A War Between Spies

Chapter 950: This is for you

Do the atmosphere, and then the rest will happen naturally, but is this really ok?

Really can?

Yang Yi couldn't help but look at Kate and looked at Xiao Yu. Then he thought it might be as Anton said, as long as the atmosphere is enough.

But the problem is that Yang Yi is not planning to do so.

How can love so intimate things, how can we mix others?

Just when Yang Yi lost his mind, Anton continued: "Well, now the atmosphere is full, and the emotions are all mobilized. It is not necessary to be sad, but it must be very tragic."

After that, Anton retired. He looked at Yang Yi and then said with a sigh of relief: "I thought that this life would go on in the way I least liked. I didn't expect to meet you, you. Can you see this again?"

Anton sighed, and then he said profoundly: "I hope to see you again, I know you will be able to come back, then, goodbye!"

Anton suddenly hugged Yang Yi, and then he slammed on Yang Yi’s back, Shen Sheng: " take care, my brother!"

After the talk, Anton let go of Yang Yi, he looked at Yang Yi's eyes, then resolutely turned and then strode away.

Absolutely natural, absolutely no exaggeration, Anton's performance is perfect, that is, there is no trace of performance.

Rodriguez came to Yang Yi. He didn't seem to know what to say. At this time, Zhang Yong said: "Let's go, I said that you are leaving, you still have nothing to say."

Zhang Yong took Rodriguez and they left together. Now there are only Yang Yi and Xiao Yu and Kate in the house.

Xiao Yu stood up. She looked at Yang Yi and left without saying anything.

Nothing was said, so I went straight, and when I left, I closed the door.

So there was only Yang Yi and Kate left in the house.

Kate is very direct, she directly hugged Yang Yi.

A little bit suddenly, but it is also expected.


Yang Yi wants to say something, but Kate is whispering: "Don't say."

So Yang Yi hugged Kate.

After hugging for a long time, Kate finally whispered: "I am afraid I will not have a chance to say it later, so..."


"I love you!"

"I know myself……"

"Do not say."

Kate interrupted Yang Yi’s words again, and then continued to silence.

Finally, Kate sighed low, then she raised her head and looked at Yang Yi's eyes, and then, naturally, it was natural, they kissed.

Sure enough, it happened naturally.

After a moment, Kate raised her head and she whispered: "I really don't have a chance to talk about it in the future, and I have no chance to ask you again. This is the first time I kissed someone except my father and mother."

"Yes, me too……"

Kate was a little surprised, but she quickly whispered: "I love you, I don't know how to accept others, or I don't know how I might fall in love with other men. I only have you in my heart. But I know that you also love Xiao Yu."

Yang Yi whispered: "In fact, it is not, it is..."

Kate watched Yang Yi, Yang Yi wanted to say that he did not love Xiao Yu at all, but he was guilty. Although he knew that some lies were kind, but now he did not want to and could not lie.

Kate smiled bitterly and whispered: "I should fight for my love. I won't let you go to Xiao Yu, but I am really afraid that I will never have a chance, but I know that you love me too, right. Is it only a little bit, love me a little bit..."

"Yes, more than a little, but we..."

"Don't say it, don't say it, it's enough to have it."

Kate laughed. She let go of Yang Yi, and then looked helplessly: "Women are not so generous, especially for love. I never thought about having to compete with another woman for a man. I am very proud. But love is an uncontrollable emotion, I can't give you up, I can't get you."

Yang Yi wants to say that if you have time or let you get me, but if you have a word, you can’t say anything.

"Knowing that you love me is enough."

As if I had made up my mind, Kate said with a decisive statement: "Xiao Wei is a very proud person. I don't like her very much, but... I feel very complicated now. I don't want to help her, but I don't want you to stay. Unfortunately, you have to remember that this is for you, not for her."

Yang Yi took a moment, and then he said strangely: "What do you want to do?"

Kate let go of Yang Yi, and then she smiled: "Don't say anything, wait here, just wait here."

After that, Kate turned and walked to the door. Yang Yi reached out and grabbed it, but his hand was pushed away by Kate.

Kate went out, she saw Anton a little surprised, after a light smile, said: "Where is Xiao Yu?"

Anton pointed to the finger, so Kate went straight to the room where Xiao Yu was.

Without knocking on the door, Kate pushed in and then she saw Xiao Xiao sitting on the edge of the bed and watching the window motionless.

"You should go and talk to Yang Yi, he is waiting for you."

Xiao Yu's shoulders fretting, then she turned to look at Kate: "No, I have nothing to tell him."

Kate took a breath, then she whispered: "Go, he loves you, I don't want to... go in all."

The window paper made Kate smashed.

Xiao Yu was silent for a moment, then she was Shen Sheng: "This does not require you to tell, and if he has anything to say, then he should come to me."

Kate sighed and said: "As a woman... Well, I don't want to talk nonsense, you don't like me, I don't like you, just because we all like Yang Yi. I don't hate you for this reason. So I came to you and just didn't want to let Yang Yi and you leave any regrets. I think, after Yang Yi left, I didn't have a chance to say that I love him, and you have no chance..."

Xiao Yu turned around, and then she said calmly: "I like him, but I didn't fall in love with him. Also, I am me. I don't need you to represent me or help you. I It’s a woman, but I don’t want to be an accessory to a man.”

Kate smiled and said: "Don't be hard, I don't want to be an accessory of Yang Yi, but I want to be a self-reliant woman and love is not in conflict. You love him, you don't want to say it, you just don't want to admit it. Is there another woman who is arguing with you, is this detrimental to your dignity? I will not think so, I will only think that other women like the man I love only explain one thing, that is, the person I love has Charm, I am not afraid of any competition, I know that he will eventually fall in love with me and only love me."

Xiao Yu is just a sneer, but Kate is a faint saying: "I am not coming to you to declare war, I just want to tell you one thing, my father and mother divorced, after they divorced, I never told my father. I loved him~www.readwn.com~ Never, but I regret it now, I regret it very much. I just want to tell my father that I love him, but he can't hear it. He is dead."

Xiao Yu finally moved slightly, but Kate continued to faintly said: "I let you go and Yang Yi to tell the individual, just want you and him in the future ... there will be no regrets, even if we will die, but we are coming I will not regret what I said before I die."

Kate sighed and said: "In fact, everyone knows the things between us. If there is no me, if there is no you, things will not be so complicated. But things are already like this. What is the use of hiding themselves? At least when you have the opportunity to say what you said, Yang Yi is too restrained, you are too proud, so I have to pick it up, he is waiting for you, not to decide for yourself."

Kate left, and Xiao Yu stood up after a while, and said to himself: "It seems like I don't dare to go."

Xiao Yu left his room. No one looked at him. Everyone deliberately put his eyes away.

Pushing open the door, Xiao Yu came to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi seems to be a little nervous, and Xiao Yu, after watching Yang Yi for a while, suddenly said: "Is it very proud, there are two women who like you."

Yang Yi whispered: "No, it will only be very distressing."

Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and she suddenly forgot to say something.

Yang Yi opened his arms and smiled. "Don't say anything, hug it."

Xiao Yu subconsciously wants to refuse, but looking at the smiling Yang Yi, Xiao Yu remembered what Kate had just said, so after a moment of entanglement, Xiao Yu finally opened his arms.

When Hu Yi and Hu Yi hugged, Xiao Yu whispered: "If you don't think so, come back, the most important thing is, don't die."

Yang Yidao: "Well, I am trying not to die."

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