A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 13 Chapter 73: The core place, the Conferred God List

, spooky theater from London

It's all ominous...

Lu Li felt helpless.

In fact, although these creatures are nothing to monks at all, there are some sayings in most folklore.

Has not yet set off, foreshadowing a tragic ending?

Especially when the group approached the black holy cliff, the strange aura became stronger, as if they had come to a huge cemetery.



These bursts of crying were very abrupt, and they spread for more than ten miles, and the source was on the left hand side of the crowd. There was a dry old tree, which could not be hugged by five or six people, and it grew on the edge of the holy cliff.

On the top of the tree, there is a terrifying bird's nest, which is actually built with dead bones. It is about half the height of a person, and it is very gloomy, surrounded by strands of black fog.

"This bird?" Heihuang asked in surprise, as if he had seen a ghost.

Beside the bird's nest made of human bones, stood a monstrous strange bird with a crow-like black body, a human face, but also a beak, and a black curved hook like a knife.

"It's really wicked!"

After seeing it clearly, the **** dog trembled, couldn't help scolding his mother, and said to himself:

"It was almost invisible in ancient times. It specialized in eating the bones of the strong. It is said that anyone who has been howled by it will not live long."


After the words fell, the strange bird spread its wings and flew away, and a half-gnawed human skull fell from its mouth.

All kinds of ominous signs did not scare off everyone.


The next moment, Jin Ming sounded.

A low growl came from a distance, and a humanoid creature covered with long black hair was nailed to death by the magic soldiers of the underworld wall. After struggling and thumping twice, it immediately turned into a black mist all over the sky.

"Damn, what kind of creature is that?"

The **** dog seems to be in charge of the atmosphere group. In order not to make it feel cold, Lu Li explained casually:

"The weird thing that didn't give birth to blood and flesh has been spying on this side, hiding very well, so you didn't notice it."

As soon as the words fell, all the ominous surroundings disappeared, the figures of the old crow, the lone wolf, etc. all disappeared, and the black mountain returned to calm.

Seeing this, the ancient scrolls obtained in Lizhou in the Northern Territory in the past were taken out again, looking for a place with special markings.

"In the deepest part of the holy cliff."

The three of them and a dog gathered together to observe carefully, and then frowned at the same time. The moment they stepped into the holy cliff area, they felt as if they had entered a restricted area of ​​life.

"Can't fly!"

The saintess of Yaochi was the first to notice this abnormality, and she couldn't leave the ground at all, and couldn't jump into the void.

"Here is the pattern of the ancient emperor..."

There was a strange light in the **** dog's eyes, and he said seriously: "I am the best at this way, and I am responsible for leading the way."

Can it work?

Anyway, the emperor soldiers have the bottom line.

Thinking of this, Lu Li believed in this guy once, and not long after, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, almost killing him on the spot.

In desperation, a drop of divine liquid flew out, and the greedy **** dog was shrouded in bright light, absorbing the essence autonomously, his bones creaked, and his injury quickly healed.

It crawled up, cursing, and said: "Damn it, why did it hit me, what's wrong with this pattern, everyone, don't be impatient, let me think about it carefully."

The little girl ate and drank enough, smacked her lips, and slept more peacefully in Lu Li's arms—

This girl spends most of her time as a pendant.

After careful study, the **** dog showed suspicion, and then he was relieved, and shouted:

"It turned out that there were minor changes. I know what went wrong. This time it will be absolutely fine!"

After finishing speaking, it took the lead again and walked forward on its own initiative. There was no problem at first, but when it took the thirteenth step, a thick thunderbolt descended from the sky.


This time it was even more miserable, the whole body was scorched black, white smoke was coming out from the ears and eyes, and bursts of electric sparks were coughing out of the mouth, the whole body of the dog was almost ripe.


"You dead dog, don't play yourself to death."

Lu Li passed on a 10,000-year-old peerless medicine, and sighed, "Let me use the holy tower to open the way."

The two saintesses were dumbfounded. They had never seen such an unreliable dog. Is it really a pet raised by Emperor Wushi?

"Dog, it's okay, I smell barbecue..." the little girl was awakened by the thunder, and asked with concern.

"Smelling the smell of dog meat, the Buddha also jumped over the wall."

Lu Li teased.

As the relationship was getting closer, the **** dog didn't hide his true nature anymore, and suddenly became exasperated, and shouted: "Damn, what do you mean? Woah!"

There was a commotion for a while, and the atmosphere returned to calm.

