A War Between Spies

Chapter 885: Unexpectedly

Yang Yi turned back and he stared at Steve again.

Steve was a little nervous, but he didn't say anything.

Yang Yi believes that his and Antona Kinkina's views will not be wrong, even if there are discrepancies in the details, and Steve has found the key to the new backing will not be wrong.

Yang Yi was hesitant to ask if Steve had voted for him first, but he gave up the idea after watching it for a while.

Steve is not the kind of person who shakes everything out when he is scared. Especially if he knows that he will not be killed, instead of wasting time listening to Steve, it is better to find a place that can be safe. Then slowly ask.

Yang Yi once again looked at the Anton, and then he sighed: "Take off his clothes, check every inch of his body, and then take him and let us go."

When he heard Yang Yi’s instructions, Brian said to Anton: "I have spare clothes and put them on."

Anton breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped forward and caught Steve. Then he looked indifferently: "Give me over, be honest."

The light of Steve is because he is worried about what can be positioned on him, and he has to change his clothes, so that it is not so easy to recognize him.

Anton took Anton into a hut, and Brian whispered to Yang Yi: "Where are we going?"

Where are you going?

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "The first step is Germany. We need someone to tell the value of Steve's wealth and verify whether he is telling the truth."

Germany is currently the most suitable choice because there are many safe houses in the water organization.

Yang Yi whispered again: "What about them?"

"In another safe house, with Jetero, let them come now?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "No, don't come over, we must leave as soon as possible. Both Anna and I are worried that Steve has already turned to Nicholas, and Nicholas is likely to be waiting for him in Nice."

Brian's face changed slightly, then he whispered: "Then we will leave soon."

Yang Yi looked at Zhang Yong and said: "Brage, be careful."

Zhang Yong nodded: "Do not worry, let's go on land?"

"When you are on the road, and you don't need public transportation, you don't have to think about it."

Zhang Yong said: "I will arrange a guard vehicle."

If you say you have to go, you have to go, never let go.

Zhang Yong hired, the Alpha trio will leave with him immediately, and the walkie-talkie placed on the side is ringing.

"Someone is coming! A lot of cars, I don't feel right."

Zhang Yong’s footsteps are one of the stagnations. His face is ugly, whispering: “Well!”

Yang Yi whispered with a walkie-talkie: "Can you judge your identity?"

Hans whispered: "No, someone got off the bus, a lot of people, the intention is unknown... Oh no, they carry weapons, Fake! Heavy weapons!"

Yang Yi’s heart is cold.

The water organization did not make mistakes. From the hijacking to Steve until now, the water organization did not make mistakes.

But the enemy came to the door, no matter who is coming, in short, it can be determined to be an enemy or a friend, because any person who wants to **** Steve is definitely an enemy.

"Don't intercept!"

Paul and Hans are unable to intercept, they are best not to reveal their identity, and it is a better choice to prepare for the outside.

After talking on the walkie-talkie, Yang Yi said: "Old demon! Let's go!"

Anton dragged Steve out of the room, his face was very ugly, and Steve screamed and said: "Say! Who is coming?"

Steve sighed softly, and then he calmly said: "There are many people who respond to me. If you take me as a hostage and then hand me over to them, I can guarantee that you can leave safely."

Anton looked at Yang Yi, Yang Yi Shen said: "Don't ask, withdraw!"

Since it can be selected as a safe house, it is sure to ensure that the exit is convenient and there can be multiple escape routes.

But the news that Paul followed was even worse.

"There are people around! You have been blocked, there are many people, many hundred people!"

There are no more than one hundred people.

The situation is so bad that it is at this point.

If Steve has only a few people to meet, then Yang Yi does not have to fear anything, the worst result is that the whereabouts are exposed.

But if there are a lot of enemies, it will be different, just like now, this is the rhythm of catching up.

Only the water organization became that embarrassment.

The collusion between Steve and Nicholas is deeper than in the judgment.

Just then, Hans said in the intercom: "The enemy does not know your exact location. They blocked the area but they don't know the exact location."

Braun didn't talk. He took out a mobile phone from his pocket. Then he ran into the kitchen. After putting the phone on the ground, he smashed the phone with a knives knife and threw the phone into it. in the fridge.

Yang Yi used to hold Steve’s neck collar in the past, and said coldly: "Nicholas sent a lot of people."

Steve's eyes changed ~www.readwn.com~ He was a little surprised, but he calmed down and then said with a light face: "I want to kill Mr. Mather, not only you, yes, outside It’s Nicholas’s, and they already know my position. Now it’s too late to say what to do. Before I get to the point where it’s irretrievable, I’ll change your life. What’s the suggestion?”

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Let you let me go? Don't dream, if we can't leave, then you can only be buried, you can either use it for me or die."

Steve was silent for a moment, then he whispered: "For all of you to lose the lives of all of you? Do you think it is worth it?"

Yang Yi is still laughing, although it is hard to see.

"Not worth it, but I will never let you leave alive!"

After that, Yang Yi pushed Steve one by one, and then he said: "Look at him, we break through!"

Anton was pushing Steve to Yang Yi again. Then he took out a pistol and put it into the hands of Yang Yi. Then he sighed: "Look at him, and finally kill him."

There is nothing in the safe house, and the weapons are naturally not less, but it is not enough to be honest with the elite troops prepared to kill the Deyo. To tell the truth is not enough.

Brian picked up the walkie-talkie. He pulled Anna Starkina to the side first, then he whispered: "Follow me, if..."

Anna Starkina smiled and said: "No, if there is, in fact, I don't need your care."

After lifting a submachine gun in her hand, Anna Starkina said calmly: "I don't need anyone to take care of it."

Brian sighed, and then he said in the intercom: "Holy water, we have to break into your direction, and then cooperate with us after seeing us, and finish."

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