A War Between Spies

Chapter 849: Just prevent 10,000

Yang Yi An An waited for two days, and then forty-eight hours, Eric called him.

"Can we meet?"

"Can meet."

"You need to come to London. My friend still has some doubts. He wants to see the new employer and make a decision. Do you understand what I mean?"

Yang Yi was hesitant, and then he whispered: "Do you have to go to London?"

Eric is very helpless: "Yes, I have to come to London. I try my best to convince my friend to work for a company. But although he is somewhat tempted, this decision that affects the whole future is not a short time. What he did, money is not particularly critical to him. He is more concerned about whether his talents have room for development. He asked me a lot of questions, I can't answer them, so I hope that you and your employer can come and see for yourself. , talk to him."

Yang Yi is not convenient to go to the UK. Since falling into the hands of MI5, it seems to mean high risk in the UK, but if you can't solve the problem, then Yang Yi naturally has to consider the adventure.

In fact, if the precautionary measures are taken, the United Kingdom cannot afford to go.

Just as Yang Yi thought, Eric whispered: "Are you worried about security? I can guarantee that this is not something that tricks you into conspiracy."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "We will go to the UK and contact you after the time is confirmed."

Hanging up the phone, Anton whispered: "Must go to the UK?"

Yang Yi nodded, then he whispered: "I have to go, now let Kate come here to join us, and, prepare a passport, I stayed in the UK, and it was so troublesome to find out." ”

"You can't go, I think it's enough to have me."

"No, I have to go, you call Kate, I will contact the buyer."

Li Fan has already gone back. Yang Yi has not contacted the person in charge of his connection. The current situation is that he can't contact.

Yang Yi dialed the phone left by Li Fan, and soon someone connected the phone and said: "Hello, who are you?"

The person answering the phone said Chinese, Yang Yi whispered: "Is it Zhao Gang? My name is Zhang Yi. Wang Yong asked me to call you and said that you have a used car for sale. It was a golf produced in August 1996. ”

"Oh, I have a second-hand Peugeot sedan to sell, which was produced in June 1998. Are you mistaken?"

"That's a mistake, but Peugeot is OK, can you watch the car?"

"Can, come see me."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Yi rushed to Anton and said: "Go, go see the individual."

In a used car dealership in the city of Paris, Yang Yi saw a middle-aged man in a suit. To his surprise, this Zhao Qiang really sold a used car.

Putting Yang Yi on the face of the used car, Zhao Qiang took a serious statement: "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

"Hello, can you say that?"

Zhao Qiang looked at Anton sitting in the back seat and whispered: "Yes."

“The seller answered, the designer needs us to meet in person, this designer...”

"It's still codename, the designer's code name is Li Wei."

Yang Yi was silent for a moment, then he whispered: "Do you name or codenames are so regular?"

Zhao Qiang smiled and said: "There are dozens of names with the highest rate of reciprocity, just pick it up and it's convenient."

Yang Yi shrugged, and then he said helplessly: "Well, Li Wei, Li Wei is interested in job-hopping, but he still has some concerns, worried about the treatment of the new company, so... the seller asked us to meet with Li Wei in the past. Face, the sooner the better."

Zhao Qiang thought for a moment and said: "Is there any risk?"

"It is impossible to determine whether the seller wants to lie to us and go to the net. Although this possibility is very small, there are still some risks, but the risk is very small. My judgment is that the seller will not sell me, he wants Make this deal."

Zhao Qiang thought for a moment and then said: "Go to see, but we can go separately, I have to ask you to try it first."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Yes, this matter is handed over to us. The main risk must be borne by me. You just need to introduce Li Wei to the new job. Is this okay?"

Zhao Qiang was very happy to say: "This is definitely no problem, I can guarantee that he likes his new job, he will promise to change jobs."

Yang Yi looked at the watch and said: "I need to do some preparatory work. Let's meet in London tomorrow morning. When the time and place are decided, can we?"


Zhao Qiang was very happy to agree, but he whispered: "There is a problem, I will only go to London alone, safe work must be done well, Wang boss said you can trust, then my security problem depends on you It is."

Yang Yi nodded, and then he did not speak, Zhao Qiang whispered: "You may not understand what I mean, I want to say that I am not a combatant, if there is any problem, you can not guarantee to take me away. In this case, you have to make sure that I am dead, and it would be better if I could destroy the dead, but this is not strong."

Yang Yi frowned, and then he whispered: "You said it is... Wang boss's arrangement is right~www.readwn.com~ Since you are not an action person, why should Wang boss arrange you?"

Zhao Qiang did not change his smile: "Because this business has no third person, except Wang Bo and me,"

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Understood, rest assured, this will not happen."

Zhao Qiang nodded and said: "Of course, of course, just prevent it."

Yang Yi left, he wants to meet Kate, and then let Kate paint him a heavy makeup.

Returning to the car again, Yang Yi thought for a moment and suddenly said: "You have nothing to ask me?"

Anton said with a light face: "There is nothing to ask. You want to say that you will naturally say, you don't want to say why I have to ask, let's say, this kind of thing is too normal, I have anything to ask."

Yang Yi whispered: "You have just heard it. If there is any accident, remember to kill him. If you can destroy the dead, it is best."

Anton said faintly: "You went with him to see Eric and the designer. I will only cover and observe it, so it is up to you to kill him."

"I am worried that I am being controlled with him. Also, I may miss the best time to kill him because I can't bear to start, so this task is handed over to you. If you feel the need to kill him, then kill it. he."

Anton whispered: "What about you?"

Yang Yi spread his hand and said: "First make sure to kill him. Then look at the situation and decide whether to kill me. After all, I don't know their secrets. Even if they are caught, they can't say anything. Then, I think maybe I still have a rescue, so you'd better try to rescue after killing him, oh... forget it, if I am caught by alive, you still have to find an opportunity to kill me directly."

Anton smiled and said: "Know, I will, and you made a wise choice."

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