A War Between Spies

Chapter 814: Physical advantage

Tuya Leo's arms were broken, and the person with the broken arm apparently couldn't do anything, so he was thrown at the foot of the previous trip.

It is said that Yang Yi spent a lot of money on Tuya Leo, and he had to add up to four or five thousand dollars before and after, in order to be Tua Rio, a very oppressive big man.

But what do you want to do with Tua. Leo, I really didn't think about it.

When the spy is impossible, the characteristics of Tuya Leo are too obvious, and it is impossible to train him into a spy.

It is impossible to cultivate him as a warrior, because nowadays, there is no advantage in height and strength in the battle. After all, it is not the era of cold weapons. No matter the size of the block, the bullets in the middle are all finished.

To say that fighting, Tuya Leo's fighting ability is the same, and now fighting ability is not useful.

Therefore, Tuya Leo is useless, and it is of no use to water organizations and Yang Yi.

But Tua Rio is useful to Jetello.

Boyata’s rehabilitation doesn’t know when it’s good. Jetero is now a light pole commander. If there is anything, he doesn’t even have a bag to drive, and Tuya Rio has nothing to do with the water organization. Great use, but very useful for Jetero.

Don't say anything else, Tuya Leo can give Jetero a bodyguard, such a big head, so oppressive shape, not to be used as a thug and bodyguard.

So Yang Yi decided to give Tuya Leo to Jetro.

For the first time, Jetero was very interested in seeing Irio, but it was only robbed by Yang Yi, so Jetero did not put Tuya Rio in his heart, but now the water If the organization wants to withdraw, Jetero needs to find some men, so let Tuya Leo mix with Jetero.

Zhang Yong now asks how Tuario can be disposed of, and it is because he can't just throw him down.

Yang Yi looked at Rodriguez and said, "How is Tuario's recovery?"

Rodriguez made a gesture and smiled: "Restoration is very fast, now it can be active, and at most one month it will be fine."

Yang Yi has some strange words: "Recovery is very fast."

McDonald faintly said: "The best medicine, the best doctor, and the best care, he is so slow to be strange."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "Very good, recovery is a good thing soon, hey, Tuario is not suitable for water organization, I intend to let Tuario follow Getro, what do you think?"

No one had objections, Rodriguez stunned, and then he looked blankly: "I understand! I will go and talk to him! Don't worry, boss, he must know how to do it."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "I went to consult with Jetro's opinion, Rhodes, ask Tuario's meaning, if he agrees, then with Jetero, let Jetero talk to him about salary. ”

Yang Yi went to knock on the door of Jetero again. After Jetro opened the door, Yang Yi said faintly: "I have already arranged, we are going to France to monitor Steve, and strive to master his whereabouts. I want to ask you something, remember Tuya Rio."

"Of course, that monster."

"He can move now. It takes a month to completely heal. He is not suitable for us, so I want to ask if you are interested in him and let him do things like bodyguards or drivers."

Jetro snorted and said, "You don't need it?"

Yang Yi shrugged: "Yes, I spent a lot of money to treat him, but now I find that his use to us is not very big. What we want is not to attract anyone's attention, and he is seen by anyone. It's hard to forget that the features are too obvious."

Jetro did not hesitate: "If you are willing to give him to me, of course, of course I will leave him, you are right, he is a bodyguard and driver is too suitable, think about it, give He put on a black suit, a pair of sunglasses, and stood behind me with imposing manners. At least it would be very safe. Isn't it?"

Yang Yi laughed and said: "Okay, someone will bring him over, and he will arrive in a while, and let him follow you later."

Rodriguez came over with Tuario.

When I saw Tuario again, Yang Yi was shocked.

After a long break and the light can't be eaten, Tuario has a whole fat circle, his skin is black and bright, and the pressure in front of the person is strong.

Yang Yi looked at Tuario's arm and looked surprised. "Your arm... Ok?"

Tuario warmed his arms and smiled with a thick face: "Well, the doctor said that I better not to be active, and don't rush to start exercising, but I think it's okay."

Yang Yi swallowed and said: "How long do you fix the external fixation?"

McDonald said: "Twenty days, he can be removed in twenty days, but the doctor waited for a month to dismantle him. I told you that he looks like a monster, but his Resilience is more like a monster."

Yang Yi thought that Tuario was still unable to move, especially Rodriguez said that he still needs a month to fully recover, but the problem is that Tuario seems not to look like something~www.readwn.com ~ Yang Yi is very surprised: "Your arm is injured now is a total of ... forty-five days, now it is all right?"

Tuyario nodded. "I think it's okay. The doctor said that it is better to wait another half a month, but I am really okay. I said that when I took x-ray observation, I found that the bones healed very well. He just thought it was more cautious. it is good."

"Can you drive?"

"Of course, please."

Tuario pulls the posture, and then he screams two punches, then laughs and says: "I haven't done any push-ups, and I don't think there is anything else."

"It's a monster!"

Yang Yi issued a heartfelt admiration. Normal people need at least two months to dismantle the fracture of the steel plate or plaster. Tuya. Rio can be used in twenty days. Normal people need at least three months to heal the bones. Two months is enough, this speeds up, and it’s really a compliment to say that he’s a monster.

For a time, Yang Yi was somewhat reluctant to give Tuario to Jedero, but this thought was just a flash, and he had a super strong cognac that could not be used except for the facade.

Yang Yi looked at Jetero, and Jetero took a very good shot of Tua. Rio’s arm, and then he sighed: “I will be a bodyguard in the future, I will send you 20,000 dollars a month. But just know what the bodyguard should do?"

Tuyaliao first froze a moment, then his face firm said: "! Who shall stir you and I beat him, there is for you ...... Dang Zidan."

Jetero nodded with satisfaction, but Yang Yi suddenly found out that if this figure is a bodyguard, his head blocker really has an advantage. Well, it is really very advantageous.

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