A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 57: Meet each other


There was a sudden sudden in Lu Chengfu.

This thing Zhang Liao once told him in detail, it is undeniable that there are advantages to building a view of Beijing, and there are many.

First, it can show military prestige and military exploits and improve the morale of the army;

Second, in this way, it can deter later invaders and Xiutugehu who is attacking Yanmen County;

Third, stacking the enemy's corpses and sealing them with lime and clay can effectively reduce the occurrence of plague.

However, Zhang Liao also said that many scholar-officials and ordinary people were afraid and even disgusted with this behavior.

The head of Guizhou had little knowledge. Hearing that officials and soldiers piled up a hill with the corpses of the enemy naturally felt fear, while the scholar-officials felt that this move was hurtful. They believed that the country's use of force was to curb violence and build Beijing to be too much. brutal……

At this point, Lu Li subconsciously looked behind him, and finally brought Zhao Yunguai over, but the lord came out like this.

I have no choice but to try my best to explain. After all, Zhao Yun's attitude is very clear:

From the place of loyalty.

As a result, as soon as Lu Li organized his language, he heard Zhao Yun's cheerful laughter.

"This is a wonderful move."

"Ding don't drive this wonderful move!"

A few consecutive likes.

In fact, in Zhao Yun’s view, Huangfusong’s approach is absolutely counter-ethical——

In order to show off his military merits, Zhang Jiao's corpse was dissected from the coffin, and while slaughtering the corpses to vent his anger, he ordered the corpses of the Yellow Turban army and the people to be mixed together to build a Jingguan.

But now it is different. The Huns committed the heinous crime of massacre, and it is a completely just act to build it into a capital city.

What's more, the big Han and the Xiongnu are feuds!

Seeing that Zhao Yun had no complaints, Lu Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice, "Zilong, the lord is standing outside the camp. Come with me to see you."

"Meng Ming, you haven't returned for a long time, but let me wait for the lord."

At this time, Zhang Liao greeted him quickly.

Ding principle stood still, smiling and stroking his beard, especially after seeing a bulging thing hanging from Lu Li's waist, his face smiled even more.

In this way, King Zuo Xian and King Guli, the two culprits who provoked the war, were all in his pocket. Only the Ming court and envoys came to read the edict.

The two lines of sight meet.

Zhao Yun leaped off his horse, and saw that the man was dressed in bright armor. Although his face was elegant, he could still feel the breath of fierce bird even far away.

But Zhang Liao saw one more person, born majestic and burly, but with a humble appearance, like a scholar, he couldn't help but shine, and asked: "Who is this monarch?"

"Zilong, this is my brother Zhang Liao."

Lu Li came with a black mane horse.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun on the side bowed his hand in salute, with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude, "I have seen the general."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Likou introduced: "Brother, this righteous man named Zhao Mingyun, from Jizhou, met me on the way to chasing thieves."


The lord did not guess wrong.

Seeing that Lu Li's attitude was so solemn and he brought people to the camp, Zhang Liao had an instant in his heart, and he bowed his hand in return: "Zhang Liao, a person from Yanmen."

In this way, the two were considered to have met each other, and then Lu Li briefly recounted the process of chasing the thief.

"You and Bai Ma Yicong have a conflict at the border between You and Jizhou?"

Zhang Liao was very surprised. He really didn't expect to see him for a day. His brother had a conflict with Duting Hou Gongsun Zan, and he couldn't help asking: "Have you ever dealt with it cleanly?"


Lu Li looked at Zhao Yun again, feeling embarrassed. He wanted to say: Don't worry, brother, this group of people who grabbed the merits were all killed by the younger brother.

In the end, he just said vaguely: "No trace left."

After all, to come back, the original intention of Zhao Yun's trip to the north was not to join the army, but to confirm whether the head was really the King of Xiongnu Guli, but with the passage of time, he had no doubts in his heart after deep friendship with Lu Li.

"Duting Hou Gongsun Zan didn't restrain the generals, what if he knew the whole story?"

Ding Yuan has always been vigorous and resolute. Seeing Lu Li leading people back to the camp, he simply walked over. He happened to hear the conversation between the three of them, and said indifferently: "If you dare to come to Bingzhou, I just want me to learn about the magic of the white horse righteousness. Place."

And the state wolf rides against the white horse righteousness?

A wolf rider can travel thousands of miles at night without feeling tired. Although I don’t know what the frontal combat ability is, it’s definitely not bad. You know, there are fierce generals like clouds. Just a riding commander (thousand commander) can compete with ordinary generals. .

As for the White Horse Yicong, when connected with the life of the mount, it can explode several times its usual strength. From this, it can be inferred that the generals are not idlers.

Ding Yuan didn't know what Lu Qi was thinking, so he casually relieved a few words and led them to the Chinese army camp. He occasionally talked to Zhao Yun on the way for a few words, and his attitude was quite kind and elder.

To eat the monarch's profit, bear the monarch's worries.

So far, Lu Li had done everything he could, and the rest was up to the lord.

If you are thirsty for talents, stay here wholeheartedly.

As a hero, Ding Yuan naturally does not lack these two qualities. After a while, he talked with Zhao Yun very happily, and Lu Li suggested from the side that the other party had the intention of choosing the master, and he became more reluctant to give up. Xu Yi was an official on the spot.

However, after all, reason prevailed. Seeing Zhao Yun sitting without a mount, he promised to give him a famous Dawan horse.

The reason why Lu Li was able to win the temple as soon as they met was not only because Zhang Liaodai was a recommendation, but also because he led two entourages and went up against the chaos to directly express his thoughts.

But even so, Zhao Yun's heart is still very satisfied.

As Lu Li said earlier, Chollima is often present but Bole is not. It is indeed a blessing to meet a Ming Master who appreciates himself and is brilliant and brilliant.

In this atmosphere where the host and the host enjoyed themselves, a group of four people entered the camp.

Ding Yuan walked back and left, and called his guards to guard outside the tent. No other people were allowed to approach him. Then he asked Lu Li, "Have you ever taken down the Chief Thief?"

"Just as it was about to be dedicated to the lord~www.readwn.com~, Lu Li unwrapped the black sac and took out a frozen head.

Due to the extremely cold weather in February, the first level has not yet rotted, and the identity of the opponent can be easily identified.

Ding Yuan was overjoyed, took it over and looked at it carefully for a while, and said: "This trip has won a big victory. Only after the siege of Yanmen is resolved, he will return to the teacher to wipe out the remnants of the Yellow Turban and bring the people of the state to a bright future."

Suddenly hearing about the remnants of the Yellow Turban, Zhao Yun had a trace of worry in his eyes. Compared with other races, he believed that the peaceful path, which is good at bewitching people's hearts, is more worthy of vigilance.

And Lu Li also wanted to return to his teacher as soon as possible, so he immediately proposed:

"Lord, in the opinion of the general, you only need to hang up the heads of King Guli and Zuo Xian, so that the heads of Xiutugehu will know that the Xiongnu is over and the siege of Yanmen will be resolved."

When the words fell, Zhang Liao, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said sternly: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

Three eyes cast all over.

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