A Wave Of Desire
Chapter 58 - Both - What Just Happened?
Fifteen minutes later I was sitting in my car parked in front of Ocean's place. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the house. I knew that Ocean was looking at me like I was crazy, but I just couldn't help it. I was happy.
"Why the hell are you grinning like that?" Ocean snapped at me, I could tell that he wanted to laugh at the look on my face, but he didn't want to let his guard down just yet.
"Just happy." I turned to look at him instead of the house, I had the building memorized, and the house number written on the side as well.
"Yeah? And what made you so happy all of a sudden?" He looked like he might have realized the mistake of his words as soon as they were out of his mouth.
With a smirk, I leaned over to him just a little, I wasn't anywhere near touching him, but he recoiled reflexively just the same.
"Well, I could say that it had been winning the tournament with you. Or, kissing you in the locker room. Or you holding my hand on the bus ride home. Any of them I would consider amazing, wouldn't you? But, let's keep going, shall we? I will tell you everything else that has made me happy, just this evening. Since we got off the bus, I got to take you out to dinner. Then when I tried to talk to you and apologize for being an idiot, you dragged me down the alley and kissed me. Quite fiercely too, if I might say so myself. I know it was done in a fit of jealous rage, but that's fine because it proves that, deep down, you like me and were jealous that someone else showed me attention and affection, and that I slightly reciprocated."
"I'd say it was more than slightly." Ocean interrupted my long winded reply to him, and all I could do was smile wider. He didn't realize what he was saying when he made small little comments like that.
"I had been trying to get you to admit to yourself, if not to me, that you liked me. And in doing so I admitted the truth of the way I feel about you." I leaned in just a little more, bringing us just a little closer. "I want you, Ocean. I want you in every possible way that someone could want another person. I want all of you to be mine; I want your heart, mind, body, soul. I want it all!" I smirked now, seeing the shock fill his eyes at my seriousness. "And now, finally, to why I am truly happy right now. I am happy because I now know where you live. And I can come see you whenever I want to. That, to me, is more amazing than you could ever know!"
With that, Ocean looked out the window at his house and then back at me. He repeated the motion several times like he had just understood what me driving him home had really meant to me. I had learned something really valuable here, and I wasn't going to forget it, ever.
"B..b..but, th..this is, m..m..my parents w..w..will, th..they m..might be, y..y..you c..can't-." God damn, that stuttering of his could be so adorable when he was flustered like this.
"Don't worry, I know how to behave myself. But, I also know that your parents aren't home right now. So, if you want me to stay on this side of this car, I suggest you head inside now. I will see tomorrow." I winked at him and nearly laughed when he hurriedly unbuckled himself to get out of the car.
"Oh, and Ocean." I rolled the window down as I called after him when he shut the door. "It'd be really nice if I could drive you to school sometime, so that we could practice together after class." I laughed at his shocked expression and drove away. I had teased him a lot tonight, but with any luck, I had pushed our relationship ahead by miles instead of the baby steps we had been taking. I needed him to know that I was serious about him. I really did desire him.
Holy shit! What the fuck just happened?
I couldn't believe any of the shit that had happened today? Not winning the tournament, and nothing after. Actually, I think I was still laying on the bed sleeping while Makai was in the shower. That has got to be the most logical answer here.
I tried to pinch myself, to wake myself up. I felt the quick sharp pain. OK, clearly I didn't pinch hard enough, I just need to do it again. As I watched Makai's tail lights retreat, I pinched myself on my thigh over and over again. I was pinching harder and harder with each one, but I wasn't waking up. So, this wasn't a dream. It had all really happened.
I kissed Makai?! I hadn't just kissed him once, but multiple times. And, I was the one who started it. I had kissed him on the beach that night, and I don't even know why I had done it. And then he kissed me last night. Then again today, and..and.. OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?!
I was about to have a full on freak out over this.
This wasn't just me fantasizing about him when he was getting out of the pool. This wasn't just me noticing him watching me in class or me watching him whenever I had the chance. This was me actually kissing him.
I needed to think about this. I needed to process everything. I needed to let it all sink in. That was why I turned around and stomped into my house. After I slammed and locked the door behind me, I stomped up the stairs to my room. I needed to take a shower and wash the pool water off of me. I needed it earlier, but we didn't have the time.
I stripped as I walked across my room, dropping my clothes as I went. I would just pick them up later. I wasn't in the mood right now. I needed the hot, soothing waters of the shower.
In no time at all, I was standing naked under the spray of the water, rinsing the chlorine off of me while I tried to wash away my memories too.