This time, thanks to Lu Li again, the **** dog was able to stumble and stand up again after swallowing the ten thousand-year-old medicine. However, the silk-like fur before had lost its luster.

"It's so unreasonable, how could you even beat me, this emperor is really bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

The half-blood resurrected **** dog was furious.

"Is this the inscription written by the Great Emperor Wushi?"

Daoyi Saintess has a delicate mind, and she can see the clue from the reaction of the Black Emperor from the beginning to the end.

"Well, I have clearly seen how it evolved in an ancient book, how could it be cracked..."

Having said that, the **** dog grinned:

"My lord, although you were often struck by lightning back then, the resentment you generated didn't have to be so great. Why are the outermost formations so terrifying, they almost turned Xiao Hei into ashes!"

In the end, the Black Emperor, who will be strong all his life, proved himself. He walked in the forefront and led everyone safely over a black mountain and came to a land of nothingness.

There is no pattern in this area, but the aura is very mysterious, it is a very open valley.

According to the instructions of the ancient map, this place is located among the black mountains, and there should be a lake nearby.

Sure enough, looking up, the morning glow had already dyed the sky red, and the lake below was dyed with a layer of pale golden brilliance.

"Peerless elixir, more than 20,000 years old!"

"Don't compete with me!"

The self-satisfied Heihuang suddenly stared affectionately at the lake, where there was a blue plant, seeing the color of dreams flowing on it, without any hesitation, he immediately urged the golden collar on his neck, ready to pick it.

But at this moment, there was a loud bang in the lake, and the waves soared into the sky. A zombie-like creature jumped out, with white hair like snow and pale skin, without a trace of blood. Immediately, it stretched out its big claws to grab a few people.


The momentum of the purple mountain was condensed in Lu Li's hands, and he also rushed out in an instant.

"This is an ancient corpse. At least it has been dead for tens of thousands of years. In recent years, it has been psychic, and it has a half-step powerful cultivation!"

"Quick, kill it with holy soldiers!"

barked the **** dog.

However, before Lu Li could respond, the lake water rioted again, the sound of iron chains rattling, and there were terrifying creatures below.

You Ming Tianyan saw through everything early on, and rushed up three more ancient corpses. They also brought out a huge shadow, which was an ancient iron sedan chair with iron chains wrapped around the sedan chair, almost filling it up.

The four bearers with half-step combat power, Lu Li took a lot of trouble and managed to quickly kill them, and the inexplicable existence in the iron sedan chair, he knew that he was not an opponent, and the miniature holy tower was directly up and down in his hands.

The law of the holy way is thorough, like the ability to subdue demons. In an instant, the boiling lake calmed down. The black iron sedan chair shook a few times, as if unwilling to do so, but in the end it stopped shaking and silently sank into the calm lake water .

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"Hey hey..."

One wave is not flat, and another wave rises again.

The gloomy sneer sounded like a thousand-year-old ghost, coming from the black mountain in front, and vaguely, the sky eye saw the ghost flash and disappear.

But they still failed to stop everyone. With the experience of the Zishan trip, they are very confident in the power of the emperor's soldiers, and the Black Emperor also hinted that there is an arrangement by the Great Emperor Wushi here...

As he climbed up a big mountain and looked down from a high place, there was a broken black mountain in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the **** dog couldn't believe it:

"What's going on? Who destroyed that mountain, I remember... the emperor once carved a word 'seal' there to suppress some terrible creature, has it escaped now?"

"It's okay, if we meet, Senior Emperor Soldiers will take action." Lu Li said calmly.

"That's true, a generation of Unrivaled Demon Emperor..."

The **** dog flattered a little, showing a particularly philistine expression, obviously planning something, and the voice of the plan in its heart could be heard from a long distance away.

One after another, black mountains stand side by side, constantly flowing with the ancient atmosphere, majestic and majestic, rushing out with an unspeakable momentum, as if it is going to crush the sky in turn.

Among them, the broken mountain peak is broken, which is particularly eye-catching, as if a huge monster broke out of the mountain, propped the mountain apart, and created the current scene.

"Big black dog, let me ask you a question. As strong as Emperor Wushi, is there any enemy that can't be killed? It must be sealed."

"How can it be impossible to kill? In the past, present, and future, there is no opponent that the Great Emperor Wushi can't destroy. What ancient creatures, what unrivaled holy spirits, even gods can't do it!"

The **** dog spit and stared at the stars, compared to the strength of praising the Qing Emperor, it is called hard work at the moment, and since you all know who I am, then showdown without pretending to recall:

"I think back then, when we were running rampant in the world, who would dare to come out to fight? If it's a dragon, you have to hold it up for me, if it's a phoenix, you have to lie down..."

