A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 11: Beishang Tou Mingzhu

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"Heroes": Original, rough, brave, good at riding and shooting. As an official in Nanxian County, it is difficult to receive envoys, and he is anxious, chasing bandits and captives, and staying ahead of him. The arbitration book is rarely used by officials.

Before that, Lu Li hadn't learned about Ding Yuan, but because the other party died too early, he had never considered taking refuge.

In the current situation, Ding Yuan, who served as the driver of the state, is indeed worthy of allegiance.

There are two reasons:

In the sixth year of Zhongping, that is, the next year, the Emperor of Han Ling died and was appointed as Ding Yuan who held Jinwu. At the invitation of General He Jin, he led Bingzhou Langqi and tens of thousands of elites into Luoyang to punish the eunuch.

And Dong Zhuo took the lead in leading the army into Luoyang, controlling the situation in the court.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

At a dinner party not long after, the two big men had a dispute over the emperor's abolition. Ding Yuan left the table angrily, immediately went back to rectify the soldiers and horses, and gave Dong Zhuo a war note.

The next day, the two sides fought a diplomatic battle in the city, and the wolves directly beat the Xiliang army out of temper.

It is a pity that after leaving Lu Bu, the anti-skeleton boy, he was provoked and lured by the envoy Li Su sent by Dong Zhuo and went to the camp in the middle of the night to assassinate his foster father Ding Yuan. At that time, when he joined the state army, no one would have thought that this would happen. thing--

For decades on the battlefield, the prestigious coach will die in the hands of a son.

The good situation was ruined in an instant.

In other words.

If it hadn't been wrong to believe in the villain, Ding Yuan would not have died. As long as the big brother did not die, there would probably be nothing wrong with the eighteenth princes in the future.

Therefore, Ding Yuan, who now serves as Bingzhou Biejia, is a big hidden leg, comparable to the boss Cao who has grown to a later stage.

After talking about strength, let's talk about character.

Ding Yuan should be an upright and loyal person. Facing the brave Xiliang cavalry, the Manchu civil and military either chose to take refuge, or dared not speak, and let Dong Zhuo control the government. Only Ding Yuan stood up to help the young emperor. , Perhaps he has his own calculations, but he always abides by the courtesy that a courtier should have, and never oversteps it.

In addition, when arguing with Dong Zhuo, set up the battle without saying anything!

Is this simple and neat style of doing things a mediocre one?

At this moment, Lu Li, who was inspired by Ting Chang Jizhong, became more excited as he thought about it.

In the past, he patronized and thought about how to get on the big ship Cao Cao, but ignored the Mingzhu who was right in front of him!

Perhaps the decision has already been made in my heart.

Lu Li found another reason to convince himself:

Throughout the entire The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are only a few people who have the habit of reading Bingzhuye, Liu Bei and Guan Yu.

If I remember correctly, when Lu Bu assassinated Ding Yuan late at night, he was studying military books.

Will the treacherous Dong Zhuo do this?

Drinking and sleeping women all day.

Judging from this, most people who have this habit are loyal and self-disciplined. Even if they are not, they are certainly not bad.


Because of the battle just now, no one in the pavilion regarded Lu Li as a scholar, and no longer called him Langjun, but a righteous scholar.

Amid Ji Zhong's call, Lu Li came back to his senses, holding the knife in his hand unconsciously clenched: Don't want to be near and far, go to find Ding Yuan as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he took a sigh of relief, calmed his mind, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"If the righteous man is going to find Ding Ding, I would like to drive away."

As he said, Ji Zhong looked solemnly, and said to Lu Li, "As your Excellency said before, now that the world is restless and the roads are uneasy, our generation should build up some merits and have a good future on the battlefield."

When the words fell, he raised his eyes to look directly at Lu Li, his eyes burning.

The Tingzu standing next to each other looked at each other and tried to stop him many times, but he still held back.

Frankly speaking, in this troubled world, being able to take the initiative to take refuge in is a face-saving thing, not to mention the fact that the other party is not a white person.

Therefore, Lu Li pondered a little, and said, "You are the pavilion chief of the original public pavilion. If you leave without permission, I am afraid that you will be..."

Before he could finish, Ji Zhong said hurriedly: "Why don't you have a problem, the pavilion is with Qiu Pi, enough to hold the new pavilion head, plus Ding Gong recruited talents in the prefecture some time ago, the official document said, no matter what Anyone of background can go there."

"In that case, pack your things, and later, when I meet my father, I will go find a house and stay away."

In fact, after making up his mind, Lu Li was no longer indecisive, and directly nodded in agreement with Ji Zhong's following.

You know, Binzhou is a thousand miles away, and there is a local snake who is familiar with the situation and proficient in the world to lead the way, which can save a lot of trouble.

Next to him, Ji Zhong, who got his wish, showed a smile on his face, adjusted his clothes and said solemnly: "No!"

Immediately afterwards, he turned to the Ting Zuo and said: "You wait to go out and watch, if you see Lu Jun, immediately welcome him into the school."

Although Ji Zhong has decided to abandon the officialdom and leave, as long as he is still in the original public pavilion, no one would dare not listen to instructions.

Everyone behind them dispersed, wearing cotton-padded clothes and holding torches, standing on both sides of the official road, staring eagerly at the direction of Pingtao County.

"The lord will rest here first, and someone will go back to the house to pack his things and prepare everything he needs on the way."

"and many more."

Lu Li suddenly stopped Ji Zhong and asked, "Do you know where Ding Biejia is now?"


Ji Zhong turned around and explained: "Some time ago, I heard from past officials that Ding Gong went to Xinxing County to inspect local officials, and Xinxing County was governed by Jiuyuan County, so it must be there."

Xinxing County?

It really wasn't that easy.

Lu Li was silent for a while. The original public pavilion was at the junction of Taiyuan County and Xihe County, while Xinxing County was in the north. If you want to go there, there are only two roads.

1. Take a detour to the settlements of Qiang and Xianbei people.

2. Crossing Taiyuan County, which was caught in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, went straight to Jiuyuan.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"The remnants of the Yellow Turban are resurrected and are now raging in Taiyuan County, and I am not going to make a detour."

The two looked at each other.

Without changing his face, Ji Zhong said directly: "A certain rough martial arts, capable of lifting the tripod, will certainly not drag the lord."

Lu Li nodded secretly, and said calmly, "Go."

As the lord for the first time ~www.readwn.com~ If the younger brother died easily, wouldn't he be very shameless? As long as the other party is willing to follow, Lu Li will definitely keep him safe.

After all, after awakening the battle spirit, he naturally has more confidence than before, and I asked just now to see how Ji Zhong's attitude is.

at the same time.

After leaving the school, Ji Zhong first returned to the room, packed up two sets of clothes, and put the bamboo tube recording the art of war into the wooden box. He looked around and saw that there was nothing left to bring, so he carried his sword and came to Jicheng. .

At this moment, six or seven chickens were resting next to the wooden frame, and gurgled when they heard the movement.

They are public objects kept in the pavilion. If an official comes here to settle down, one will be slaughtered.

But now Jizhong has decided to abandon his officialdom and follow Lu Li to the north, so he doesn't care about these things.

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