Then again, did I really want to forget? I mean, nothing that happened had actually been bad. I had actually enjoyed it all. Every time that I had kissed Makai, I had been aroused. Even back on the beach, I can remember that my body had felt hard when I pulled him toward me. The same thing happened last night when he pressed his groin against me. He was grinding his erection against my erection to prove that he wasn't the only one hard from the kiss.
And I already knew the guy made me hard. Thinking about him, hell smelling him was all it took to make me hard anymore. I had to masturbate almost constantly to stop myself from having a raging boner around him.
Dammit, even now, thinking about the way that his body felt pressed against mine, and the way that I had held him in my arms, it was making me hard. Dammit, all I could think about right now were those kisses. All of them. All of the kisses had been intense. And all of them had gotten hotter and more each time.
Right now, I was stuck with a thought that wouldn't leave my mind. I wanted to feel Makai. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to run my hands down his back and grip his ass just like he had done to me. I wanted to feel his chest pressed against mine and the firm weight of his body pressed against me as I was laying under him. I wanted a repeat of when he surprised me last night mixed with the kisses from tonight.
"OH GOD!" I felt like I was about to explode as I yelled to the shower, and the water that was falling around me. I couldn't stop my arousal. I had only made it worse. I needed a release. And, I had to wonder, did Makai ever need to do this after we kissed? The words passed through my mind seconds before I reached down to grip myself. Just the firm pressure of my palm felt amazing right now, but it wasn't enough. However, when I started to stroke myself that wasn't what I truly wanted either.
No, what I truly wanted was to feel him pressed against me again. I wanted to feel Makai, hard and full of desire, as he was grinding himself against me. That was what my body was telling me that it needed the most right now.
Just the thought of it, the memories of it, were enough to finish me. I was able to end my problem and create a new one at the same time as I came sighing his name. I was falling for him. I was falling for a guy. Actually, I was beyond falling for him, I had already fallen for him and wanted him. When the hell did that happen? How the hell did this happen? And, why the hell did it feel way more right than anything I had ever had with Britt the Bitch?
I didn't think I would get an answer to any of those questions as I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I opted to sleep in just my boxers, sliding them on before sliding into my bed. I had one quick moment to think to myself that it was a shame we didn't actually share that bed at the hotel. Not that I wanted to do anything with him, but just sleeping next to him would be nice too, right?
Fifteen minutes later I was sitting in my car parked in front of Ocean's place. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the house. I knew that Ocean was looking at me like I was crazy, but I just couldn't help it. I was happy.
"Why the hell are you grinning like that?" Ocean snapped at me, I could tell that he wanted to laugh at the look on my face, but he didn't want to let his guard down just yet.
"Just happy." I turned to look at him instead of the house, I had the building memorized, and the house number written on the side as well.
"Yeah? And what made you so happy all of a sudden?" He looked like he might have realized the mistake of his words as soon as they were out of his mouth.
With a smirk, I leaned over to him just a little, I wasn't anywhere near touching him, but he recoiled reflexively just the same.
"Well, I could say that it had been winning the tournament with you. Or, kissing you in the locker room. Or you holding my hand on the bus ride home. Any of them I would consider amazing, wouldn't you? But, let's keep going, shall we? I will tell you everything else that has made me happy, just this evening. Since we got off the bus, I got to take you out to dinner. Then when I tried to talk to you and apologize for being an idiot, you dragged me down the alley and kissed me. Quite fiercely too, if I might say so myself. I know it was done in a fit of jealous rage, but that's fine because it proves that, deep down, you like me and were jealous that someone else showed me attention and affection, and that I slightly reciprocated."
"I'd say it was more than slightly." Ocean interrupted my long winded reply to him, and all I could do was smile wider. He didn't realize what he was saying when he made small little comments like that.
"I had been trying to get you to admit to yourself, if not to me, that you liked me. And in doing so I admitted the truth of the way I feel about you." I leaned in just a little more, bringing us just a little closer. "I want you, Ocean. I want you in every possible way that someone could want another person. I want all of you to be mine; I want your heart, mind, body, soul. I want it all!" I smirked now, seeing the shock fill his eyes at my seriousness. "And now, finally, to why I am truly happy right now. I am happy because I now know where you live. And I can come see you whenever I want to. That, to me, is more amazing than you could ever know!"
With that, Ocean looked out the window at his house and then back at me. He repeated the motion several times like he had just understood what me driving him home had really meant to me. I had learned something really valuable here, and I wasn't going to forget it, ever.