"Dog, don't brag."

One word from the little girl made Gouzi unable to put on a dress.

"Forget it, I just want to know, what exactly is the suppressed creature?" Lu Li asked.

"I don't know the details, but the fight was really fierce at that time. The emperor fought with him outside the sky. After fighting for an hour, the endless star field collapsed..."

According to common sense, when a generation of heyday emperors fight against others, they always suppress them with a raised hand. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they can almost be resolved in a few moves.

Moreover, Wushi belongs to the leader among the extreme figures, one of the most powerful people in the past and present, and the existence with which he fought to that extent.

Obviously, it's either the Dacheng Holy Spirit or the Supreme Being in the restricted area, but no matter what it is, it can at least explode into a supreme level of combat power.

"Actually, Emperor Wushi originally wanted to kill it, but later thought it might be used again in the future, so he sealed it here. Outsiders cannot know what kind of existence it is."

"The immortal emperor's body of faith in the past has not been able to break free from this place so far."

Tsing Yi stalwart, the emperor soldiers and gods walked out again.

Since the places Lu Li went to were all famous in the outside world and had the power to touch the extreme, she had to manifest to avoid accidents.

Another Immortal Emperor?

It seems that Wu Shi really got on with the opponent.

While thinking suddenly, everyone moved forward again, and the rest of the journey was extremely peaceful. No one dared to challenge Chaos Qinglian who had recovered to this level.

On the way, the little girl picked up a shell, which was actually a silver scale, about the size of a palm, shining brightly, with silver holy flames dancing, and the unceasing fluctuations made one's heart skip a beat.

"The supreme existence is worthy of the emperor's supremacy, these are its scales!" The Black Emperor drooled.

Before Naihe could figure out how to coax it over, the owner had already changed, and the daughter gave it to Lu Li with a smile.

And the latter did not refuse.

Every time a black mountain is turned over, the power of the pattern will increase tenfold. In addition, there is also a big mountain with thousands of fire crows.

The girl said that she saw the deepest part, where there was a golden three-legged bird.

However, the emperor soldier only released a breath, and the Golden Crow involved in the holy realm escaped. In the lair, a black animal bone was left behind, on which part of the sun's true art was recorded.

The oldest emperor's scripture of the human race is related to the Sun Emperor, and the group silently wrote down the key points as if they had found a treasure.

After stepping over a mountain where human skulls were constantly gushing out, the chaotic green lotus defeated an arm phantom, and hurried past a lake called reincarnation, they finally arrived at the core.

"In the past, there was a great turmoil in the darkness of the Undead Mountain, causing the earth to flow like rivers of blood. The Void Emperor was born, beheaded a supreme being, and wiped out his body and spirit with the Void Mirror, leaving only one arm to fall into the Undead Mountain. "

The Black Emperor shook his head, showing off his knowledge.

And everyone did know a lot of secrets through it. This continuous holy cliff was cut from the undead mountain, and the arm followed here.

You must know that the flesh and blood of the ancient great emperor was immortal and lifelike, and that arm was owned by a supreme figure, so it is not unusual to be able to preserve it, but it is fortunate that he has the emperor's soldiers to protect him.

Otherwise, the whole army will be wiped out here!

However, Evil Earth has its limits. Now the core giant mountain came into view. It towered into the sky, and its whole body was dark red, as if it had been soaked in blood, and even a trace of blood could be smelled from a distance.

"There is a sarcophagus on this mountain!"

The Saintess of Yaochi leaned close to Lu Li and carefully looked at the legendary holy cliff. She never expected that she would encounter so many unimaginable things and get precious harvests time and time again when she was walking in the world for the first time.

"Could it be the body of the Dacheng Holy Body buried on the mountain?" Daoyi Saintess was curious~www.readwn.com~ In some fields, the Black Emperor who has an out-of-character personality never disappoints, and is once again a surprise. called out:

"Conferred God List!"

"How did the list of gods refined by Emperor Wushi be sealed on this mountain?!"

the name...

God list? !

There won't be another Jiang Ziya.

In a flash of thought, the eyes of the sky opened and closed.

Lu Li moved his feet, turned to the other side of the mountain, and saw a golden ancient scroll as he wished.

I saw a golden ancient list on the pitch-black gigantic mountain. She was sealed on the mountain, flowing with mysterious energy, giving off a vast coercion.

"No, when was this sealed here, why didn't the emperor know!?"

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