A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 29: Hero Mound

No one was drunk in a banquet.

Although Ding Yuan is very old, he is also a military commander who understands the spirit of war anyway.

Under the **** of several personal guards, he returned to the bedroom and was about to fall asleep when he saw someone hovering on the corridor outside the house, and his figure was very familiar.

"You wait to step back."


Hearing that, the maidservants who were in charge of serving by the side saluted and retired. As for the guards, after sending the lord back to the house, they did not dare to stay in the back house and left directly.

When there was only one person left in the room, Ding Yuan sat on the bed sideways, rubbing his temples, and turning out to look like he was old and too strong to drink.

Frankly speaking, for his only daughter, he is indeed a little scared.

Some time ago, I just mentioned the matter to her. Since then, I have stopped talking to myself, but now I suddenly appear outside the door, I am afraid that something will happen again.

However, after a little hesitation, Ding Yuan frowned and sighed: "It's so late, what's the matter?"

There was a hint of concern in his tone.

Those who don't go to rest at night, and have to endure the severe cold, the chief official in the border area knows that there must be some resentment in her daughter's heart.

Not long after, a slight door pushing sounded.

The curtain was heavy, and after walking around for a moment, a pretty figure appeared in front of his eyes.

Ding Yuan, who was originally lying on his side on the bed and pretending to be drunk, immediately straightened up when he saw his daughter.

At this moment, Ding Qinyu's face was full of tears, as if he had suffered a great grievance. He just stood in place, and his shoulders couldn't stop shaking.

"Who is deceiving my daughter!"

Ding Yuan was furious and jumped barefoot to the ground, where he was half old, waiting to hear his name and went to kill.

Rising at the end of life depends not only on himself, but also on his wife.

At that time, his family was poor, and he was selected as a small official because of his literacy. Later, the bandits robbed the county seat and the Huns knocked on the side. Reluctantly changed his fate and became a small official of Hundred Stones.

If it weren't for his wife to disregard the opinions of the family and marry him, how could she be as glamorous as she is today?

Because of this, after the death of his wife, he became a state, don’t drive, and had great power. He still had no idea of ​​renewing the strings, and only hoped that his only daughter could marry a beloved man.

Now, Ding Qinyu is crying like this, Ding Yuan can’t wait to replace him——

At this moment, he was looking for weapons to the left and right.

There are nothing more than a few household servants in the back house, and at most the guards who come in to deliver the news.

Slave offend.

Let's not talk about the king's law, just this one, what if he killed someone.

It's a pity that the wife just kept sobbing and didn't say anything, making Ding Yuan hovering constantly.

After waiting for a while, self-blame sounded.

"A-Nu doesn't want to marry and serve first?"

"That's just a drunk joke. It shouldn't be true. From then on, you will decide the matter of marriage. There are only two requirements for your father. Find a man who has the ability and has a good reputation."

At the end of the speech, Ding Yuan suddenly thought: Could it be that the daughter was deceived by a guilty man, right?

It's impossible!

As soon as the thought emerged, it was immediately denied.

Even if there are few rules in Ding's house, there will be no incidents of female relatives meeting with men alone.

Unable to guess the answer from left to right, Ding Yuan simply picked up the ring knife hanging on the wall, ready to go out to find a few household servants, and ask what happened recently.

Upon seeing this, Ding Qinyu immediately stopped crying, grabbed his father who was about to kill, hesitated and said: "Aweng..."

At this time, Ding Yuan paused, seeing that there was a turning point, he pressed the intersection in his heart, and said warmly: "My son, don't cry, I will not make you feel wronged for my father."

You know, he has only one woman under his knees. Although his son is brave and filial, he still doesn't have his own blood in his bones.

Therefore, in comparison between the two, after all, Ding Qinyu is even better.

In this way, in the comfort of his loving father, Ding Qinyu told all the things that had happened in the back garden.

At this moment, Lu Li, who was thinking about the future in his bedroom, shuddered suddenly, and his back felt cold.

In fact, he hadn't felt such a whim for a long time, and his heart suddenly became vigilant.

Who is going to harm me?

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao are my brothers, and Zhou Biejiading was originally my lord...

Since returning to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Lu Li praised himself for being kind. Apart from killing Pei Yuanshao, capturing Meng Liang, and clashed with the Yellow Turban Army, he had nothing to do with other forces.

But, can the Yellow Turban thief threaten himself now? The great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao's resurrection is still somewhat possible.

Could it be the Xiongnu and miscellaneous hustle in the north?

For a while, Lu Li was completely drowsy, tossing and turning on the bed, guessing wildly.

Because, when he reached his state, he wouldn't have a whim for no reason, and there must be some unclear good, bad, bad, and big event to happen.

the other side.

Ding Yuan sat back on the bed, leaning on the ring-headed sword, with a strange expression. He glanced at his side from time to time and sighed in an indisputable posture.

Lu Li, who doesn't know the truth, should be grateful to Ding Qinyu. She knew that she was wrong, she didn't mess around, and she didn't make up stories with jealousy.

"You didn't even give your name, so you asked people to go to the back garden?"

"Well, the general might think that Aon was looking for him, not suspicious."

Even now, Ding Qinyu is still defending Lu Li, for fear that he will be blamed by his father.

In fact, after clarifying the origins, Ding Yuan's doubts disappeared. Instead, he was angry with her daughter's various behaviors. He pointed to her and reprimanded: "Meng Ming went through danger and blood, went through the pottery and the culture, and led the entourage. Come and take refuge in me, this is loyalty!"


Seeing his daughter's red eyes, Ding Yuan swallowed the next words again and let out a sigh.

"Fortunately, Fengxian and Meng Ming were generous and took care of their father's face at the banquet. They didn't care about it, otherwise..."

Dang Cang.

Ding Yuan bowed his head and pinched his eyebrows around the ground. He wanted to go back to the past and hack himself to death when he thought of himself beckoning and swinging while he was drinking.


The only thing that is gratifying is that ~www.readwn.com~ the two did not have any suspicions, instead they became brothers.

At this point, Ding Yuan shook his head, as if comforting himself, and whispered: "No matter, it's my own family, so I don't have to be such a child."

At this time, Ding Qinyu, who was sitting next to him, felt happy. Lu Fengxian was his father's son. What about the young general?


Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Ding Yuan stood up, his voice full of exhaustion: "Let's go to rest, don't do this in the future."

"By the way, in the days when you are out for your father, you should read more books and stop using allusions."

"Then, what should we do about marriage?"

Ding Qinyu grabbed Ding Yuan's sleeves and said softly, "My daughter only recognizes him."

"Let's go, let's go."

Seeing his father with a smile on his face, Ding Qinyu instantly understood, no longer entangled, and retired obediently.

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