A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 63: Villain, defeat is set

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There are more than 10,000 wolf riders, 50,000 county soldiers, 20,000 soldiers who have returned to the south, plus the auxiliary soldiers responsible for logistics, and it is completely called the army of 200,000.

As for the Yellow Turban thieves who have attacked Taiyuan and other places, there are probably no less than 300,000 people.

Even the people of Qianshou who don't know the soldiers know that this kind of large-scale battle must not be swarmed, and the division of labor must be completed in advance.

Because of this, Ding Yuan gathered the generals to discuss matters this time, based on the intelligence sent by Lu Bu, analyzing the situation, and arranging the order of the army's march.

"It will be late in the end, and the Lord will forgive sins."

At this time, Lu Li lifted the curtain, and under the gaze of the generals, walked side by side with Zhao Yun to the empty seat, saying that it was a plea, but his footsteps were extremely brisk, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, as if he knew some great happy event. .

And Zhao Yun arched his hands and said, "Ding Gong."

"Hahaha, what's wrong?"

Ding Yuan saw Lu Li's smile on his face and instantly understood. He just happened to see a wine stain on Zhao Yun's sleeve robe. He couldn't help but jokingly said, "It's the old man, I'm disturbing you while you are having a drink."

"After all the remnants of the yellow turban who made trouble, when the old man hosted a banquet to entertain the generals, he also asked the righteous men to give him his honor."

"I haven't built an inch of merit, what face is there to participate in the celebration banquet set up by Ding Gong?" Zhao Yun said with a solemn expression: "If Ding Ding doesn't dislike him, Yun is willing to lead Qianqi as the vanguard and open the way for the army."

From the place of loyalty.

In order to win, it is loyalty to lead the soldiers to rob the camp, guard the Chinese soil and protect the peace of one side, regardless of their daughter's body.

Not far away, Zhang Yi was rescued. Although it was counterproductive, someone stole the city and killed the governor, but he couldn't bury his loyalty.

In Zhao Yun's view, Ding Yuan is indeed a Mingzhu.

"Hahaha, I really want to, don't dare to ask your ears!"

Ding Yuan's hearty laughter sounded from the camp.

Zhang Liao on the side was also delighted. Heroes cherish heroes. There is nothing wrong with these words, just like meeting Lu Li back then.

Frankly speaking, as the first person to know Zhao Yun's decision, Lu Li still felt his footsteps fluttered.

Lv Bu, Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun, coupled with the elite wolf riders and state-of-the-art soldiers, who can compete with them in the world?

The rest of the generals were the same. They weren't as far away as Lu Li thought. They just felt that when another soldier was added to the army, they would be more relaxed when the Yellow Turban thief was suppressed, with a sincere smile on their faces.

In an instant, the solemn atmosphere that was unique to the pre-war era was wiped out.

However, the military situation cannot be delayed.

Lu Bu said in the letter:

The local defenders saw no support for a long time, and their morale weakened to the extreme. Most of the lands in Hedong County were lost. The situation in Taiyuan County was a little better, but it was not optimistic. A rebel named Zhou Tian, ​​after killing Shangguan, took the initiative to collude with the Qiang people. , And formed an ally with the yellow turban thief Qushuai Guo Tai, known as the fifty thousand army, has sent troops from the stone building of Xihe County to attack Taiyuan eastward.

Therefore, Ding Yuan decided to launch a battle to stabilize the situation in the state with the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Considering that this battle took place within the state of Bingzhou, the soldiers were familiar with the environment and did not need to act together in groups like before. The confident Ding Yuan directly divided the troops other than the heavy troops into four branches: separate soldiers, revitalize the army, follow the army, Army.

As the name suggests, the army is the main offensive force.

The heel army set off ahead of the army, walked a hundred miles in front of the army, brought a full three-day ration, and agreed on the battle time. When the time comes, they will have a meal and enter the state of battle.

The Xingjun set off before the Heenjun, a hundred miles away from the Heenjun, and brought a full six days of rations, was responsible for investigating the situation, and was the first to join the large troops remaining in the south.

While dividing the pawns according to the key points, the gains of the war are chasing the north, and the pawns are followed. That is, the pawns need to occupy the dangerous places in advance. For one thing, it is easy to win when the army is engaged. .

"Where is Zhao Yun?"

In order to show his importance, Ding Yuan took the lead in naming his name.

"It will be at the end."

Zhao Yun converged his expression, and the more crowds appeared.

"Stone Tower City has thick walls, and it's on the border. If you want to break the thieves in this battle, you must first cut off the path. You lead a thousand cavalry and go around from the territory of the Qiang."

Xu was worried about Zhao Yunchu's involvement in the army. Ding Yuan explained kindly: "The Qiang people will raid the border every year. This time they will definitely take advantage of the remnants of the Yellow Turban and go deep into the city. They will not care about their own territory behind them. "

"The final commander."

Zhao Yun seemed very accustomed. After accepting the military order, he immediately got up and returned to his original position.

Seeing this, Ding Yuan didn't hesitate, but turned his head and said, "Where is General Yamen Lu Li?"


(Anti-theft part)

The electric bell rang.

Lu Li walked into the examination room and found his seat according to the instructions on the blackboard. He silently took out his ID card, examination admission ticket, 2B pencil and other items from the transparent bag, and waited patiently.

"The invigilator is requested to distribute the test papers and answer sheets, and guide the candidates to fill in the school, name and admission ticket number correctly."

An alert tone came from the broadcast, and the empty amphitheater remained silent.

The self-proclaimed calm Lu Li felt that the atmosphere was a little weird, but during the exam, conversation was the most taboo, and it was normal to be quiet.

Take a deep breath... Don't be nervous... Just treat it as a mock exam...

Unfortunately, the hand holding the pen is still a little trembling.

At this time, the invigilator came to Lu Li's side and handed out the test paper without saying a word——

The Ninth Advanced Sorcerer College Admissions Global Examination (Volume I)

The black title on the first page of the test paper was clear and eye-catching. Lu Li rubbed the corner of his eyes, feeling that he was too nervous and hallucinating.

this? Is it a typographical error?

Obviously, the title remains unchanged.

"Teacher, I..."

Lu Li looked up and subconsciously wanted to get feedback from the invigilator to see if he could exchange a new test paper.

In sight, a slender hand stretched out and pasted the barcode: "Don't worry, it won't affect your normal exam."

The beautiful-looking female invigilator said she didn't care at all, and went on to the next examinee.

Who printed the test paper with such a big omission, are you not afraid of being held accountable?

He cursed unlucky secretly, and Lu Li tried to look down and continued to read the test papers.


The exam is divided into two parts: Volume I and Volume II, with a total of ten pages. Volume I is multiple-choice questions, and Volume II is a written test. The full score is 120. The test time is 5 days.

5 days?

Prank it!

Lu Li felt that he was being teased, because in his cognition, the phenomenon of missing prints and missing pages in the test paper was extremely rare, let alone such a situation.

"The exam starts~www.readwn.com~The candidates begin to answer the papers."

At this time, the reminder sounded again, and a rustling sound from behind made Lu Li force himself to calm down and turn his attention back to the test questions.

first question:

What is the epitaph of Anonymous in the cemetery?

A. Life ends and eternity begins.

B. Sleeping here is an old man who upholds the law and the truth.

C. Uncle was a heresy who liked men before his death, so he didn't leave offspring after his death, but he had a lot of whiskey and many pet cats, and he was worth it in his life.

D. I'm lying here, but don't cry, because it won't be long before you will die.

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