A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 37: Forbearance villain

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If there is a choice, no one wants to deal with foreign races. What's more, this group of extinct Huns beasts will not even let go of the old people, and directly chopped and filled the well.

As for women...

At this point, Du Quan, who was crawling on the ground, couldn't wait to violently kill, and take five steps to blood!

However, as a freshman in the performance department of the Pinnacle Academy of Arts, Du Quan could only press his unhappiness and be loyal to the Jin family.

After all, what script is taken, it should be performed well. This is the basic quality that an actor should have.

A few days ago, Du Quan opened his eyes and found himself in a quaint hall with a middle-aged scribe sitting in front of him.

Suddenly receiving an unfamiliar memory, he felt dizzy, and the well-dressed scribe, after noticing the strangeness, not only did not scold him, but warmly cared for a few words.

Afterwards, Du Quan was taken back to the bedroom by several guards who were standing guard.

And that middle-aged scribe is the governor Zhang Yi, theoretically, the most powerful person in the state.

At the moment after digesting his memories, Du Quan felt that pie was falling in the sky. He turned out to be the chief guard of the governor. Without struggle and hard work, he picked up an official position of five hundred stones and a martial art that was far beyond ordinary.

At that time, Du Quan was full of arrogance, thinking about comprehending the soul of war, or becoming a top military commander, and then waited for Cao Cao to issue a request for Dong Xianwen, persuading the lord to enter the King Qin of Beijing and become one of the 18 princes.

However, what happened next made him understand what it means to be happy and sorrowful, and what came from the principal's dimensionality reduction blow.

On the second day of the journey, the Huns and Xiutugehu invaded the border at the same time. Yunzhong County and Yanmen County were among them, and they were surrounded by the army.

Later, Du Quan discovered that the governor Zhang Yi was just an empty shelf, with only two thousand soldiers under his command, and there was not even a single general!

At the beginning, when he knew in advance that the midterm exam was of the Three Kingdoms background through the grapevine, he deliberately took an ingenious note——

Check the information of all generals and counsellors from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty period of the three families, and arrange them in order according to their native place, birth and death year, to ensure that they can hold their thighs as soon as they cross.

According to Du Quan's perception, the bitter cold place of Bingzhou is simply a novice village where there are many outstanding people and heroes, which is the most suitable for candidates.

【Lu Bu】

【Word: Feng Xian】

[Hometown: Bingzhou Jiuyuan]

[Guan Zhi Zuo General, Wen Hou]

【Zhang Liao】

【Word: Wen Yuan】

[Hometown: Bingzhou Yanmen Mayi]

[Official to Jinyanghou]

【Posthumous Title: Gang Hou】

【Zhang Yang】

[Word: Juvenile Uncle]

[Hometown: Yunzhong County, Bingzhou]

[Officials to Hanoi Prefect, General Anguo, Da Sima, Jin Yanghou]

[Main Achievement: Welcoming the Han Dynasty and Returning the Emperor to the East]

【Guo Huai】

【Word: Boji】

[Hometown: Taiyuan Yangqu]

[Guan to Cheqi General, Yitong Sansi, Fengyang Quhou]

This is the Three Kingdoms period. With the big thick legs of the commander of Hou Bai with the use of force, any one of them can be eaten and spicy, and the princes of all walks of life will take a high look and gain a lot of benefits.

Of course, the last one can be ignored. He was active in the post-Three Kingdoms era. For many years, he resisted the Northern Expedition of the Shu Han on the Western Front of Cao Wei and defeated Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei’s offensive. Therefore, he was known as the "Imperial Shu barrier" and repeatedly broke the Qiang Hu. , Megatron outside the Great Wall.

In other words.

In this age, whether Guo Huai is born is a problem, he can only report his father's thigh.

In addition, it is impossible for Du Quan to focus only on the above four fierce generals, like Song Xian, Hou Cheng, Wei Xu and others, he also does not pick.

Because, the exam reminder states that all the military commanders with names in the Romance have understood the spirit of war, and these border guards who were born in the same state will naturally not be the general generation.

Unfortunately, the thighs are all concentrated under the command of Biejia Dingyuan.

Frankly speaking, after a lot of thought and meditation, Du Quan remembered that there is indeed such a number one person in the Three Kingdoms.

Who could have imagined that such a character who would receive a box lunch after playing a soy sauce on the stage would now be a gangster-level figure.

If the principal could give a chance to choose, Du Quan would definitely change his banner without hesitation, even if he was a groom for Ding Yuan.

The Liu Guanzhang community headed by the emperor's uncle.

The Cao and Xiahou groups headed by the prime minister.

Comparable to the Union State Society?

Based on the information he heard from other guards, now, only Xiliang Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao, the fourth generation third gong, can wrestle with Ding Yuan.

"Get up and talk, you Han people often say that men have gold under their knees."

"Now you have made a great contribution to cut off Zhang Yi's first-level offering and this king. If you don't give a reward, it really can't be justified."

Jin's words interrupted Du Quan's chaotic memories. In his eyes, this traitor, who could kneel in front of him for so long, had a lesson from his heart and was indeed worthy of promotion.

Hearing this, Du Quan stood up in silence, his head drooping, like a harmless servant of humans and animals.

If Zhang Yi is not injured and the guards rebel at a later date, he will fight for his life and protect him. One is for loyalty (who doesn't want to be a hero), and the other is that a lean camel is bigger than a horse. How can you have no background if you can sit in the position of governor?

"The king once said that those who can capture Zhang Yi alive will reward two hundred dimes, ten Han servants and maidservants, and those who cut Zhang Yi's head will reward one hundred dimes and 20 catties of gold."

Jin hung the organ crossbow on the belt, and raised his hand: "Choose, let you five hundred rides, and then divide you into a cart of wealth. If you have a woman you like, you can also take it away."

In order to express his desire to seek talents, Kim didn't mind increasing his rewards. He always told himself:

This trip is necessary to pasture the Central Plains, Yunzhong County is just a corner of the world.

At this point, Jin turned to look at his feet and fiddled a few times with his boots. It was a head, and his eyes were round, as if he couldn't believe what he saw before his death.


In the wild laughter, Du Quan lifted his head slightly, clenched his fists unconsciously, and his eyes fluttered with unwilling flames.

This is not the Three Kingdoms he wants.

Loyalty, reputation, heroism!

However, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Thinking of this, Du Quan dropped his head again and kept telling himself:

The gentleman hides his weapon in his body, waits for the time to move, when the time comes, it's his mother!

In addition~www.readwn.com~Lu Li, I hope you can survive the battle of Hulao Pass. There is still an account to be settled between you and me!

Three hundred miles away, Baiqushui.


Lu Li, who was riding on the black-mane horse, sneezed and whispered, "What's going on these days? People are always thinking about it."

"Meng Ming, do you want the doctor to come and see?"

On the side, Ding Yuan, who was sitting in the frame, lifted the curtain, his expression full of concern.

Those who understand the soul do not need to avoid the cold and heat.

Therefore, Ding Yuan worried that something wrong with Lu Li's body would affect the next battle.

"As for the lord, it will be fine in the end. It may be missed by the younger generation of Xiao Xiao."

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