Saying that, Abdo waved his hand and shook his head: "Aruf, believe me, don't go after that group of Han army cavalry, and then you must be careful and careful when you engage with them!"

"Their war horses are better than ours, and their bows and arrows are dozens of steps farther than ours!"

"When our army was chasing, I couldn't reach them at all, I was hung all the way, and then I shot my generals with ranger tactics!

Speaking of which, Abdo no longer needs to continue, and Aruf also understands!

He suddenly looked incredulous: "This... Isn't this the Ranger tactic we are used to, which we have always used to deal with the Han army, which is not as mobile as our war horse and riding and shooting ability, but now it is the other way around?"

"Is that Han army really that strong?"

Aruf was shocked.

If all the Han cavalry were like this, would there still be space for them to live in this steppe?

"It will only get stronger!"

Abdo shook his head bitterly, gathered the remnants of the soldiers, and rushed to the side of the camp.

He was going to ask King Budugen for sin.

Although the great king will not really surrender, after all, it is only Abdo's own tribal soldiers who have lost, but after today, his tribe is really almost wearing linen and filial piety!

These are the young and strong of every household!

He was added to him by his family, and now...

He couldn't imagine what the people of the tribe would look like when this bad news spread back to the tribe.

Soon, when Budugen learned about the army from Abdo, all of a sudden, the leaders of the entire marshal fell silent.

They obviously didn't expect such a Han army iron horse to appear.

"Let's talk about what to do?"

Budugen looked around and asked.


The leaders of all the clans looked at each other a little and were unwilling to come out with this head.

That group of Han troops is so mobile, what can they do?

If you fight, you can't even catch up, the bow and arrow are not as far as others' range, and no one is accurate to shoot, and this battle cannot be fought.

At this moment, these humble people realized the pain and helplessness of the Han army in the past in the face of the Hu rangers.

At this time, Aluf said in a loud voice: "King, I think our first priority is to capture Pingcheng!"

"As long as Pingcheng is in hand, we will not be afraid of that group of cavalry, and at that time, we can use the fortress to fight the cavalry of the Han army and copy the strategy of the Han army against our cavalry!"

"In addition, after Pingcheng, there will be no decent passes, the entire Yanmen County and even Taiyuan County are under the iron hooves of our cavalry, I don't believe that group of cavalry can sit still!"

Don't Han people say that they should take advantage of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses?

What he is doing now is to take advantage of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

"Okay! Just follow this!"

Budugen waved his big hand, immediately agreed, and in the afternoon intensified his offensive on Pingcheng, and at the same time, left 50,000 troops to defend his large rear to prevent the sneak attack of the back army.

For a time, the pressure on Pingcheng increased greatly.

Behind, but our homeland is our home! Do you want them to be killed, humiliated, and plundered?"

In the face of the more fierce offensive of the Xianbei army, Zhang Liao could only take the lead, while stabbing the Xianbei people who climbed up through the cloud ladder to death with a gun, while boosting morale.

"Unwilling! Kill!!"


For a time, the soldiers on the walls of Pingcheng were aroused with a stronger fighting spirit and supported and persevered.

This is 3 days.

In these 3 days, Luo Xuan led the Beiwei army to constantly attack the rear camp of the Xianbei army, but the Xianbei army had already taken precautions, like a shrunken turtle, just didn't come out, so Luo Xuan had no way.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he simply rushed into the grassland with his back-backed army, killed the Xianbei hinterland, and with the guidance of the golden eagle, he soon found some tribal camps of the Xianbei people.

A new slaughter team joined the ranks of the massacre of the rear of the Xianbei people.


"Report!! It's not good! The Han army attacked our rear tribes! Many tribes have been slaughtered! What about the great king? I want to see the great king! I want to see the great king!"

Not long after Luo Xuan's army also penetrated deep into the grassland, a sentry horse from the Xianbei Budugen base camp came to report.

This person looked very embarrassed, eager to see Budugen.

His words were also taken seriously, and soon the man met Budugen and immediately revealed the information and arrangement.


Both Budugen and the other leaders were shocked after hearing this: "Are you saying that from the direction of Shuofang, Wuyuan, and Yunzhong, one soldier and horse each entered the tribal camp in my rear and is slaughtering our people?"

"Yes, King, leaders, send your troops back to the rescue!

The sentry horse said almost pleadingly.

"Immediately set off and return to the tribe!"

In this case, there was nothing to consider, and Budugen immediately waved his hand, withdrew the troops attacking the city, and led the army at the fastest speed to rush towards the old nest.

"Huh, the Xianbei army withdrew?"

When Zhang Liao received the news, he immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that the Lord and several other armies have achieved results in attacking the Xianbei rear!"

"Pass the order down, the army began to repair in turn, at the same time, must not slack, none of us know whether the Xianbei army will kill a horse gun!"

"In addition, let the trap camp prepare light armor, if the news is true, the trap camp is ready to attack at any time to chase and kill the Xianbei army. "

He could not defeat the main force of Xianbei's army by relying on the archers turned into 5,000 camps alone, but it was not a problem to delay him, kill some corners, and leave some weight.

After fighting defensive battles for so long, it's time for him to vent.


The deputy commander on the side of the trapping camp immediately surrendered, and at the same time he was faintly excited in his heart.

Before, watching the back-backed army flying Xianbei cavalry kites outside the city, the people who killed did not dare to show their heads, but now it is finally their turn.

"In addition, immediately let the war pigeon battalion send a message to the lord and several generals such as Lü Bu, Zhang Hao, Gao Shun, and other generals flying pigeons to inform them of the situation here!"

"So that they do not directly run into the main force of the Xianbei army and cause unnecessary losses!"

Zhang Liao then ordered a secret guard beside him.


The dark guard immediately led the order and left.

"With the War Pigeon Camp, the advantage of information alone has been magnified countless times!

Zhang Liao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


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