didn't find Xiao Yu actually very lonely? So what you need to do is to accompany her, to accompany her to do everything she wants to do, to look at her with gentle eyes, in a sincere tone She said that you love her is enough, enough, after she can't help but fall in love with you, after two women and women fall in love with you, they will compromise, they will slowly forget their principles, for another woman They will pretend to be invisible."

Yang Yi took a breath and said: "An Dong, you are a master of emotions."

Anton smiled: "Thank you for complimenting."

Yang Yi’s face is serious: “I am! This is not a compliment. This is ironic. How do you care about women? The black devil teaches you how to deal with women to get information. You seem to know women well. They are just tools that can be used for you. You know women but you don't like them! I don't know women, but I have people I like. I will never use the one you said in my favorite. People!"

Anton looked at Yang Yi with a blank look and said: "You..."

"What are you, tell you, I don't know what to do now, so I don't do anything, but I know what is wrong with what! Ok! I want to ask you what you have gained, but not I want you to act as a mentor!"

Anton sighed slowly, and Yang Yi heard a sneak peek in his ears, and his heart finally fell.

"Now talk about how to bring Mark Shapo back!"

After speaking out loud, Yang Yi got close to Anton and whispered: "You **** wants to yin me? Hey, I know you guys are not so kind!"

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