A Werewolf's Seduction

Chapter 26 - I Got A Boyfriend

Lunch was a strange affair.

The elegant regal man with the loose long blond locks dressed in all white sat at one end of the small dining table staring at everyone with amused green eyes.

Opposite from him was homeboy Cedric with the sullen deadpan face of someone who had eaten something bitter. He was dressed in all black from his recent equestrian ride earlier that morning and sat facing his brother at the head of the table.

Cecil and Cedric barely said a word to each other, so most of the talking was done by Talia and Devin.

The two men ate their chicken soup and finger sandwiches as they observed her play with Devin and feed him at the same time. It was something they had never seen before.

At their home in Faria, meal times were stiff and formal, and playing was absolutely discouraged. And yet, here she was, playing red light, green light with the boy.

"Hmmm. Red light!" Talia called out, and Devin promptly popped a red slice of tomato in his mouth.

"Ahhhh. Green light!" And Devin giggled and grabbed a cucumber slice, chewing on it with great joy.

Of course, they would deviate to 'yellow light' for the tiny egg omelette that had been made for the boy. To get him to eat a spoonful of mashed potatoes, she had to make up 'white light', all of which Devin took in with gusto.

Once the awkward lunch was over and Devin had been taken to be cleaned of his food mess, she and the men moved to the inner courtyard rose garden where a light fruit sangria was served with dessert.

Amidst the rose bushes that grew fragrant ruby red blossoms all around them, the serving maid poured the wine and served the pastries.

Cecil raised his glass to Talia.

"Lady Talia. To your eternal beauty."

Cedric scowled, but drank to the toast anyway. What else could Talia do but smile and drink to her 'eternal beauty'.

"So tell me, Lovely Talia," Cecil put down his drained glass. "What do you plan to do once Devin's mother returns and takes over the mothering job you've been doing with Devin?"

Talia gulped down a swallow of the sweet sangria and licked her lips. She looked over at Cedric, who was staring at her without saying a word.

"I guess that would depend on what my employer wants to do with me."

"I'm sure the things he wants to do with you are far different from the things you are thinking of." Cecil grinned. "If you would like a change of pace, however, I do have a position that would absolutely fit with your qualifications."

Cedric's eyes shot a warning, which Cecil conveniently chose not to see.

Talia gave him a questioning look.

"I happen to have an empty mansion on my estate that needs someone who can come and take care of it. You would be perfect."

"You mean your seventh mansion?" Cedric droned in a dry tone.

"Hmmm. I could move her to the first mansion if she truly insisted." Cecil gave her a smooth look.

By this point, Talia had some idea of what he was talking about.

"Umm. Thanks for the offer, but I really like my little apartment. It's small but it's mine and I don't have to expend much energy to keep it clean." She smiled, hoping he would get a clue.

"Oh, you wouldn't have to lift a finger at my mansion. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy." Cecil gave a lustful sensual grin.

Talia sighed.

It looked as if he had completely missed her clue. It looked like she was going to have to resort to a clue-by-four.

"I'm not interested, Cecil." She gave him a steady gaze.

Cecil's eyebrows rose. "Do you know what you are turning down?"

Talia smiled without malice.

"Thank you for your interest in my qualifications but I don't see myself as a glorified housekeeper."

"Glor—glorified housekeeper?" Cecil's mouth dropped open as Cedric's body began shaking with mirth.

"That's right." She raised her chin with pride. "I'm working towards becoming a veterinarian and I like my life just the way it is right now."

She glanced towards Cedric.

"If things change in the future and Cedric no longer needs me, I will happily go back to my life's work taking care of animals that need me."

"If that's what you really want to do, you could do the same while staying at my mansion." Cecil insisted.

Talia leaned forward, her bright blue eyes sparkling.

"What, pray tell, would I actually have to do at your mansion?"

Cecil smiled. Finally. He'd piqued her interest.

"You could do anything your heart desires."

Talia pressed her lips together. Her clue-by-four was not working. She needed to drop a nuclear bomb on his bright vacuous head.

"Hmmm. Sounds like a cushy job. Could I bring my boyfriend there for visits?"

Cecil's Adam's apple worked up and down for a full minute. Boyfriend? She had a boyfriend?

Talia looked away. Just as she thought.

Sighing with great theatrics, she waved a hand.

"I better not. My boyfriend would get the wrong idea and get jealous. I truly don't want you to get hurt because he's a rather big guy and can get a little…you know…possessive." She gave him a wide-eyed look.

Cecil's cheek muscle was working a tick as he struggled to contain himself.

Meanwhile, Cedric was turning a lovely shade of purple from holding his breath to keep from bursting into helpless laughter.

"Ahem. Well, we don't want to do anything that might be awkward for you, of course." Cecil managed to choke out.

Talia nodded with a smile as she drained her red sangria.

"Hmmm. This is good."

Cedric cleared his throat and took a breath.

"If you like it, I will have the drink chef make it every day for you."

The little minx had simply sidestepped Cecil with so much class, he could barely contain his heart from skipping with joy. He could hardly wait to make her truly his.

After lunch was over, Talia begged off to go check on Devin, leaving the two brothers sitting in the rose garden staring at everything but each other.

Finally, Cecil took a deep breath.

"You knew she had a boyfriend, didn't you?"

Cedric smiled and nodded.

Of course, it wasn't strictly true because he hadn't exactly asked her to be his girlfriend yet, but damn it, she'd touched his manhood and made him come!

At the very least, her hand was already his.

"It figures she'd be already taken." Cecil grimaced. "She's just too breathtakingly beautiful to still be single."

Cedric nodded again, this time with a steely look in his eyes. Talia was absolutely correct in one thing.

When it came to Talia, he could totally see himself turning into one jealous wolf if any man were to look at her with lustful eyes.. This included his brother, the King of Faria.

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