A War Between Spies

Chapter 953: Undercover

The question that Elvin asked was too ideological. Yang Yi couldn’t answer it. There is no correct answer to this question.

Since the people who the cleaners sent before can guarantee absolute loyalty, but they finally chose to betray, then the gray people must have something special. For the cleaners, why the gray people can do this. It is what they care most about.

But the problem is, Yang Yi is not a person who can be particularly trusted by the cleaners, so how can he guarantee that he will not really fall to the gray people, and still after the cleaners have made a great sacrifice.

Yang Yi thought for a long time, then he finally said: "I can't guarantee, I can only say that I will never be rebelled, but I can't prove it to you."

Elvin nodded: "Yeah, this is the biggest problem."

Yang Yi Qiao: "Prove that my own heart is impossible, then I can only start from the external environment. You don't have a person who absolutely trusts me. It's like this."

Elvin smiled and said: "Now this? Do you mean Xiao Yu? No, we never expected Xiao Yu to pass your information back. She is just a collaborator of the cleaners. No, she is only selected to perform the task. The collaborator, she is not a cleaner. After the first contact with your failure, we gave up her, and the second time she took the initiative to ask the cleaner for help. After asking for help from the cleaner to save you, we I know she won't give us the information, so she is not sent to monitor you."

Yang Yi shrugged, then he whispered: "You have nothing else to say?"

Elvin looked inexplicable: "What?"

Yang Yi looked at Rodriguez and whispered: "He is like him."

Irvine looked at Rodriguez and he was silent.

After a moment of silence, Elvin sighed: "Do you know?"

"Yeah, I know."

"When did you know?"

"Oh, long ago, it was about just getting out of prison."

Elvin took a breath, then he smiled and said: "This is a bit embarrassing. I was pointed out that the undercover feeling is not good. In fact, when you only brought him alone, I have some doubts. It was not seen by you, but I felt that it was not possible, but when I was really pointed out by you, it still made me feel very embarrassed."

Yang Yi whispered: "It is my sincerity to keep him around."

"How did you get it?"

Yang Yi frowned: "In fact, he hides very well. It is not seen through something. I just think that as a younger brother, Rodriguez's performance is a bit too perfect. Of course, this is just a feeling. But when the water organization is getting more and more money, everyone is making progress, and Rodriguez is still a perfect younger brother, I am doubting. Actually, until now, I have only doubted it, and I am not sure. He is undercover."

After that, Yang Yi smiled and said: "I have been thinking, the cleaners have treated me as a... tool. Let me just say that, I am just a tool for the cleaners to release, any help to the cleaners. The people who deal with the gray-clothed people are all worthy of being attracted. But just let people go out, no matter what? You just said Xiao Yu, she is like a person who is watching the water organization in the bright face, but I know she is not Will you give any news to the cleaners, then... will the clean union not have another candidate lurking in the water organization?"

Yang Yi sighed and said: "I started thinking about everyone in the water organization. I think they all might be the cleaners who really sent me to monitor my undercover. Finally, I can only think of Rodriguez. Because he is perfect as a younger brother, I think he is the least likely to be undercover, because he is too...hey, but the only thing I can't rule out is him, then I can only suspect that he is undercover."

"This reason is too far-fetched."

"Yes, but I only need to doubt, there is no need to confirm, trust is trust, there is a root in the heart that can't be trusted, and no matter how good he is, he can't trust."

Elvin sighed, then he sighed: "Actually, this is just an accident, a coincidence."


"Rodriguez, his mission is actually to break into M13, join M13 in Tsuen Wan Prison, collect evidence for the FBI as an undercover, of course not only M13, he sneaked into any organized crime gang for the FBI when undercover This is the condition for him to get a reduced sentence."

Yang Yi took a moment, and then he said with a sigh of relief: "I said, I knew Rodriguez in prison. If the cleaners were eyeing me at that time, it would be terrible."

Irvine smiled: "Rodriguez reported to the FBI that he joined a gang, the FBI is still very dissatisfied, because your gang in prison is worthless~www.readwn.com~ until you escape, then we find Your value, and the value of Rodriguez, so he is still undercover of the FBI, just... you know."

Yang Yi spread his hand and said: "So I doubt him, I don't dare to trust him completely. I left him alone for observation, because I can't think of anyone who will send someone close to me in prison. I know that he is you. The undercover, which made me relax a lot."

"I didn't think it was the undercover of the gray man?"

"If it is the undercover of the gray man, I am already dead. Also, I don't think that the gray man is omnipotent. I have arranged undercover when I have not yet made a move. You are different, since you can already Sending Xiao Yu close to me, then it is normal for you to send an undercover to me in prison. I didn't think he was just undercover of the FBI, but I would like to believe that this is a coincidence."

Elvin smiled and said: "I was dismantled by you, or demolition in person, why not continue to be stupid, so everyone's face is better."

Yang Yi sighed: "Because I have killed him, so I think it is still a change. I don't know what he has leaked to you. Now I don't want to know. I am still a heavy person. I want to kill. He is because of the plan I want to carry out, but I can't bear to kill him, so I took him to ask you to confirm it. Now it's very good, you admit it, my doubts are solved, I don't want to know that he gives What kind of information are you, I just don't want to see him again in the future."

After the talk, Yang Yi said very seriously: "I feel that I have expressed the greatest sincerity. I suspect that Rodriguez still let him participate in all important actions. You ask me how to guarantee that I will not be rebelled. I am not Knowing how to answer, you can send another person who can be trusted to monitor me in all directions. This is my only answer."

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