A War Between Spies

Chapter 859: National luck

Wilson didn't really know what was going on, so he still tried to hide his true intentions.

But Wilson didn't know that Yang Yi didn't care what he did. Yang Yi only cares about how widespread this thing is, how many people know about it, and then he can determine whether it can block the news. Then, what serious challenges will be faced next, of course, to know who the enemy is.

Because of his envy and hatred, Wilson put himself in a very complicated situation, so he is not afraid to use the most fundamental way to eliminate the threat of Ian, but what other customers in his mouth will do, but beyond Wilson's control.

"You don't know what they will do?"

"Yes, I don't know what they will do. They only promise me that Ian will never have another chance to threaten me. They promise that Ian will shut up. I guess they may not... kill Ian. Because people with scientific common sense will not do this, but they will definitely control Ian, so I will be no danger, really is like this."

"Give me a detailed explanation of your customers, are they a group?"


"So, who are they!"

Yang Yi looked at Wilson's eyes, and Wilson, after a moment of squatting, finally said in extreme fear: "I really don't know, they always buy things from me, I don't need it. Find out their identity... okay! Ok! They are gray people!"

Wilson had some incoherence, so he couldn't make up a perfect lie that would fool Yang Yi.

Ok, gray man.

Sure enough, it is a gray-clothed person. With Yang Yi’s understanding, Europe is the traditional sphere of influence of the gray-clothed people. The gray-clothed people have a great advantage for the cleaners in Europe, so it is the gray-clothed people who cooperate with Wilson instead of cleaning. Workers or what the Cicero family, this makes Yang Yi not particularly surprised.

The gray-clothed man, the gray-clothed man, is really a gray-clothed person. When Ian and the two people played against each other at the home of Ian, Yang Yi could already perceive a hint of clues, just like the CIA who had the taste of CIA, Mossa The agents who came out of Germany had a strong Mossad style, and the people of the gray-clothed people naturally had the unique temperament of the gray-clothed people.

This temperament will not be obvious, but Yang Yi can detect it. Of course, when it is only for the fight, it is limited to the action personnel at the bottom of the group of gray people. If he can distinguish the gray people in the crowd, Then he is god.

That is to say, now the gray people know the value of Ian, so they also want to get Ian, but unlike Li Fan who got the camera, the gray man just got some information from Wilson, some did not. Verified messages, so they don't value Ian as much as Li Fan.

It is unlikely that the Greys will kill Ian. Before confirming the value of Ian, they will certainly not easily kill Ian, but the Greys only sent two people to find Ian. After all, just control. A researcher only does not need much squad.

But after the two men died in Ian's house, there is no doubt that this matter will heat up quickly.

Fortunately, okay, or fortunately, Wilson gave the camera to Eric. Fortunately, Li Fan asked Yang Yi to find Ian in one step.

This incident is a coincidence, and it is also the luck of Yang Yi.

This is the national movement.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Yi has only occupied a little bit of opportunity. Especially in the end, Yang Yi decided to return to Ian’s ownership after a few minutes in advance. If Ian is really important, it can really change energy. The pattern, then this is the national movement.

Yang Yi took a deep breath and the opponent was really a gray man. Then time couldn't be delayed any more. Yang Yi was glad that he had to find out what Wilson knew before he was desperate. Now the risk he took was rewarded.

Yang Yi pointed to Eric, and then he said to Wilson: "Does the gray-haired people know that you handed the camera to him?"

Wilson shook his head and said: "I don't know, of course, I won't let customers know each other's identity. I am very careful to hide my illegal trade. Of course, I have to try my best to hide everyone who trades with me. People asked me who bought the camera, I didn't say it, I know I can't say it, and the gray people think they can get Ian, so they don't always ask."

Eric couldn't help but sigh, and Wilson's words were too important for him.

Yang Yi continued: "That is to say, now we are isolated from the gray people, who knows the other side?"

"Yes, of course, this is the case, I have to talk about the information between customers!"

Yang Yi began to think about it, he must make a decision as soon as possible.

Wilson has a connection with the gray man, and Yang Yi has been looking for any clues about the gray man. Now, he has clues. If he leaves Wilson, he has a line that can be used.

However, leaving Wilson means danger, which means that Eric will definitely be exposed. If Eric is exposed, it means that Yang Yi will be exposed and Zhao Qiang will be exposed. Then everything will be no secret.

A step earlier, taking the lead ~www.readwn.com~ Yang Yi just hesitated a little, decided to give up the line of Wilson, although he hopes to get the clues of the gray man, but in order to save Iraq Well, keep the secret of Ian, this line can only give up.

Although it is a pity, but Yang Yi knows how to be light and heavy, and compared with the value of Ian, his hatred and goals have to be put aside.

Wilson's line must be broken, broken and thoroughly, even if the gray-shirted people are now trying their best to find Ian, there is no clue.

Therefore, Wilson must die.

After the gray-clothed people discovered that the two men sent to Ian’s house had died, they would definitely come to Wilson, so time is precious.

The result is already doomed, Yang Yi wants to ask more, but he really has no time to ask again.

Yang Yi looked at Eric and Eric was nervous than him.

There are a lot of things to ask Eric, but not now, Yang Yi sighed, then he looked at Wilson and said: "Do you have any transaction records, take it out."

"No! How can I keep the transaction record? This is my crime. Why should I have this?"

Yang Yi once again grabbed Wilson with lightning speed, then he grabbed Wilson's mouth, stabbed Wilson's thigh, and then smashed the knife a little, whispered: "You have! I know you have it! Just here, right in your home! I don't want to waste time looking for it, so please hand it over immediately, I will live with it if you are satisfied, I can only go if you are not satisfied." died."

Wilson's painful convulsions, then he blinked desperately, and after Yang Yi let go of his mouth, Wilson trembled: "I will give you, I will give you! Don't torture me again, don't kill me, things will Here, I will give you!"

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