A War Between Spies

Chapter 807: Unable to fail

Out of Yang Yi’s expectation, hug punk did not say how much she needed.

"I don't want your money, no, I don't need your help, don't call me again!"

Cargini Lint hangs up Yang Yi’s phone directly.

Yang Yi was a bit stunned, and Schultz yelled at the side: "I said that she is not the kind of girl who worships gold, she just encountered difficulties!"

Yang Yi looked at Schulz: "You didn't say this just now, well, don't be noisy!"

Cagney looked a little confused. She threw away her mobile phone and wore clothes in a hurry. Yang Yi called the phone again. She picked up her trousers and picked up the phone in one hand, but she didn't know whether to answer the phone.

After a moment, Cagney still connected the phone, and then she warned: "No matter who you are, if you call again, I will call the police."

Yang Yi was helpless. He sighed and said: "Well, quiet down, listen to me, I will give you money. I will not do this again. I don't have to doubt anything. I am just a A wealthy person with love."

"How do you know what I call?"

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "Because I am a hacker, I found your call. Ok, this is not the key. The key is that I like you. I don't want to see you dancing to others. I am not a bad person. I am a good person. Do you understand? Good people! Tell me now how much you need, then how many **** do I give you, you don't have to pay back, I don't want to pay anything back, do you know what rich people are?"

Cargini Lint took a moment and said, "Charity?"

"Yes, this is a charity event, Fak! How many times do you want me to believe that I just want to help you? My name is Schultz, I am a German, I am far away from you, if I must ask me what If you are willing to accept help, let me think about it... then I will date it, but you have to wait for me to have time to go to the United States. Now you understand?"

"I still don't quite understand, I really don't know what the rich people think."

"There is no place for money to spend money, helping people to be happy, I want to have some fun."

"I do not believe."

"You are really a stubborn guy, okay! Just date with me, just eat and eat. That's it. If you can promise, tell me how much I need, then tell me an account, and, no later. Live again, and quickly move out of where you live now, away from your roommate, or you will be badly led by her, you will completely fall, I am just a good person who does not want to see a good girl, the opportunity Put it in front of you, do you want to catch it?"

"But I need a lot of money..."

"Enough! 50,000 dollars in half an hour and directly into your account, enough?"

"So much! But..."

"Nothing, but enough to wait for the money."

"But you don't know my account."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Since I can know your call, then I can get your bank account number and your social security account. Listen, don't worry about what I will do badly for you. I want to harm you, I won't call you at all, and I don't have to worry about the source of the money. Hackers are my hobby, technology companies are my source of income, now you understand."

"It sounds terrible. I don't know if I want your money, but I really need it. I am confused and scared, but, but, thank you, I am very grateful for your help."

Yang Yi sighed a little, how to give people money is so troublesome.

"Okay, remember to check your account, goodbye."

Yang Yijun hangs up the phone, and then his face is impatient: "Oh my God, it is really troublesome, this woman is very wary."

Schultz looked confused: "Just like this? You just gave her a sum of money, but nothing else."

"She needs money, and you gave her money, isn't that enough?"

"But this is not the same as I thought."

Yang Yi pointed to the screen and said: "Look at her, she is confused, nervous, excited, and a little scared, but it doesn't matter. After half an hour to wait for the money, she knows that it is all true, then she What do you think of you? A mysterious and wealthy hacker, a good-hearted person, and most importantly, she knows that you like her, she just has this feeling."

Yang Yi stood up, and then he slammed Schultz's shoulder: "She is very important to your curiosity, so after you have finished the work here, you can go to the United States to find her, then how to develop to see you Willingness, if nothing unexpected, going to bed is a very simple matter. Look, $50,000 will fix you, and $50,000 is nothing for you, um, forgot to say, $50,000 for yourself. I will deduct it."

Yang Yi made a phone call and let people turn the money and pointed to the computer: "Now turn off the computer and do what you should do."

Schultz looked at Cagney, then he really turned off the computer, but he still had some absent-minded words: "Really? Is it like this?"

Sit back again and Schultz started his work.

"Since you want to be active, don't use my super-calculation. I set the location of the attack in Moscow, then... boss, do you think it's really okay?"

"No problem, remember to let Kate design the image for you, oh, don't forget to continue to monitor her. If she alarms, then throw away the phone now~www.readwn.com~ Are you starting to invade?"

"Oh yes, this is really simple. It can be said that it is complicated to hide our current position, but it is still very simple."

Schultz was a little absent-minded, but his hands were very fast. In a few minutes, Schultz sat down on the swivel chair and said: "Yes, it has started to break the firewall automatically. It takes a little time. But it will soon be discovered."

Yang Yi said with satisfaction: "Very good, come here several times a day, no, come dozens of attacks, let the Ministry of Defense know that they are always being attacked, just pay attention not to be found in your position." ”

Schultz couldn't help it. He turned on the computer that monitored Cagney until he saw that Cagney received the money and was shocked and excited. After a while crying for a while, he turned off the computer with satisfaction. To see the computer he is attacking.

Schultz moved the swivel chair. After he looked at it, he was full of horror: "How is it possible?"

Half an hour has passed, and Yang Yi does not know if there is any success, or whether the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has found that his network is being attacked.

After hearing Schulz’s exclamation, Yang Yi hurriedly said, “What happened?”

Schultz pointed his head at the computer and said: "Half an hour, the firewall has been broken, but no one has found out..."

Yang Yi’s face was solidified, and he was surprised: “What?”

Schultz has an incredible look: "It is reasonable to say that the attack will be discovered after a few seconds, but,...maybe my tool is too powerful, now I have broken the firewall, boss, we enter The secret treasure house."

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