A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 7: Yellow towel everywhere (2)

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"There is a long laborer."

"It doesn't get in the way."

Before leaving, Ji Zhong glanced behind him again and gave the other residents a warning look.

And Lu Li found a cushion to sit down cross-legged, put the ring head knife on his knees, back against the wall, facing the east side, to ensure that everything in the room has a panoramic view.

In this way, the atmosphere was silent for a while, but after a while, the chattering gradually sounded.

Sometimes I talked about how much food was harvested during the autumn harvest, and sometimes I talked about the recent weather, what kind of snowy years, and the locusts have frozen to death...

Lu Li sat in the corner and listened silently. At the same time, he skewered the cleaned roe deer with dead branches and set it on the stove. He waited while roasting.

As we chatted, the topic changed from being a parent to a national event.

"Have you ever heard the rumors?"

The black-faced man who had greeted Lu Li to sit down before suddenly became serious, and under the gaze of everyone, he said in a low voice:

"The imperial court is going to levy taxes again and collect another ten dollars per mu of land."

To increase conviction, he added:

"My brother works as a penman in Fenyang and is responsible for copying official documents. How can he be false?"

"Just wait for the ice and snow to thaw, and post it to all the kiosks in the township..."

Before he could finish talking, someone stood up arrogantly, his neck flushed, and shouted: "Nonsense! Only ten dollars in taxes were increased last year. How could it be possible to increase it?"

In this regard, some people will be skeptical, while others can still exercise restraint and keep asking questions.

For a time, the noise was full of noise.

"What lie to you?"

The black-faced man threw away the beans in his hand, stood up likewise, sweared by a curse, and said:

"Your Majesty wants to cast a bronze figure, but the country is not enough, so we can only levy another land tax from our head of Guizhou!"

And this time, no one questioned.

Not only that, but even when I heard that Lu Li was a little bit convinced.

Han Lingdi is really not a good emperor, you don’t see him, Zhuge Liang’s "List of Masters"——

The pro-little man, Yuan Xianchen, from then on, the Han also fell down. When the first emperor was there, whenever he discussed the matter with his ministers, he sighed and hated Huan and Ling Ye.

The situation was already difficult, and the two emperors did not want to make progress, and directly ruined the Han Dynasty Guo Zuo!

However, Lu Li always felt that something was wrong with the black-faced man.

It's just an ordinary person, who doesn't know a few big characters. Let's not talk about whether we can get in touch with the unannounced political affairs. Just rely on this eloquence, incitement, and interlocking means...

Tonight, I'm afraid there will be some twists and turns again.

"What are you waiting for? If anyone is arguing about national affairs, first ask about the long sword in a certain hand!"

At this time, Ji Zhong, who came to deliver the wine, pushed the door and entered, with a scream in his mouth.

Everyone quickly succumbed to their crimes and sat back to their original positions, watching their noses and hearts.

And the black-faced man who seemed to be quite knowledgeable was acting most honestly at the moment, even dull.

Anyway, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Lu Li couldn't believe this same person.

Ji Zhong snorted coldly, put down the copper pot in his hand, and the smell of meat wafted from it: "If you hit the Grand Canal, this pavilion asks the thief to go out hunting and get something. If you scream again, go out and drink snow water. !"

Cold-hearted, not only dedicated to his duties, but also knowing how to advance and retreat, and know how to measure.

Frankly speaking, when this person is a pavilion chief, he is indeed stubborn.

Lu Li sighed.

But Ji Zhong turned around, walked westward, and said with a smile: "It's nothing more than a group of Tianshehan, who don't know half of the big characters, Lord Lang Jun has a lot of them, so I don't think I've ever heard of it."

When I have nothing to do, I want to go to the government to sue the rape?

Don’t ask for anything, just hope that tonight, there is nothing wrong with you, and you can wait for those who want to wait smoothly.

Nothing else.

Thinking of this, Lu Li took the jug: "I never heard anything down here."

Hearing this, Ji Zhong bowed his hand and bowed, no longer disturbed, and left.

It's a pity that those people didn't appreciate it, and it didn't take long for them to talk again.

However, Lu Li changed his mind:

How difficult is the people's livelihood!

This is a major event related to self-interest. One mu of land is charged ten dollars more, and ten acres of land is one hundred dollars. Coupled with other exorbitant taxes and taxes, it is enough to crush a family.

"Why tax again!"


"I remember that when the first emperor was alive, he added land tax once for ten dollars per mu, and when his Majesty became the throne, he added field tax once for ten dollars per mu!"

"Now add ten more money to make people live? It's hard to get a birthday in two years..."

The voice is getting higher.

Then, someone pointed to Lu Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the west side, barbecued and drank alone.

The atmosphere is slightly cold.

Seeing seven or eight brawny men staring at him with strange eyes, Lu Li smiled and shook his head.

As he said, he poured a small pot of muddy wine on the browned deer meat to remove the fishy smell.

At this moment, the furnace was burning vigorously, and the fat and thin roe deer meat became greasy. Although the wine was turbid, it was sifted many times.

In the snowy night, to be able to have such treatment, what else do you want extravagantly, one word, beauty!

Therefore, Lu Li didn't have the time to take care of these people. He took a dagger from his arms, took a piece of meat, took a sip of wine, gave it to his stomach, and ate himself.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of drooling came from the crowd. After all, the rabbit broth was weak, so it didn't taste like a barbecue.

In order to prepare the roe deer, Lu Li not only used wine to remove the smell, but also took out the salt block he had touched from the yellow turban thief's corpse, crushed it and sprinkled it on top.

"Hey, it's the first time a certain knows that there is such a luxury in the world."

A sigh came.

Afterwards, the black-faced man who made people unable to read his way was angrily said: "We have never tasted this kind of taste in our life, but the scholars and nobles did not produce, but they ate polished rice and white rice. The meat, the freshness and the fine wine continue."

Although the voice is low, no one can hear it in this environment, not to mention that Lu Li's hearing is far beyond ordinary people.

By now, he could see that this guy definitely had a ghost in his heart, jumping up and down, fearing that he wanted to mess up the original public pavilion.

As for the reason for the trouble, the purpose is not hard to guess. Tens of miles away, Pingtao County is more ill-fortuned. With the hundreds of officers and soldiers and thousands of young people in the city, it can last a day and a night at most.

If you win Pingtao, Fenyang will be the next one. With a large population and full of grain, it is difficult not to be noticed.

It's better to divide the meat, lest there be any trouble in this group's life?


If there are only three or four people, it can be considered. However, there are nearly ten people sitting in the house, a small deer, how to divide it? Don't suffer from lack and unevenness.

In addition, how can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves.

As his thoughts turned sharply, Lu Li changed his sitting position so that he could pull out the ring knife at any time.

I hope I can stun these people, lest their flesh and blood fly all over the place and stain the fox fur.

In addition, this black-faced man is not simple, but his breath is the same as other people~www.readwn.com~ I guess there is some way.

In front of Hengdao, the effect was immediate.

The dangerous atmosphere just disappeared instantly, and a deep sigh came into my ears:

"People are divided into three, six or nine grades. They have been like this since ancient times."


Lu Li put down the dagger in his hand, thinking:

I can't eat this meal anymore.

after awhile.

The black man who hadn't said anything for a long time spoke again:

"Otherwise, Qin Moyin King Chen She once said, princes and generals, would you rather have a kind?"

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