A War Between Spies

Chapter 963: Still too tender

Reality is always helpless, cia has lucid people, but they are powerless to change reality.

The reality is that cia has messed up their tasks one after another, ruining their image, and the brain drain is serious. Those who are willing to do things are transferred to the Department of Homeland Security, which was established in 2002.

Nowadays, cia does not want to investigate the intelligence of the enemy. Even his own internal secrets cannot be protected. Underneath a huge and aggressive body, what is hidden is an old soul.

None of the three people spoke because they all felt the same.

There are many reasons for this situation today, but I am not arguing about the fact that no one can deny it. Then, why is cia falling so fast, why do cia people suddenly do not engage in intelligence?

Porter thinks that Aaron is one of the culprit. If Aaron is in a high position, and the people who affect the whole cia or even the entire US intelligence system are moles, then it is not surprising what happens.

"The current situation must be changed. We have to start from cleaning up our own cancer. We can't rely on the director who can change people in a few days. We can only rely on us."

Potter finally made a conclusion, Dave said nothing, but the still silent Coyt suddenly said: "There is a problem, if ... which is really a mole, but his attitude towards Russia has been very Tough, his work is also very good. If he is identified as a mole, it seems to be lacking in persuasiveness."

Potter shook his head. "This question is stupid. The reason is very simple. What can the attitude explain? And a so valuable mole, will the Russians easily use this line? At this position, it is a strategic weapon. The Russians would rather send half of the KGB to his gun to let him go up, and would not easily expose the line."

After that, Potter chuckled and said: "Of course, you are right. He is not a Russian mole, but a Soviet mole. The difference between the two is great, even if it is Russian. I don't know that he was a Soviet Mole, because the Soviet intelligence agencies were abandoned by the Russians. Their liquidation is more powerful than ours. But what does it matter? The Mole is the Mole. No matter who the mole, the harm caused by us can not afford it."

Coy character nodded and said: "You are right, I am fine."

Potter still said with a sigh of emotion: "Aaron did a lot of things in his post. He turned the Mexican drug lord into a small treasury of cia. It’s ridiculous. The US intelligence agencies collect from the drug lords. Protection fees, as well as arms dealers, and... too much, what is the difference between cia and the original fbi?"

Dave said: "What are your plans?"

Potter stopped his complaint about the status quo, saying that these are useless, or think about how to solve the current situation is better.

Thinking for a moment, Potter sighed: "That Nicholas, is he right supported by Aaron?"

Dave nodded and said: "Yes, the Djokovic is controlled by Aaron. We have something to do. For example, to support an armed weapon, all the weapons are delivered by Deyo, and the dirty work is handed over. I’m going to do it for the arms dealers. In fact, I still thought this idea was good.”

Potter didn't answer, he said faintly: "Talk about your views on Poseidon."

Dave said: "A young man, a young man with good luck, not professional enough, some young people will have problems, but very smart."

“What is smart?”

Dave thought for a moment and said very seriously: "He is very honest, because he knows what he needs, he wants to use our strength to solve the biggest enemy, except Aaron, or in addition to cia, he has nothing to worry about. The enemy, so he did not hide his thoughts, which made him look like a frank young man, but only because he saw us."

"go on."

"He is very confident, he has the confidence that he shouldn't have this age, and he has to admit that, whether it is luck or other reasons, Poseidon has done what most people can't do, and the team can help the box to help him. It is a great achievement."

Potter sighed and said: "Yeah, the Magic Box Force, this has become a historical name. I really didn't expect to hear it again. You said that the people of the Magic Box Force have something to do?"

Dave nodded. "Yes, the box of the box has been disbanded for too long. We have already withdrawn the control of the members of the Box. But after the appearance of Poseidon, I deliberately took Brian and the members of the Box. The files, then I found that they disappeared not long ago, disappeared in the United States, I do not have to investigate in detail to come to a conclusion, they once again assembled, under the arm of Brian, or gathered under the command of Poseidon ""

Potter smiled and said: "Interesting, this young man is really interesting~www.readwn.com~ Dave hesitated, but he still said: "There is one more thing, Poseidon may not have been a professional spy. Training, he said that he had been trained by Mike, but they spent too much time together. It can't be regarded as a real spy training. So Poseidon is not a special professional spy, at least in my opinion, but... ... I think he is more familiar with the underground world than we are. In addition, he really has great power in the underground world. If we don't interfere, I think he will replace the position of the Djo, and even do better. ”

Potter looked at Coyt and said, "What do you think?"

Coyt thought for a moment and said: "My judgment is roughly the same as Dave. I add that Poseidon has ambition and he does not hide his ambition. He hopes that we can solve his biggest enemy, then he It can be a truly powerful person. Another point is that he admits that he was rebelled by MI5. I think this is the means he wants to get rid of cia. A person who reveals secrets is not worth trusting, and he just wants us. Don't trust him so he can get the benefits without paying any price."

"What do you mean by the price?"

"To help us do things, he is not willing to continue his secret mission, he wants to get rid of his own tasks, throwing troubles to us, and he can freely do his own thing."

Dave nodded, then he sighed: "I agree with this statement, Poseidon hid this idea very well, but he can't help me, of course, Coyt also looked out, I am very happy that our judgment is the same. ”

Potter smiled and said: "Then don't let him succeed. Poseidon thinks the world is so beautiful, thinking that we will be under his command according to his ideas? Oh, after all, it is a young man, still tender. some."

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