A War Between Spies

Chapter 959: Easy and comfortable

Yang Yi didn't look very relaxed. His hand was on the table, his eyes were straight on Dave, and occasionally he turned up slightly, making him look at his memories instead of making up.

"I think it's better to start from the beginning, otherwise it will be more confusing."

Yang Yi gave the advice very seriously, but Dave ignored his suggestion.

"No, you don't have to start from the beginning, let's talk about why Mr. Haye has let you go to prison. What reason did he give?"

Yang Yi immediately nodded: "Yes, but he didn't tell me that he wants to go to jail. He said so. He thinks that I have a talent as a spy, and he needs a relationship with the CIA. It will never A person who is eyeing by a CIA person, a person who has absolutely no connection with the intelligence community, but I don’t have any skills as a spy at all. I don’t know anything, so I need to learn it. A university accepts basic training as a spy."

"the University?"

"Yes, he is talking about college, but I later found out that I was deceived. I was taken to the United States. I really thought I was going to college, but I was sent to Tsuen Wan Prison and used someone else's. The name served the sentence, and before I entered the prison, Jason Moore told me that my task was to find someone called Brian, to gain his trust and ask him what happened in the Middle East."

Dave repeated: "Brian?"

"Yes, Brian, the captain of the CIA Box Force, did you know the name?"

Dave said with a blank expression: "Please continue."

Yang Yi sighed. He looked helpless. "I went to jail and had a conflict with the prisoner. I didn't know anything at the time. I didn't understand anything. For God's sake, Mr. Haye gave it to me. Those things are completely useless, I can't even bring them into jail. Now think about it, it's really a tough day. Hey, do you understand my experience? If you know me, you don't have to say more, but If you don't understand... I will talk about it."

Yang Yi is very excited. This performance is very important. He is now a young man and a young man who has not received professional training. Note that there is no professional spy training, then a young man is talking about his own history. How do you become stronger in a desperate situation, and even when you become a tyrant in prison, it is impossible to not want to take the opportunity to show off.

Therefore, Yang Yi not only said in great detail, but he also brag about it.

"That's it, I killed the boxing champion! Although I didn't fight at the time, I was a newcomer from the inside out, but I relied on my own ingenuity to kill him. Man, you think about my situation."

After that, Yang Yi took a sip from Coke, then he put down the jar that had been drunk, and picked up a can of Coke to open a drink, and then looked up and said: "That was my life. The most dangerous moment has passed."

"and after?"

Walter couldn't help but ask, and Yang Yi immediately said: "Later, I thought I had to enter the prison area of ​​the prisoner, so I went in, and then met a mercenary, I have to say that the Tsuen Wan prison It’s really a lot of talent, he likes to gamble, and I can teach him to gamble, so I learned fighting from him and learned **** people. These are all learned from him, then I am different, buddy. Believe me, at least in Tsuen Wan prison, no one can beat me."

After properly blowing the bragging and raising his position in the prison to a higher level, Yang Yi sighed, and then he finally got serious and said: "Until I finally got the chance, I saw Brian, and he saw My first sentence was to ask if I knew a girl named Kate. Hey, after I said what Mr. Haye taught, he was even more excited."

Yang Yi said it is natural, because he is telling the truth, when he is excited, he will dance, nervous? If you don't exist, when you are faced with three idiots, how can you be nervous if you squint and say something?

Dave listened for a long time, then he finally asked the question again, "You saw Brian, then what did he say to you?"

"I didn't say anything at the beginning, but since I talked about a woman named Kate, his words began to increase. Especially after I was an Englishman, he had more words. He liked me to use a British accent. Chat, until one day he said that he was a CIA, a traitor, so he was imprisoned, and his wish was to find the woman named Kate, a KGB."

Yang Yi finally got serious, and then he sighed: "Brian has changed because of Kate. He has caused great damage to the CIA Middle East. However, Brian told me that he did not sell his comrades. He is He was stunned by love, but he did not sell his brother."

Dave said: "And then?"

"And then? No, then my goal is to get close to Brian. Brian is in prison for too long. He doesn't know what's going on outside, and I want to pretend that I don't know anything about his past, so I I decided to take him out~www.readwn.com~ Then I contacted Mr. Haye."

Yang Yi sighed with a long sigh of relief, then he opened his hand and said: "Mr. Haye said that I can decide for myself, so I took the younger brother I received in prison and Brian escaped."

Dave suddenly said: "The Chinese, give you the fighting Chinese, he escaped before you escaped. Why are you not together?"

Yang Yi’s face is embarrassed: “This is another story. It’s not a story. It’s a story to listen to. It’s complicated. Now, what should I say? Next, I should talk about something very important.”

Dave thought for a moment and said, "You said."

Yang Yi said with a serious face: "I first met Mr. Haye after the jailbreak. First of all, he thought that I did a very good job. I did very beautiful, but he told me... he might die, Aaron might I know what he is investigating in secret, but we have no evidence, there is no valid evidence, so Mr. Haye let me continue to hide my identity, it is better to go to Europe, it is safer, he will be after I arrived in Europe. I will give me a sum of money, but since then I have never seen Mr. Haye again. It was the last time we met and talked. Then there was a lot of things happening, mainly because Brian contacted his old department and let I have to leave the United States right away."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "I have seen Mr. Haye four times and passed the phone twenty-one times. But after the last meeting, I lost contact with him. No one has contacted me. I don't. I know that he is dead, I don't know, so I feel that I have been forgotten, until I learned from an intelligence dealer that Mr. Haye died of heart disease."

Yang Yi took a sip from Coke and took a sip. Because Coke was gone, he said with a hand: "Can you give me another can? The mouth is dry."

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