A Werewolf's Seduction

Chapter 30 - I Want Her

As quickly as she could, Talia begged off with the pretense that Devin needed his afternoon nap before dinnertime.

Once she had transferred Devin over to Portia and Anne, she immediately went looking for the Duke.

Not knowing where to look for him, Talia made her way to the kitchen area where she found Hubert chatting with the cooks.

She pulled on Hubert's arm, taking him into a private corner.

"I need to speak with the Duke."

"He is currently out taking care of a few details. We should be expecting him home in time for dinner."

"This is urgent, Hubert." Talia's eyes gleamed with insistence.

Hubert stared at her for a moment and nodded.

"I will contact him. Give me about fifteen minutes."

Talia nodded. "Thank you Hubert."


She was out in the back garden gathering cayenne peppers for the evening's meal when the Grand Duke appeared from behind a rosemary bush.

He was still wearing his equestrian outfit which meant he had just returned from riding his horse. His ash blond hair was tied back, with windswept strands fluttering across his handsome regal face.

"There you are." He smiled. "Hubert said you wanted to talk to me. What are you doing?"

He took in her dirt-smeared jeans and gardening gloves with his quick amber eyes.

Talia looked up and straightened from her crouch.

"The cooks are making crawfish étouffée tonight and I wanted to watch them make it so I can learn how to do it right."

"You cook too?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I can make a few dishes." She smiled.

"Hmmm. So when do we get to taste your creations?" He gazed at her with hopeful amber eyes.

"Never." She answered tartly. "Your brother has put a crimp in my plans and I'm giving you my resignation notice as of now. I'm leaving after dinner tonight."

"What???" He stared at her, the smile instantly gone from his face. "What did he do?"

Talia scowled and put the pepper basket down. She yanked off her gloves and pulled from her back pocket, a crushed and smeared royal decree.

"He just presented me with this thing earlier when you were out getting some exercise." She shoved the offending thing into his hand.

Cedric nearly burst out laughing as he held the mangled decree that had spent the better part of the day, shoved into her back pocket.

Most people who were presented with a royal decree from the King framed the precious document and displayed it proudly in a conspicuous place in their home as a sign that they had been favored by the King with a decree.

Talia simply shoved it into her jeans pocket like it was some scribbled message from some unwanted suitor.

For some reason, Cedric felt a thrill run through his body as he touched the decree.

It was still warm from her body heat and bent around the edges into the perfect shape of her buttocks as she crouched on the ground, doing whatever it was that Talia had a penchant to do.

With a quick flick of his hand, Cedric opened up the hastily folded decree and read the familiar perfect script of Cecil's Advisor, Boris.

It didn't take him long before he had a good grasp of what was going down.

Cedric's amber eyes glittered with rage. Not wanting to scare her, he reached out and touched her nose with a gentle finger.

"You broke your phone the other day, didn't you?" He asked.

Talia sniffed. She had thrown it at his fiancée and it had landed on the floor, shattering into several pieces. She wasn't going to say that to him though.

Cedric pulled from his riding jacket a brand new phone and handed it to her. This was one of the reasons he had been out early this morning.

"There is only my number on there at the moment. I set it to #1. I want you to call me directly if you need me for anything."

She took the phone from his hand and nodded. It was a reasonable request, especially since she was caring for his nephew.

"Now. Sit tight and don't do anything rash. I will handle this and then I will be back to enjoy a good dinner tonight with you and Devin."

He turned away, but then looked back at her.

"And keep your phone on you at all times. I can't have you wandering around without any way to contact you."

As Cedric walked away, his eyes gleamed fire red and his fist tightened on the decree still in his hand. He had a score to settle with his brother.


Cedric found his brother sitting by the poolside having a late afternoon rum and coke, with Boris standing nearby.

"Cecil." He called out as he strode up to his brother.

"Brother!" Cecil turned a smiling face at his brother only to have a crumpled piece of parchment thrown in his face.

"What the hell!!!" Cecil sputtered as he saw his decree drop onto his lap.

"I'd like an explanation as well. What is this?" Cedric pointed to the decree on Cecil's lap.

Cecil sighed and placed his rocks glass onto the table. He was King and should be seated while others stood before him, but in this case, he did not want to have to look up at his brother's angry face.

He stood up and faced his brother, silently cursing his lack of two inches that made him just a tad bit shorter than Cedric's 6'2" height.

"I assume you've read the decree, which is why you're here throwing it at me."

"Retract this. Now!!!" Cedric threw him a violent glare.

"You seem to have forgotten that I am the King of Faria. My word is law."

"You seem to have forgotten that we are not in Faria. Your word is no more powerful than my word here in the US."

"Are you challenging me?"

Cedric narrowed his eyes. It would be so easy to say yes! He was challenging Cecil!!!

But then he pulled himself back for a moment.

To beat Cecil to a pulp would be a simple thing, but then he would have to take over Cecil's job which meant he would have to return to Faria and take up the damn blasted throne.

He still needed to find his sister and do a few other things which he would not be able to do if he took over the Alpha position.

Still, he could not allow this travesty to continue.

"Leave Talia alone. She does not have anything to do with our world." He warned with a low growl.

Cecil lifted his head. "I want her."

"Well you can't have her."

"Why? She's not married and no man dares to pursue her because she is a spectacular and magnificent violent creature." Cecil's green eyes gleamed with appreciation. "Grrrrrr. She is such a honey pot, she makes me drool."

Cedric held up a warning finger.

"Leave her alone. This is my last warning to you."

Cecil narrowed his eyes. "And you will do what, Brother?"

Cedric gritted his teeth trying not to lose control of his rage. Cecil was baiting him and trying to get him to rage so he could use that as an excuse to set his guards on Cedric.

Cecil chuffed with wry humor.

As he thought. Cedric was too much of a beta to challenge him outright.

"I am the Alpha of our pack. What I say goes." He turned away with a self-satisfied smile.

"Grrrrrr." Cedric growled behind him.

Cecil's back was turned to Cedric, but he was no fool. He hadn't remained an Alpha all these years without having razor sharp senses.

He could smell Cedric's male aggression bursting forth.

"Relax, Cedric." Cecil waved a conciliatory hand. "I rarely if ever take a female bitch** from any of my brothers, you included."

"I will make it worth your while. Leave me this one girl and I will find you a dozen other high quality bitches to play with."

Cedric was still standing there without saying a word, exuding strong male pheromones which Cecil ignored.

What could Cedric do to him? His guards and Boris were all standing around him.

"I will mark her as mine tonight." Cecil continued as if it was just a normal conversation. "By this time tomorrow, she will be with me inside the Royal Palace, and I will take her as my bride."



** Bitch in this term refers to female werewolves, not unsavory human female.

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