A War Between Spies

Chapter 821: What the hero sees is the same

Every word can be understood clearly, but I don’t understand what is deep in it. This is what Zhang Yong feels now.

More than Zhang Yong, other people feel the same.

What did you do? Justin just sent a free message, and Yang Yi could associate with the appearance of Dai Ivan, which is obviously irrelevant.

Looking at the incomprehensible people, Yang Yi spread his hand and said: "This is a bit complicated and involves many things in all aspects. First of all, we want to say the result of this battle, no matter who did it. The winner is the party of Dai Ivan, right?"

"Yes, that's it."

"After the big Ivan wins, what is necessary to actively spread the news."

Zhang Yong frowned: "It is very necessary, if you win, you can't do it."

Yang Yi said helplessly: "I mean, is there anything that Justin needs to actively spread this news?"

Zhang Yong took a hand and said: "Yes, you continue to say, just when I didn't ask."

Yang Yi Shen said: "From the character and style of Justin, he does not need to do this at all, and he gave me this information. This is not normal. If you use behavior to derive behavior, Justin is so inevitable. Is it profitable, then where is his interest?"

After a question, Yang Yi immediately said: "My guess is that Justin needs to build momentum for the Great Ivan, so that the entire underground world knows that Ivan has gained the upper hand in the war with the United States, and Great Ivan has gained an advantage. What is this, this is shocking! It is to warn everyone not to stand on the wrong team. After the war between Deyo and Ivan to this point, it is undoubtedly very important to stabilize the confidence of oneself and to fight against the enemy."

Zhang Yong thought for a moment and said, "Okay, this is not wrong."

Yang Yi continued: "Then I will deduce it from the ram I know. If he wants to replace the status of Dai Ivan, and he also dominated the battle, then he should advertise his victory, Justin When I told me this news for a time, he couldn't have mastered more detailed information. He wanted to make a name for the Rams. Then he should at least say the name of the Ram and tell everyone that this is a ram."

Kate whispered: "Maybe the ram wants to keep it secret."

Yang Yi shook his head: "Confidence is of course important, but if it's just a name, it's not that important. Isn't it? If it's not big Ivan, then Justin will definitely say a name, the ram, the ewes too. Ok, it can be a goat or a sheep. In short, there must be a new name to replace the big Ivan, but no, it means that this can only be a victory for Dai Ivan."

Zhang Yong nodded and said: "It makes sense. It just happens to be a code name."

Yang Yi looked excited and said: "So what does this mean? Da Yi is going to officially come back. Justin is making a momentum for him, but I feel that it is not just a question of building momentum. From the point of Justin’s urgency, I think maybe Big Ivan wants to divert attention, yes, Big Ivan is diverting attention!"

Xiao Yu couldn't help himself, saying: "How come it's diverting attention?"

Yang Yi waved his arm and said: "Why do you need to build momentum? Because the situation of the big Ivan was very bad. Deyo is nothing, but the Americans have all taken it. Who else thinks that the big Iraq can live, even Winning? So the situation of Big Ivan is bound to be very bad."

Xiao Yu said: "This is for sure. I have always felt that Da Yi Wan is dead."

"So now, Ivan is not only alive, but it seems to be able to win. What does this mean?"

Xiao Yu hurriedly said: "What you just said is transfer transfer."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Oh, I just thought about this possibility and then just talk about it. I just have this possibility. I think so. If Ivan is not in Ukraine, then his American attention attracts Ukraine. So that he can do something in other places, such as in the United States..."

Yang Yi really just thought about where to say it. Without clearer information, he can only guess. But when it comes to the United States, Yang Yi suddenly feels that Big Ivan is going to do this.

There is no special reason, purely intuition, plus one of the simplest, most direct and fundamental reasons.

If Da Yiwan does not do anything in the United States, he can't win anyway. How can an arms dealer fight against the superpower of the United States? The United States has endless manpower and resources to kill him, let alone fail. Two or three times, even if it fails a hundred times, a thousand times, but the United States only needs to have one success, then the big Ivan will never be lost.

If Yi Yi can't win, he can't win, but for Big Ivan, as long as he can force the United States to stop dealing with him, that is the most fundamental victory.

