A War Between Spies

Chapter 924: successor

"Dejo died, the war is over. Since the war is over, then we have to sell whatever you want."

Uri Yangke’s voice sounds very sincere, very friendly and very magnetic.

After showing the attitude first, Uri Yangke is very gentle: "So what goods do you want, how much? Need to be sent to the designated place?"

"I want a lot of goods, it is best to send them to Iraq. I counted it. According to the current market, the total value should be around 80 million US dollars. I can send you a detailed list. Also, I need a lot now. Goods, you may add new orders at any time, and I can pay the full amount."

Uri Yangke did not hesitate: "No matter what the goods, according to the market price of 70% of the wholesale price to you."

Jetero snorted, then he sighed: "Thank you, man, thank you."

"You're welcome, my friend, now is the time when both of us need to show sincerity, so in addition to the price of 80% of the market price, I only charge you half of the deposit, the payment of the full payment ""

Jetero was silent for a moment, then he whispered: "Your generosity makes me sincerely grateful."

Haha smiled, Uri Yangke said loudly: "We didn't know it, but you will know what kind of person I am in the future. I believe we will be the best partner and the best competitor."

Jetero said: "I really believe what you said."

"Polovich said the business, you still have a very important thing to want me to tell the big Ivan?"

"Yes, hey, Ivan was killed by Nicholas in the assassination in South America. He bought a drug lord and broke down on Ivan. He wants to kill Ivan, who wants to provoke the war between Deyo and Ivan. Deyo is dead. So some words I can say, that is, when Deyo started, he didn’t want to fight with Da Yiwan in the end, but the pressure from the United States was part of the reason. Nicholas wanted to kill Ivan, and Deyo had to fight against Ivan. One of the main reasons."

Uri Yangke was silent, and after a while, he said: "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am serious, and I have evidence. Well, now I can't get evidence, but I believe that as long as Ivan knows about it, he will be able to check it clearly, so I don't need me. Is the evidence correct?"

Uri Yangke sighed, then he sighed: "I understand, I will contact you again, wait for me to call."

The phone suddenly hangs up.

Although I know that people can't be seen, let alone listen to the sound, but Yang Yi still thinks that Uri Yangke should be a very good person to deal with.

"Uli Yangke, this person's speech sounds very good, is he giving him a good condition?"

Jetero put down the phone. He looked at Yang Yi. After hesitating, he whispered: "Uri Yangke’s nickname is called a vampire. You can know the style of his business. He will find a way to drain. Your last penny."

"Vampire? This nickname sounds unfriendly."

Jetero smiled and said: "But Uri Yangke is indeed the best businessman. He just wants to do business. He knows how to cultivate a big customer and how to maintain a long-term customer, as long as you have money. And he can make money, then he is really a very good partner, because he is willing to make profits, and is willing to let you make money together."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "It is true from the favorable conditions that he took the initiative to open. Is the market price of 70% a very good condition?"

"Very good, the original rule is 80%, hehe, just a middleman can have a profit of 30%, although it is not comparable to the supply, but the profit is already very rich."

"How much can I earn from Ivan or Uriyangke?"


"No, they give us three dollars, but they always have costs."

Jetero smiled, and then he looked helplessly: "The problem is that Da Yi Wan's goods have almost no cost, can ignore the cost, now you know why no one is competing with the big Ivan? He can kill you, if you want to grab his supply, he can still kill you."

Yang Yi smiled, then he said with a relaxed face: "Fortunately, we don't plan to grab the land with Da Yiwan. Ukraine is big Ivan, then we don't want to go to Ukraine. Now we are doing well, the source has found The news was given to Ivan, everything was very smooth, very good."

Jetero said: "We just have a good start now, but there is still a long way to go to completely replace the position of the Djo, but we still need to find our own source of supply as soon as possible, and Djoon used to The main source of supply is the United States, so it is important to be able to get support from the United States, and it is also very urgent."

Yang Yi nodded: "I will deal with this problem as soon as possible. I will ask you one more thing. The cost of Da Yi Wan is almost negligible. So what about us?"

"The cost is low, only two to 30%, but when the cost is high, it can reach 80% or even 90%. It is better to transfer the goods from the big Ivan. The profit is high because of the low end of the goods. Big Ivan can be dumped at a very low price, and we can't, but our advantage is that we can sell good goods in the United States. Do you understand what I mean?

If Dai Ivan needs NATO weapons, then he needs to buy from us, such as stinger anti-aircraft missiles, such as the northwest wind of France, large-scale transactions, such as 155mm caliber shells, although these arms are small, but Da Yiwan does not have a stable supply, and we have the support of the United States. Then we are equal to the support of NATO. We have a stable supply. The side effect is that we sometimes have to act as a middleman, so there will be high costs. A business that hardly makes money. ”

Yang Yi smiled and said: "I understand."

At this moment, Jetero’s phone rang again. He connected the phone and listened to the other person on the phone. “I am Ivan. You said that Nicholas is going to kill me in Colombia?”

Jetero snorted, then he immediately said: "Yes!"

"Do you dare to guarantee?"

"I can't get evidence now, but I can guarantee it!"

"I don't need evidence, how do you guarantee it?"

Jetro thought for a moment and said, "I want to replace Deyo. I want to do business with Da Yiwan. Is this enough?"

Where is Ivan silent for a while~www.readwn.com~ Then he slowly, coldly said: "You have to replace Deyo, then you have to kill Nicholas, but I believe that you did not let me kill Nicholas for you. Lie, because you know what it means, and, I won't thank you for telling me this news, but I have to tell you another thing. I will be responsible for shipping the big Ivan in the future. Remember this number, you I can contact me directly later."

Jetero’s ecstasy, he waved his fist at Yang Yi’s fist, but his tone was still calm: “I know, thank you.”

Hanging up the phone, Jetero looked at Yang Yidao with excitement: "Do you know? Even if we don't have the support of the United States, we can make money by arms trade in the future, because Ivan ships for Dai Ivan, then we will There is a steady supply of goods. I didn't expect Ivan's reaction to be so strong. This is a good news, a very good news."

Yang Yi is a little surprised, saying: "Ivan really don't need to confirm it?"

Jetero shook his head and said: "No, because he knows that I don't dare to lie to him. After winning the victory in Ivan, Ivan is responsible for shipping for Dayiwan. Do you know what it means? It means that Ivan is already the successor of the big Ivan, man! Da Yiwan has to hand over his empire to Ivan! If I lie to him, then I will only end up with Deyo, there will be no Two possibilities."

"The successor of Dai Ivan, hey, this is really amazing."

With a sigh of relief, Yang Yi smiled very easily: "Don't worry that Ivan will let Nicholas go, then we don't have to do anything, just wait for it to be cheap. Right? Great, I like this. feel."

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