A Werewolf's Seduction

Chapter 28 - The Duties Of A Consort

Talia was in the drawing room, drawing. Well—drawing was a bit generous to describe what she was doing.

There was a large pad of paper on the floor and she had traced Devin's body silhouette onto the paper. They they were sitting on the floor with crayons, drawing eyes and nose and mouth onto the paper Devin.

It was Talia's job to draw the shapes and Devin's job to color it in.

Neither Talia nor Devin were doing a very good job and they were giggling and laughing at how bad the paper Devin was looking when the attendant entered the drawing room with an official invitation to be presented to the Lady Talia.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat as Talia looked up from drawing a glitter necklace around the paper Devin's neck.

"This is an official notice to inform you that the King of Faria, Cecil Blaxtone is asking for your presence today at three in the afternoon, in the piano room. Refreshments will be served."

Talia gave a dubious look. "Am I in trouble or something? Why a formal summon?"

The attendant again cleared his throat.

"Milady. Refreshments will be served."

"Why? We're at home. If I want refreshments, I can just go to the kitchen and grab a coke."

"Milady. It simply means this is an informal chat with the king and not a serious meeting."

"I see." She blinked. "What a strange way to say, 'come hang out with me, I got some snacks.'"

The attendant coughed. "He is the King. He doesn't do 'hang out' and 'snacks'."

Talia sniffed and checked her wrist watch. It was 2:45 PM.

"He really didn't give me much time to prepare did he?"

"We have enough time to get there. This way, Milady." The attendant held out a hand.

Devin suddenly jumped into Talia's lap and threw his arms around her neck, his large amber eyes peeking out and staring at the attendant with sullen suspicion.

"Looks like we're going to have to come together. Devin is not letting me go alone."

The attendant looked at Portia and Anne who were both standing nearby.

"Perhaps the Little Lord could go with his attendants…"

"No go!" Devin yelled at the man. "Devin no go!"

Talia patted his back. "You heard Lord Devin. He is a 'no go'."

The attendant nodded. It was not his place to suggest to Lord Devin to go away if that is truly what Lord Devin did not want to do.

"This way please." He held out a hand.

Talia carried Devin and followed him through the hall, into the east wing of the house where the piano room was situation.

It seemed rather pretentious, but in truth it was a good decision. This time of the day, when the sun was on the other side of the mansion, it was the coolest room in the house.

Cecil was sitting at the piano, playing something light and gentle when she stepped into the room. It sounded like a classical piece but she did not recognize it.

"Ahhh. There is the beautiful Countess." King Cecil smiled and stood up to greet her.

"And I see you brought little Devin along as well."

"Your Majesty." Talia greeted and bowed as well as she could with Devin stuck on her chest like a little bear.

"I came as soon as I heard you called for me. I am currently still working so I brought my charge along. I hope you don't mind."

Cecil smiled. She had a full entourage to assist her with the daily care of the boy. She could have just left the boy in the attendants' care, but no. She had to lug the child all the way to this tête-à-tête.

But oh well.

"Come." He held out his hand and gestured to a small table by the window overlooking the blue and purple hydrangeas growing in profusion outside.

The table was covered in white linens, with a small bowl of orange and yellow roses at the center. An attendant was standing nearby with a covered rolling trolley, no doubt filled with 'refreshments'.

He seated her, with little Devin clinging onto her neck.

"Ahh." Cecil began. "You must be wondering why I sent for you."

Talia nodded, even as Devin began warbling something into her ear.

"I have been talking to my younger brother Cedric about your situation here in this home. I understand you are the boy's nanny."

"Chaw—chawbewi" Devin was mumbling into Talia's ear.

Talia nodded. "I am."

"Well, the situation with Devin is untenable for long. I will be returning to my kingdom in a few days, and I will be taking the boy with me."

"Maaaamaaa. Chawbewi."

Talia cleared her throat. "If you don't mind. Could you serve refreshments please?"

"What?" Cecil blinked his eyes.

"Your invitation said refreshments will be served." Talia's eyes came alive. "It was right around Devin's snack time, so I came for the refreshments."

A little tick worked on the King's cheek, but he waved a hand and the attendant rolled the trolley towards the table.

Within minutes, they had placed plates and silverware with glass stemware.

"Can I have some of those strawberries please?" She pointed at the strawberry fruit medley that was part of the dessert offering.

Devin bounced happily on her lap. "Chawbewi! Chawbewi! Chawbewi!"

"Yes, yes. Strawberries." She handed a large red fruit to the boy who sat there happily munching on it.

She turned back to King Cecil.

"Now that we've taken cared of the most important part of this meeting, please continue with what you were saying about Devin."

Cecil cleared his throat.

"Yes. As I was saying. I will be taking him with me when I leave. Perhaps you could also come with me."

Talia looked at King Cecil.

"I would have to talk to my employer about that. If I leave New Orleans, it would mean I would have to ask for an increase in pay since I will need to cover living costs in a new place."

Cecil shook his head. "We will no longer require you to be Devin's nanny. He will be cared for by an entire staff of people from the royal palace."

"I see." Talia looked down at Devin's pale blond hair, watching him as he finished his strawberry and reached for another.

"In that case, I will decline your offer."

Cecil closed his eyes. "My Dear, I am offering you a new position within my royal palace."

"You're offering me a job?"

"You could call it that. I am in need of a Consort. If you come with me, you will be my newest Consort. I will have a mansion specifically built for you."

Talia raised an eyebrow and fixed her bright blue eyes at him.

"Your newest Consort. How many do you have?"

"I currently have six." Cecil stated matter-of-factly.

"I see. And what exactly is the job description of a Consort?"

"Excuse me?" Cecil blinked. What in the world was this woman talking about?

"What do your Consorts do? Are they something like…executive assistants? Or maybe like Office Aides, or wardrobe advisors?" Talia shrugged.

Cecil's mouth opened and closed several times. Was this woman deliberately being obtuse or was she really that slow?

He was proposing a very lucrative offer to this woman and she was acting as if she had never heard of the word 'consort' before.

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