A War Between Spies

Chapter 832: Can't be shame

Brian stopped the car and he looked at a substation.

"It's here."

Brian sighed softly and whispered: "It's really exciting. I haven't done any damage work for many years. It feels nostalgic, right?"

Paul hesitated and said: "Hey, do you know how to destroy the grid?"

Brian looked at the substation and said, "Of course, of course I know, but what does your appearance look like is not enough confidence?"

Paul whispered: "Now is different from the past."

Brian spread his hand and said: "I certainly know that it is different. The French substation uses pre-installed high and low voltage power distribution devices. It is too simple to destroy, even if it is different now, but... It's always a simple matter."

Paul looked at Brian, he thought about it, or took a thing out of his pocket and whispered: "We still use this."

Brian looked strangely: "This is a bomb? Why do you want to bring this, we can't use blasting to complete the task, it is too shameful!"

Paul whispered: "Of course I know that I should not let anyone find it, but the problem is that the head is not the same as it used to be. I went back and checked it quietly. Now I use the iec61850 standard intelligent substation in France. Now The substations are automated and unmanned."

Brian snorted and said, "Is it automated?"

"Yes, unattended power distribution room, everything is automated. If a line is overloaded, the intelligent substation will automatically trip, but the problem is that the intelligent substation will be able to quickly identify the fault, if true If the fault occurs, the transformer will automatically trip, but if there is no fault, the substation will automatically close, which means that even if we manually turn off the brakes, hey, it is useless..."

Brian scratched his head and whispered: "So advanced?"

"Yes, this is a standard configuration, basically all substations are like this."

“That is, unless we destroy the substation, the simplest manual trip is useless?”


"Why don't you say it earlier?"

"You have already taken this task. Head, I can't let the little egg think that we can't, especially Anton. Well, how can I say that we are not familiar with the current substation, or let others come, how is this kind of thing? can!"

Brian scratched his head hard.

"It’s really troublesome, they are already in place..."

"So I brought the bomb! I can't blow it!"

"No, it’s even more embarrassing to use bombs! If we use bombs, then tomorrow will be news, and the whole world will know that the French substation has been attacked by terrorists. God, if we do, Anton will laugh. we!"

"But it's better than not being able to complete the task. First, I mean, I can't use the bomb until the end. Now we can go ahead and see if it works. If it doesn't work, then you can only use the bomb." It is."

Brian looked at his watch and whispered: "There is always a way. Let's go and see. Even if it is already automated, it will always be controlled by people. No matter how smart, as long as it is controlled by people, then it is good. I have done it."

Paul said in a strange way: "Do you want to get in touch with people? Head, we must secretly sneak into contact with no one, unless you want people to know that someone is deliberately doing damage, this..."

Brian said very seriously: "Do you think it is more shameful to use bombs, or to force a substation staff to be more shameful? The former world will know that the French substation has been attacked by terrorists. The latter, as long as we do beautiful, then no one Know what happened, what do you think is better?"

Paul sighed and said: "Well, then we still don't use bombs. You are right. We can't let anyone know how to do it. Hey, it's better to kill people..." ”

Brian whispered: "That's better than using a bomb. Let's go, we started."

The two finally settled, so they went to the substation.

The substation has a barbed wire fence with a lightning sign indicating danger, and the door is also barbed wire.

Inside the wall is a house, the lights are very bright, there is no one in the yard, and the door is closed.

Already at the door of the substation, Brian whispered: "I thought there would be security."

"It seems that there is no, then is the person inside?"

"Since it has been automated, then the staff here will not be too much?"

"Yes, it is night, the substation does not need too many people to watch, I think there are two people in it."

Brian whispered: "It's obvious that this is not a place that needs special protection, so go straight in."

Paul looked at the wire and played the wall and said: "There is a camera."

Brian smiled and said, "Trust me, there will never be a Frenchman who is sitting in front of the monitor and staring."

After that, Brian walked a few steps~www.readwn.com~ He jumped over the wall and jumped over the wall.

When he landed, Brian made a slight noise. Although the sound was not very big, Brian still felt that his face was slightly hot.

People can't be convinced that they can't do it, but Paul's performance is better than Brian's. He didn't make a sound when he landed.

Two people walked quickly to the working area of ​​the substation. They came to the front door. Brian gently pushed the door with his hand, and the door opened silently.

Looking at Paul, Brian made such a gesture, then he pushed the door and went in.

A substation can't be managed by a few people. Naturally, there is not much office space. There is a corridor inside the door. At the end of the corridor is a door with a control room. There are two doors on each side of the corridor.

I could hear the sound of the music and telling where the sound came from. Brian went straight to the door where the sound came out, then he grabbed the door handle and opened the door with a slight twist.

The music in the room was not very loud. Someone sat in a chair with several computer screens in front of him, but the person sitting in the chair was playing with his mobile phone.

Brian stood silently behind the man. He thought about it and finally felt that the pistol was more deterrent, so he pulled out the pistol directly and then directly held the pistol against the back of the staff member. At the same time his hand firmly held the staff's mouth.

The shocked staff jumped directly from the chair, but he was immediately pressed by Brian.

"No sound, or kill you!"

The pistol swayed forward, and Brian whispered in French: "Turn around, if you dare to speak, then you are dead."

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