"B..b..but, th..this is, m..m..my parents w..w..will, th..they m..might be, y..y..you c..can't-." God damn, that stuttering of his could be so adorable when he was flustered like this.
"Don't worry, I know how to behave myself. But, I also know that your parents aren't home right now. So, if you want me to stay on this side of this car, I suggest you head inside now. I will see tomorrow." I winked at him and nearly laughed when he hurriedly unbuckled himself to get out of the car.
"Oh, and Ocean." I rolled the window down as I called after him when he shut the door. "It'd be really nice if I could drive you to school sometime, so that we could practice together after class." I laughed at his shocked expression and drove away. I had teased him a lot tonight, but with any luck, I had pushed our relationship ahead by miles instead of the baby steps we had been taking. I needed him to know that I was serious about him. I really did desire him.
Holy shit! What the fuck just happened?
I couldn't believe any of the shit that had happened today? Not winning the tournament, and nothing after. Actually, I think I was still laying on the bed sleeping while Makai was in the shower. That has got to be the most logical answer here.
I tried to pinch myself, to wake myself up. I felt the quick sharp pain. OK, clearly I didn't pinch hard enough, I just need to do it again. As I watched Makai's tail lights retreat, I pinched myself on my thigh over and over again. I was pinching harder and harder with each one, but I wasn't waking up. So, this wasn't a dream. It had all really happened.
I kissed Makai?! I hadn't just kissed him once, but multiple times. And, I was the one who started it. I had kissed him on the beach that night, and I don't even know why I had done it. And then he kissed me last night. Then again today, and..and.. OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?!
I was about to have a full on freak out over this.
This wasn't just me fantasizing about him when he was getting out of the pool. This wasn't just me noticing him watching me in class or me watching him whenever I had the chance. This was me actually kissing him.
I needed to think about this. I needed to process everything. I needed to let it all sink in. That was why I turned around and stomped into my house. After I slammed and locked the door behind me, I stomped up the stairs to my room. I needed to take a shower and wash the pool water off of me. I needed it earlier, but we didn't have the time.
I stripped as I walked across my room, dropping my clothes as I went. I would just pick them up later. I wasn't in the mood right now. I needed the hot, soothing waters of the shower.
In no time at all, I was standing naked under the spray of the water, rinsing the chlorine off of me while I tried to wash away my memories too.
Then again, did I really want to forget? I mean, nothing that happened had actually been bad. I had actually enjoyed it all. Every time that I had kissed Makai, I had been aroused. Even back on the beach, I can remember that my body had felt hard when I pulled him toward me. The same thing happened last night when he pressed his groin against me. He was grinding his erection against my erection to prove that he wasn't the only one hard from the kiss.
And I already knew the guy made me hard. Thinking about him, hell smelling him was all it took to make me hard anymore. I had to masturbate almost constantly to stop myself from having a raging boner around him.
Dammit, even now, thinking about the way that his body felt pressed against mine, and the way that I had held him in my arms, it was making me hard. Dammit, all I could think about right now were those kisses. All of them. All of the kisses had been intense. And all of them had gotten hotter and more each time.
Right now, I was stuck with a thought that wouldn't leave my mind. I wanted to feel Makai. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to run my hands down his back and grip his ass just like he had done to me. I wanted to feel his chest pressed against mine and the firm weight of his body pressed against me as I was laying under him. I wanted a repeat of when he surprised me last night mixed with the kisses from tonight.
"OH GOD!" I felt like I was about to explode as I yelled to the shower, and the water that was falling around me. I couldn't stop my arousal. I had only made it worse. I needed a release. And, I had to wonder, did Makai ever need to do this after we kissed? The words passed through my mind seconds before I reached down to grip myself. Just the firm pressure of my palm felt amazing right now, but it wasn't enough. However, when I started to stroke myself that wasn't what I truly wanted either.
No, what I truly wanted was to feel him pressed against me again. I wanted to feel Makai, hard and full of desire, as he was grinding himself against me. That was what my body was telling me that it needed the most right now.
Just the thought of it, the memories of it, were enough to finish me. I was able to end my problem and create a new one at the same time as I came sighing his name. I was falling for him. I was falling for a guy. Actually, I was beyond falling for him, I had already fallen for him and wanted him. When the hell did that happen? How the hell did this happen? And, why the hell did it feel way more right than anything I had ever had with Britt the Bitch?
I didn't think I would get an answer to any of those questions as I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I opted to sleep in just my boxers, sliding them on before sliding into my bed. I had one quick moment to think to myself that it was a shame we didn't actually share that bed at the hotel. Not that I wanted to do anything with him, but just sleeping next to him would be nice too, right?
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