A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 18: Fighting spirit

   After a series of episodes, most of the students began to listen carefully.


   The sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper is endless.

at the same time.

   Sister An’s gentle voice came from the podium:

   "When you first arrive, you will set up more than ten five-color sticks in the four gates of the county. Those who violate the prohibition will not avoid the magnanimity and will be held accountable."

   "Because of this, those who dare not commit crimes inside and outside are quite famous."

   As she said, the principal is responsible for providing the lesson plans, and he is responsible for propagating the texts.

   while analyzing.

   probably have to wait until later.

   Now, the elder sister has to help some people who are not familiar with the original work to make up lessons, and read the original content and its modern translation to them.

   For Duke, regardless of the content of the class, he always maintains an unimaginable enthusiasm that ordinary people can't imagine, and he can't wait to write down every sentence.

   Of course, relying on cell enhancers, this guy has amazing speed, and he did it.

   However, behind Duke, the performance of classmate Lu Li contrasted sharply with it.

   persisted for a while, and found that there was really no audible content, plus the interactive session was over, Lu Li decided to take a nap--

   At this moment, behind the unfolded and erected classroom textbook "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a sleeping cheek.

   In the whole process, there was no sound, it was very quiet.

   Anyao-senpai naturally noticed this scene, but did not intend to remind Lu Li. She knew that the content of this lesson was indeed a bit vague. If you have read the original text well, there is really no need to listen to it.

   In addition, it is worth noting that the three ancestors trapped in the special test tube behaved very quietly, curled up in the corner and dared not move.

   They can’t understand what a woman standing on a high place is.

   As a king who once stood on top of the world and was active in the dark, the ancestors knew their origins very well, and because of this, they could not understand the fear that was surging throughout their bodies.

  What the fallen angels fear...

   Is that woman something like God?

   Unfortunately, no one answered this question.

   "Xuan De listened to the order, dialed Guan Gong and Zhang Fei to lead the army by one thousand, and fell on the hill behind the mountain, filled with blood of pigs, sheep and dogs, and prepared for filth."

   "At the time of the confrontation, Zhang Bao's methods, wind and thunder, flying sand and rocks, black air in the sky, rolling people, from the sky."

   An Yao-senpai's gentle tone never stops, as if it possesses magical hypnotic ability.

   However, under the stage, Lu Li slowly sat up, pinched his eyebrows, and took a nap for a while. The mental state was indeed much better than before.

   just right, the senpai talked about the important part.

  Study hard, classmate Lu is officially online.

  Since he drew a lot of points during his self-study homework last night, he didn’t need to take notes, but added a paragraph beside the passage [Animal blood and filth can restrain the technique]:

   Is tongue tip blood effective?

   After putting the pen, Lu Li glanced at the time, and the morning class was over in two minutes, and he was about to see the library that claims to be able to answer all questions.

   At this time, Senior Sister An Yao also stopped telling, silently waiting for the bell to ring.

  The classroom atmosphere is a loose one.


   "Don't learn, these three bugs, which one do you plan to want?" Lu Li patted in front of him.

   Duke turned around, looked at the special test tube on the table, shook his head, and declined: "That dungeon world, without me, you can be alone..."

   "What the **** is it? Hurry up."

   Lu Li hates this kind of courtesy of your modesty and I can’t help but urge: “You didn’t enter the cave at Chambers Avenue station, or did you not contribute when hunting the three ancestors?”

   "Then I'm welcome?"


   A smile appeared on Duke's face, and he stopped refusing to take away the test tube on his left.

   No one would refuse white blood, especially after trying it personally, the feeling that the level of life has evolved, always reminds Duke:

   It is more powerful than cell enhancers and has no side effects.

   Not far from Pan Ming, a trace of envy flashed across his face. Although he didn't know what this kind of bug had, it was definitely a good thing.

   I can’t be as passive as last time...

   As for asking, this unrealistic greedy idea, Pan Ming never thought about it.

   jingle bell~

   Suddenly, there was a rapid electric bell.

   "Goodbye, senior sister."

   "See you next class."

   The students filed out and either went to the recreation area to have fun or went to the dormitory.

   Not long after, only four people were left in the classroom who were going to the library.

   Lu Li took the notebook and the test tube rack, walked over, and said politely, "Senior sister in trouble."

   "If you don't sleep in class, you are most grateful to me." An Yao gave him a white look.

   looked at the notebook.

   "Do you three have any questions."

   Hearing this, Lu Li said without hesitation: "Senior sister, can the blood on the tip of the tongue be used to exorcise evil spirits, or can it be used to restrain spells?"

"Some worlds are okay, some worlds can't, and the rules are different." With that, An Yao stepped down the steps and led the way. "Take the Three Kingdoms World as an example. I have entered twice, the first monthly exam in my freshman year. The final exam in the first semester of the junior year."

   "Do you think the rules will be the same?"

   "The freshman year experience was an ordinary historical drama. I played the maid next to Madam Mi and protected her and Ah Dou until Zhao Yun arrived."

   Under the gaze of Lu Li and others, An Yao looked solemn and whispered:

   "When I was in my junior year, I was still at Changbanpo. The tiger and leopard riders under Cao Cao's command all understood the terrible existence of the fighting spirit."

   "As for the first-rate generals such as Zhao Yun and Xiahou Dun, they all understand the general spirit, and I am the little maid by Mrs. Mi, and I have survived many times."

   As a school sister, plus a teacher in the elite class, An Yao did her best to explain to the three people carefully.

   "The so-called war spirit~www.readwn.com~ is a unique power system in historical dramas. You think it is an exaggeration? Everyone who understands the war spirit can achieve this level."

   "While Jiang Soul, freshman and sophomore rookies can't reach it at all, so I won't say it to blow your confidence."

Since it is not class time, the senior sister no longer holds the goddess's shelf, and smiles frequently on her face. She seems to be gloating: "The mid-term exam is of great significance, and the difficulty will definitely be greatly increased. If you go to the world like Water Margin and Three Kingdoms, you are sure Will encounter the existence of comprehension of war soul."

   "When the time comes, don't be in the limelight, or you will be taught to be a man by the top generals."

   Lu Li frowned.


   Ancient Eastern battlefield.

   The two are superimposed on each other, which is too contradictory.

   Thinking of this, he ignored the others, and subconsciously asked:

   "Senior sister, will this kind of world limit personal abilities? For example, when the two armies are fighting, a vampire with bat wings suddenly pops out. Will the principal and the jury deduct performance points."

  [Character fit]

   You know, after a new round of reforms, this standard is directly linked to basic evaluation!



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