Therefore, Yang Yi thinks that Da Yiwan can only use the means to coerce the United States and force the United States to stop chasing him. But in this case, it is unwise for Da Yiwan to spread the news of the failure of the United States. It’s too shameful to cut the face, isn’t it for the Americans to deal with him more crazy?

Although it sounds incredible, Yang Yi thinks that Dai Iwan is doing something in the United States, so he needs to draw the attention of Americans to Ukraine.

Yang Yi finally finished his thoughts, and then he looked at others and said: "Do you think my idea is likely?"

Zhang Yong looked helplessly: "Justin is giving you an intelligence. You can come up with so many things that you can't beat. I am also serving. As for whether this is the case, how can we know?"

At this moment, Anasta was extremely difficult but suddenly applauded and applauded. She smiled: "Fantastic, bold and crazy speculation, but I believe that even if it is not, it will not be with you. The guess is too far apart, very exciting."

Yang Yi is a little embarrassed to be boasted, and Anna Starkina is also a serious face: "My thoughts are basically the same as you, so I have nothing to say."

Zhang Yong smiled twice and said: "This, okay, even if it is such a thing, although I feel quite unreliable, it is not easy for Justin to think so much, but this is not easy. What is the relationship?"

Anna Starkina looked at Zhang Yong and said: "You must not be a spy, otherwise you will not say such ignorance. First of all, this is the embodiment of ability. Through one thing to deduce the truth behind it, this is every one. The analyst's most basic job, but the ability to get close to the truth is a matter of personal ability. In addition, you may feel that this conclusion is useless now, but if you are working for the Americans? You have to figure out one thing, if you Working for the Americans, this conclusion may allow Americans to focus their attention from Ukraine to the mainland. So, do you still think his inferences are meaningless?"

Zhang Yong is still a little convinced: "The little egg can think of it, cia can't think of it?"

Anna Starkina smiled and said: "The location is different, the angle is different, and the Americans you know don't necessarily know, so the Americans didn't think it was strange? And how do you know that cia didn't think of it now? The point is not Whether the Americans think of it or not, he thinks."

After that, Anna Starkina looked at Zhang Yong and smiled: "Although this is just a small egg's inference is not the truth, if you want to find the truth from this inference, then this inference is extremely meaningful, if you do not want to from this Inference to find the truth, this inference is still very meaningful, I said this is a question of ability, do you like your head is a simple person? As a leader of a spy organization, you want him to be only a basic job The rookie?"

Zhang Yong smiled and said: "Of course not, hehe..."

Hesitated a moment, Zhang Yong carefully said: "But you are not a flatterer? Do you know what it means? Is it that you are not complimenting him?"

Anna Starkina is serious, then she looks at Yang Yidao: "As a spy, logical thinking must be good, but divergent thinking and observation are more important. For you, this ability does not matter, but as your head, He must have this ability, I am very happy that he has this ability, as to whether his inference is fact or close to the fact, I don't know, but I think it is like him~www.readwn.com~ So I appreciate him, just such."

Zhang Yong thought for a moment and said, "Well, I am starting to think that what you said makes sense. Although I think the little egg doesn't seem so powerful, but hey, his brain is really good, then I believe you are good. Hey, since you said that he is so powerful, that is to say that you also think about it, so you are also very powerful? You are boasting yourself."

Anna Starkina was just a faint smile, and then Brian was on the side of the dog's legs: "Crap! Do you know what she is doing?"

Anna Starkina waved and interrupted Brian, so Brian immediately shut up, just looking at Zhang Yong with a look that you didn’t understand at all.

Anna Starkina is watching Yang Yi smile and said: "You have been professionally trained?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said, "No, but Mike taught me. Brian told you that Mike is right? He taught me some basic principles for analyzing things. Hey, then I learned international relations at university."

Anna Starkina immediately said: "I mean you have not been trained as a professional analyst, an analyst in the intelligence department, right?"

"Oh, yes, no, but Mike taught me..."

"How long have you been taught?"

"Hey, let's talk a few times."

“Just just say a few times?”

This time, Anna Starkina was shocked. Brian said to her side: "Mike has passed away, and they haven’t been together for a long time..."

Anna Starkina said impatiently: "I didn't ask you!"

Brian immediately shut up, and then Yang Yi smiled embarrassedly: "Oh, yes, just say a few times."

Anna Starkina made a surprise, then he looked at Yang Yidao: "You are really a genius! Real genius!"

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