A War Between Spies

Chapter 824: Identity setting

What Paul and Chris did was not particularly smooth.

Nice is a holiday resort, and the place where Deyo lives is the rich area, specifically the Regal.

Of course, the houses in the villas where the rich people live can't be very dense. The reality is that the houses are very rare. It is very difficult to rent a house near Deyo.

Want to buy, no house to buy, want to rent, people are not bad at all.

Even the neighbors who want to contact Deyo are very careful, so under this premise, Paul and Chris are not going well.

Although Deyo has not yet lived in his villa in Nice, it is too late to wait for Deyo to stay in and find a house.

Yang Yi wants to go to Nice as soon as possible to deal with the matter, but before going to Nice, he needs to set up his identity with Anna Starkina.

Yes, it is to set the identity.

Anna Starkina sat next to Kate's side, while Yang Yi and Xiao Yu sat side by side opposite Kate.

Kate held his chin with his hand, and looked at Yang Yi and Xiao Yu without knowing what he was thinking. Yang Yi felt that there was some cramped, but Xiao Yu was somewhat impatient.

Impatient also has to endure, even if it is stared by another woman, and this woman Xiao Yu does not like it.

Xiao Yu and Kate have no festivals. Perhaps they are potential rivals, but Xiao Yu does not want to fight for Yang Yi. She is not married to Yang Yi, but she is always treated with a different look at her relationship with Kate. It is the main reason why Xiao Yu does not like Kate.

Although I don't like it, Xiao Yu doesn't hate Kate because Kate is really a beautiful woman with a lot of connotations. Even as a woman, Xiao Yu feels that Kate is really beautiful, and she also appreciates Kate's beauty.

But no matter where it is said, Xiao Yu is not pleasant to be stared at by Kate. It is a pleasant thing.

Especially when Xiao Yu and Yang Yi went to Nice together and played a couple, Xiao Yu’s feelings were even more awkward.

"I don't think I am suitable for this task, or else you should go."

Xiao Yu suddenly spoke up, and some of the eccentric Kate was taken aback, then she was very upright: "What are you talking about?"

Xiao Yu twisted his head to the side, a little impatient: "I said you still go, I don't want to go to Nice."

Kate spread his hand and said: "But you are only suitable, Anna is right, you and Yang Yi's skin color is the best protection color."

Xiao Yu is really annoying, she is not inseparable from Yang Yi, but why everyone looks at him with Yang Yiyin's eyes.

Kate cleared her throat, and then she calmly said: "Sorry, I think the time is a bit long, hey, I think the two of you should be two very rich, and you are in love and ready to get married." Individuals, you are well-educated, well-dressed, and very picky about the details of life. Both are, so your makeup should be based on this principle."

Make-up is not just about making up on the face. For spies, the whole appearance can be called makeup.

For example, changing clothes, and even choosing what style of clothes are part of makeup.

Yang Yi didn't have any thoughts on make-up, because Kate did his work for him. Generally speaking, it was Kate who proposed how to make up. Then he did not intend to be an exception, but now there is Anna Starkina. It is.

Anna Starkina finally spoke up. She smiled and said to Kate: "I have a proposal."

Kate looked at Anna Starkina and said, "You said."

"You just said that they are lovers who are in love and want to get married, but I think there is something wrong with it. If they are ordinary young people, then your approach is not wrong, but you The setting is for two young people from a big family?"


Anna Starkina smiled and said: "There are some minor problems here. If one of the little eggs and the queen is such a setting, then there is no problem, but the two people have some problems, because the young people of the giants are getting married. The consideration is not just feelings."

Kate was a little hesitated for a moment, and Anaskinkin continued: "So it should be set up. They are already in love, they are calm before marriage, they love each other, but they don't have to be together at all times. The kind of love period."

Yang Yi couldn't help but say: "Why?"

Anna Starkina smiled: "Because you are in a period of love, language and behavior need to be very close, but you and the Queen obviously can't do that kind of intimacy, know, lovers in true love are not so easy. Imitation, that's not a relationship with a pull handle."

Yang Yi wants to say that I can, I have no problem, of course, the light handle is not good, and it is not a three-year-old child.

Anna Starkina continued to smile: "The main thing is that she can't. If she is repulsive and you have a special... intimate move, it may not be seen by ordinary people, but it can be seen at a glance in the eyes of security experts."

Kate sighed ~www.readwn.com~ Road: "It makes sense, I think it is simple, um, can't be in love, but should have accepted each other, destined to get married, but it has passed the most enthusiastic The emotional period."

Yang Yi whispered: "Why can't you set it as an ordinary person?"

“Ordinary people can't afford to buy a house in Nice, and renting a house can be a little hard, and don't forget where you have to live for a long time.”

After Kate finished, Anna Starkina said: "In fact, this is a relationship tailored for the Queen of Blades. You should pay attention to the way emotions are expressed."

Xiao Yu was not convinced, she whispered: "Do I have any problems? I think I can."

Anna Starkina shook her head. "You can do things according to your own mind. You don't have to force yourself. If there is a safety expert around Deyo, he will have to pay attention to all the changes around him, change the owner or rent a tenant. He will definitely notice things, I think, there must be security experts around Deyo."

Xiao Yu is a bit uncomfortable, that is to say, she can't do her acting skills, but she will never bring her personal emotions to her work, so even if she is taken care of, she can only accept it.

Kate sighed and said: "Then set it up, you are going to marry after half a year. Now you two live in Nice for a while, you two are lovers who really love each other, but you have already passed the love period, you guys Feelings are stable, but they don't show love to each other anytime, anywhere, because you all know that the other person is your lifelong companion. Is there a problem?"

Yang Yi whispered: "The French are very waves, they will not be flat because of the love period."

Anna Starkina smiled and said: "But you are Chinese, so you have to be restrained, are there other problems?"

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