A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Return to camp

Industry specializing in surgery.

Lu Li was not good at treating illnesses and saving people, but after some thinking, he found a way to deal with it.

Zhang Yi is dead, and next, the lord will use the momentum of thunder to wipe out the internal and external troubles in the whole territory of Bingzhou, and successfully ascend the position of governor.

It is really not difficult for such a person with great power to recruit a few genius doctors.

As for the candidate, Lu Li had already thought about it.

Hua Tuo.

Under the prestigious reputation, there are no vain people.

If the other party has no way to heal, it can only be said that Zhao Jun's life is exhausted and he can't be forced to stay.

And Zhao Yun also had a decision in his heart. Hearing is not as good as seeing, and his brother doesn’t like Gongsun Zan, so he will go north with Lu Li and go to Bingzhou first to find the Yingguo. If the other party is really as described as Yingguo, he will stay. Serve for it.

When the two were meditating, they saw Zhao Junqiang standing up straight with one breath, solemnly slapped his hand towards Lu Li, and said with one blow: "General, I will leave it to you in the future."

"Please don't worry, brother, I and Zilong have seen it like before..." Lu Chengzhong was overjoyed and hurriedly replied.

As a result, before finishing speaking, he saw Zhao Jun's body soft, he subconsciously rushed up to help, and Zhao Yun was also quick-eyed, and the two held him from left to right.

"It's not too late, you two get on the road earlier."

After saying so many words, Zhao Jun's face became very haggard, and his eyes were also dim. After he explained this sentence, he whispered to his wife Fan: "I'm tired, help me go back to the couch to rest. "

Hearing this, Fan came forward to help him silently.

Looking at the back of his elder brother and sister-in-law, Zhao Yun felt guilty in his heart.

Lu Li sighed inwardly.

As a courtier, he can only do this step. I hope that the lord has enough personality charm to convince Zhao Yun. In this way, the general situation will come true.

"Zilong, let's get on the road. With the feet of a black-maned horse, I should be able to return to Daying before dark."

"Brother Youlao."

After a while, the two rode together and disappeared in the wind and snow.

a long distance away.

Around the camp of the Huns, there were fragments of limbs, and Wang Qi was stepped into the mud, covered with mud and shoe prints.

Enduring the strong burnt smell in the air, batches of Han army cavalry came with flying horses, reporting all kinds of military affairs.

"Is this really what you do not lead the army?"

"Yes, I heard that the person charging ahead is General Yamen Lu Li."

"How did I hear that General Song Xian, the vanguard officer, did it?"

"Net to pull~"

"A few surviving Huns told me in person that a voice kept echoing over the camp: the robber, Taiyuan Lu Mengming."

At this moment, outside the camp, a few watchtowers were hurriedly erected, while the soldiers stood on the heights and chatted casually.

Below it, some pawns were holding long whips, driving the Huns prisoners of war to dig pits.

Last night, Lu Li and the others were happy to kill, but they suffered from those who came to clean the battlefield.

You should know that once the tens of thousands of corpses on the ground cannot be treated in time, they will rot and give off a pungent smell. Not only that, but there is a high possibility that a large-scale plague will form, which will cause disaster to the surrounding counties.

Because of this, in order to avoid the spread of the plague, Ding Yuan ordered the soldiers who rushed in to seize the time to bury the corpse.

Due to language barriers, many Huns refused to dig the pit. They worried that this was not for burying the corpse, but that the Han army commander wanted to kill the prisoner of war.

Although the Huns are alien, they have also heard of such cruel methods.

During the Warring States Period, the Qin Army killed 400,000 Zhao Jun;

In the late Qin period, Xiang Yu killed 200,000 Qin troops in a pit;

These stories are still widely circulated on the grassland and can stop children from crying.

"What are you rubbing against?! Huns!"

At this time, a soldier brandished his horse whip and slammed it on the face of the prisoner of war.


There are a few white teeth in the blood flower.

Painful cries followed.

Seeing the miserable end of their comrades, the Huns on the side didn't dare to think about it anymore, and accelerated their actions.

In fact, the soldiers of the Han sergeant did not know what the coach Ding Yuan thought, but if they really wanted to kill the prisoners of war, they would absolutely have no objection, and would even rejoice.

According to the customs of the Spring and Autumn Period, family feuds only refer to the fifth generation, but family feuds are not restricted by generations and can retaliate at any time.

Starting from the siege of Gaozu Baideng, Dahan was plundered again and again by the Huns, taking and taking, being arrogant and domineering. It was not until Emperor Wu rectified his armaments and beat him far away from a foreign land that the situation changed.

Now, the Huns have healed their scars and forgotten the pain, and have invaded the country again. Not only did the assassin Zhang Yi besieged, beat the court in the face, but also slaughtered the entire city. According to those rescued children, all the men who were above the wheel in Yunzhong County were killed, the corpses were dragged to fill the wells, and the women fell. It is even more miserable.

As a result, many Han sergeants and soldiers sighed after hearing this, wishing to cross Baiqushui early to kill thieves with the lord, and even generals, threatening to write a letter jointly, asking the court to allow them to lead their troops on the expedition to the grassland.

"Let me say, just bury these Huns alive, so as not to waste rations."

"They must not be so cheap, drag them to build a fort, and use them as animals, and they will be exhausted."

Several supervisors and soldiers whispered to each other.

Suddenly, a large green mane galloped in. Because it was in the daytime, the thin scale armor that covered the horse's head exuded a cold light. This is a horse armor, including the wolf ride, and the whole army of the state is not able to get it together. Five hundred.

And the person on his back is even more prestigious, golden helmet and purple robe, although his face is elegant, but at this moment it gives people a feeling of no anger and prestige.

"The lord has an order to build a Beijing view!"

Zhang Liao strangled the mount and let out a long howl.

The clear voice echoed over the camp for a long time.

Beijing is also called Gaoqiu; Guan, Que type also.

The ancients killed thieves and won the corpse, and they must build a view of the capital, thinking that there is a place to hide the corpse and the ancient battlefield.

It is made up of the enemy's corpses and is reinforced with mud and glutinous rice juice~www.readwn.com~ layer by layer, up to 100 meters high.

In the beginning, Ding Yuan didn't intend to use this brutal way to deal with the enemy's corpses, but the scout returning from Yunzhong City made him change his mind.

The land was scorched and devastated.

The fire burned everything, leaving only a few broken walls. Because the scout had been running for a long time, the scout wanted to draw some well water, but in the end he fished out countless residual limbs and almost vomited his liver and gallbladder.

Ding Yuan listened and was silent for a while.

If the city is gone, it can be built again, but once the water source is destroyed, there is no way to go back to the sky, and you can only choose another place to build the city.

And this requires consideration of various issues such as strategic location, surrounding environment, and how difficult the people’s livelihood is. Is it an easy task?

Because of this, he was so angry that he decided to build a temple to deter the aliens who had survived.

When they looted the border, they saw this Jingguan and thought about whether the dead bones of their father and brother were buried in it, and whether they would be buried by the Han army who came for revenge.

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