A War Between Spies

Chapter 919: Killing chickens and monkeys

Mugour is an acquaintance, as long as he is relieved, then the next step is much easier.

Of course, you can't think that Mugur really wants to rely on water organizations or Jetero. If you don't have a particular temperament, or if you are stupid enough to not open up, you must show your obedience.

But if you can trust it in the future, you have to take some other measures.

Yang Yi holds a thin, thin line in his hand. Because it is soaked with blood, the thin lines that fluttered in the air should be vertically downward, and the lines that should be hard to find are now clearly visible.

Mugur looked at the line in the hands of Yang Yi, and his eyes could not be moved.

Yang Yi went to Mugul's side. After staring at Mugul, he suddenly said, "You want? You want the entire Middle East market? Let Jetro give you arms and then you go out to retail, you are sure ?"

"I am sure, of course, I am sure that the so-called Middle East market does not mean this?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment, then he suddenly said: "So what are you going to do?"

While talking, Yang Yi wrapped the thin thread that still had blood beads around Muqur's neck.

Mugol’s eyes were straight, he was stiff and then trembled: “Is this necessary? You don’t have to do this, really...”

"You haven't answered my question yet, how many do you want?"

Mugul swallowed, and when the throat swayed, he could touch the line, so Mugul’s body trembled even more. Then he trembled: “Is everything OK as it is? No, no, I’m wrong. I mean, you said a few achievements!"

"This answer is wrong, think again."

Mugur gave a sigh of relief, and then he trembled: "Okay! I thought about it. It turns out that the arms that are distributed to the Middle East seem to have decided to divide them into a few, but basically I take 30% of the entire profit. Bossa took 20%, Djou took 50%, but now Barbosa is dead right? That is you... No, it is Jetero... 70%, can I only take 30%?"

Mugur really made a big concession, but Yang Yi sighed a little, then he whispered: "Unfortunately, the answer is wrong, then..."

Yang Yi suddenly looked at the bodyguards of Mugul, and then he said with a relaxed face: "Someone wants to take over the position of your boss?"

Mugur stunned, and then he screamed: "Yicheng! I only need one!"

Yang Yi tightened his hands, and then he said to Mugul's face-to-face bodyguards: "You no one wants to be an arms dealer? Do you really don't know how Mugur did it?" A very obvious fact, we want to be the biggest arms dealer in the Middle East, then who is, understand what I mean? I need a new distributor, a notorious greedy distributor, who wants to try Try it?"

Finally, a middle-aged man who looked like he was a step forward, and then he said: "I think I can, sir, I know all the links, I can find enough contacts, now the Middle East is The seller's market, sir, as long as you are willing to support me, I believe that I don't have to do anything bad."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "I am right, then I will give you 20% of the profits, but your experience may be lacking, and I am actually planning to split the market, so I regret that your boss has to Dead, now there is a guy who can give priority to the market. No second person wants to try it?"

Another person stood up, the fear on his face was gone, but the confidence slowly said: "I can."

Yang Yi looked at other people and said: "It seems that no one wants to continue to stand up. Unfortunately, you made the wrong choice. You two, one person pulls this rope with one end, and you can cut off you when you move faster. The neck of the former boss, come over now."

Those bodyguards were very upset on the faces, and some people were very scared. When they watched the two companions head to Mugul, Mugul said: "You can't do this! You can't do this!"

A bodyguard looked very embarrassed. He reached out to pick up the line that Yang Yi was pulling, but at this moment, Yang Yi suddenly said: "Don't shoot."

Anton suddenly slammed an elbow and broke the throat of the bodyguard next to Yang Yi. Then he kicked another foot, followed by an uppercut from the bottom of the left fist, breaking the throat of another person.

Yang Yi loosened the filament, and he did not yank one end, but he patted Mugul's shoulder with his hand and smiled. "Look, I helped you out two men who want to kill you."

Mugur looked at the two clutching his throat, tumbling on the ground, unable to speak and breathless, as if he couldn't breathe, so Mugul's breath took breath.

Yang Yi sighed, and then he said to Anton: "Call and let Jetero come over, I think he should talk to his distributor."

Mugur felt that he was going crazy, just now, he still thought he was dead, but now he is beginning to be uncertain.

On another occasion, Mugur could kill someone better than Yang Yi, even if he killed a few hundred people, he wouldn’t care, but when a tiny but cold silk thread tightened around his neck, he could not breathe. When the gas ~www.readwn.com~ and began to sting the skin, the fear of deep bone marrow made him never want to come again.

Don't dare to think about it.

"You can't let the traitor die too fast, let him feel the pain of a while."

Looking at the two bodyguards twisting on the ground, Yang Yi smiled and said to Mugul: "Sit down, don't worry, now we are partners, guys, relax."

Anton put away the gun, Yang Yi patted Mugol's shoulder, then he sat on the sofa with a smile, then a light face: "Which country?"

"Iraqi, I am an Iraqi."

"I heard that you have a relationship with the Americans?"

"Yes, yes, I started playing for the CIA in the second Middle East war. I am the CIA's informant. They promised me to immigrate to the United States after the war, but they later said that I have terrorism. I don’t want to go, my brothers are quite a lot, I did a lot of things to overthrow Saddam. Later, the CIA promised to give me a good job, then I started to ship for Barbosa, mainly Who do Americans want to give, I will sell arms to whom, but this is the relationship, really, just like this."

"Oh, this way, then do you have children?"

"Yes! Yes! I have two wives, five children, one wife with four children in the UK, and one wife with a child in Baghdad, but I don't mind letting them live in another place, Iraq. It’s too dangerous. What do you think they are going to do?”

Yang Yi laughed and said: "It doesn't matter where it is, because it is the same for us. Okay, what do you want to say about Nicholas and Barbosa?"

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