A Werewolf's Seduction

Chapter 112 - An Ace In The Hole

It was well within the witching hour. Other than the wind whistling through the trees and chimneys, all was quiet.

In front of the slowly dying fire was the shape of a woman with long black hair. At first glance, it looked as if she was simply curled up on the white flokati rug, napping.

Upon closer inspection, it was obvious that she was not sleeping. Her body was writhing as if in pain and she was panting in distress.

"Haaaaahhh…" She sighed as she gripped the rug with clawed fingers.

Suddenly, her body stiffened and she jerked upright.

"Ahhh!!!" She shrieked.

The sounds of running footsteps could be heard.

"Milady!" Her personal attendant burst into the room without knocking. "What is wrong???"

Sibyl gasped and sank back down onto the rug.

"I'm—I'm fine. Help me up." She held out her hand.

The attendant helped her up and sat her down on the wing chair by the fire.

As Sibyl slowly regained her equilibrium, the attendant moved about the room with brisk efficiency. She poured Sibyl a glass of water and added more wood into the fireplace, stoking the fire a bit higher.

"What happened, Milady?"

Sibyl rubbed her face with shaking hands.

"I received another vision."

The attendant put the fire poker back and turned to Sibyl.

"I will call Lucile so she can record the vision."

"That won't be necessary. You could do it, Magdalene."

"But High Priestess…I am only a novice witch. I am not worthy of the task."

Sibyl sniffed. "You are worthy if I say you are worthy! And besides," she harrumphed. "It's three in the morning. I cannot drag Lucile out of her bed just to write down some hellish vision."

She brushed a hand at Magdalen. "Go get some paper and pen. Hurry."

"Yes—Yes High Priestess." Magdalene went to do her bidding.

Within minutes, she was sitting at Sibyl's feet, ready to write down the vision that the High Priestess had just seen.

Sibyl took a deep breath.

"Let it be noted that as of the witching hour of this early morning, a True Vision has been received."

Sibyl began mumbling in her 'vision' tone.

"In dank darkness and bone chilling frost, the dragon dungeon holds the Bloodless King and his Wolven Bride. The arduous condition of their dungeon threatens the life within the female wolf."

Her eyes grew fierce with sadness.

"They are in perilous captivity and must be rescued soon or the child will be stillborn. Time grows short. Go now or not at all. "

Sibyl shook her head with deep regret.

"Magdalene. Take this vision to the King of Faria. Do not leave until it is in his hands."

Magdalene looked up at her mistress.

"Yes, High Priestess."


It was barely four in the morning but Cedric was already up.

He sat at the dining table in his bath robe, drinking his hot tea as the fire danced merrily beside him, drying his long blond hair from his morning bath.

His eyes were focus on the single parchment that Hubert had handed to him. Hubert never disturbed his sleep unless there was good reason to.

This was very good reason.

"Sir, your haven't eaten your breakfast." Hubert indicated at the untouched croissant in front of Cedric.

"It's too early to eat, Hubert. I should be sleeping, not sitting out here looking at the rantings of a demented witch." He threw the parchment onto the table with a soft curse.

"Sir. The High Priestess Sibyl is hardly demented. Not only is she the most respected Seer within the last two hundred years, she also happens to be your mother-in-law."

"Yes, I understand that." Cedric leaned back against the chair in disgust. "I am being forced to choose between saving my sister and her family, and that which could jeopardize my wife and my son's lives."

"Your Majesty," Hubert sighed. "If you choose to do nothing…"

"Then my sister loses her baby and potentially, her life. But letting Talia go alone is too dangerous."

"Perhaps you should talk to her, see what she thinks."

"Talk to me about what?" A voice sounded by the entrance to the dining room.

"Love." Cedric stood up and moved towards his wife. "It's still so early. Why are you up?"

Talia moved into his arms. "I woke up when you left our bed." She looked over at Hubert. "What's going on?"

Cedric pulled her back to the dining room and sat her on his lap.

"Your mother sent me this." He indicated at the parchment.

Talia glanced at the scribbles.

"You know I am illiterate in Farian script." She gave a sad smile.

Cedric sighed. "Your mother has had a True Vision, clearly detailing the situation that my sister is in. She is being held inside a dark cold dungeon with her husband."

"The vision clearly states that if we don't rescue her soon, the baby within her will be stillborn."

Talia hissed and hid her face within the folds of Cedric's bathrobe.

"If that is the case, I cannot just sit here and watch a child die." She murmured. "I have to go, Cedric."

"Love, you're pregnant with our child. If something were to happen to you, I don't know what I will do!"

"But we just can't leave them like that."

"Didn't you say you needed to protect your own child?"

"That was before I knew that she wasn't just traveling around enjoying the universe with her husband."

"The mission has shifted. We're not escorting home a wanderlust traveler, we are rescuing a Princess, her husband, and their unborn infant!"

Cedric sighed and leaned his forehead into her back of Talia's head.

"If you go, then so will I."

"But the Kingdom of Faria—"

"Will never be as important as the safety of my wife and my son." Cedric interrupted her.

"Your Majesty," Hubert shook his head. "You cannot leave Faria at this time."

Cedric threw a sharp glance at Hubert.

"Have you forgotten Count Edwin Larabee?"

Cedric narrowed his eyes. Of course he had not forgotten.

He did however, have an ace in the hole.

"I will discuss this in detail with Talia's father, King Jero of Betaluse."

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