A Werewolf's Seduction

Chapter 67 - Run!!!

The train had left the station for about an hour when Talia was finally able to sit down. She had gone about, cleaning up the big mess that the little boy and his uncle had made of the railcar with their activities.

Of course, the attendants could have done the work, but Cedric was lying in bed hugging little Devin and sleeping peacefully and she did not want the attendants to disturb their rest.

He had been out all night running around in his werewolf form and had crashed hard after soaking in the warm bath.

There was another three hours before lunch was served. It was a good time as any to sit back and relax, have a cup of hot green tea.

She had barely taken a couple of sips when a thump sounded on the top of the rail car they were in.

The sound instantly awakened Cedric. He sprang out of bed and pulled off his sleep shirt.

Devin awakened at the same moment his uncle jumped off the bed. He sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Uncle Cedric! Maamaaaa!" He wailed, sensing something was wrong.

Within minutes, Cedric had morphed into his werewolf self and headed for the railcar door.

"Stay inside and don't let anybody in." He growled, slipping out the doorway opening.

The thumping coming from the top of their car began to intensify. Screams began to ring out all around them.

There was no doubt something bad was coming down.

Without hesitation, Talia pulled Devin from the bed.

"Let's get you dressed and ready for an exciting adventure, okay?"

He nodded and helped her pull on his thick warm sweat pants and sweat shirt, along with his socks and shoes. She grabbed his puffy jacket and zipped him into that as well.

Whatever happened, they were ready for it.

Talia had barely finished putting on her own shoes when the train's horn sounded. She could also hear a grating sound and then the train began to slow down.

'Babe. The train is going to stop. When it stops, take Devin and run into the forest. Don't look back and don't stop for anything. I will follow right behind you.'

'Okay.' She responded instinctively, throwing on her own coat.

She was not about to ask why. The sounds above the train had gotten louder and more distressing.

He was fighting for his life and did not need to be distracted trying to explain anything to her.

She shoved Ben, the little brown bear, into Devin's arms.

"Listen to me Darling. Hold onto Ben real tight. I'm going to carry you and we're going to be running away from the train. You understand?"

Devin's eyes grew large. He nodded without a word.

"When we're running, keep your eyes closed and don't make a sound so Ben doesn't get scared, okay?" She reminded him.

Devin nodded again.

'Baby.' Cedric's voice came through. 'Get ready. The train is slow enough for you to be able to get off. Count to ten and jump off the train.'


'I'm going to cover for you. Don't stop. Keep running!'

'Okay.' She hefted Devin onto her hip.



Three. She slid the railcar door open.



Six. She made her way out onto the gangway connection


Eight. The train was still slowly moving.



She hopped off the gangway and nearly fell onto her knees in the sandy area.

With a burst of adrenalin, she pushed herself back up with one hand while her other hand clamped onto Devin with a desperate grip.

The little boy was doing exactly what she told him to do.

He held his little bear and clung onto her neck for dear life, hiding his eyes within her shoulder.

Without breaking stride, she sprinted for the trees.

Loud sounds of fighting broke out behind her.

There were ear-splitting shrieks and howls of agony. Devin shivered but not a sound came from his tiny form.

She kept running, ignoring the grunts, snarls, and yowls around her.

Something banged against the metal side of the train.

More screaming. More growling.

Talia ignored everything and kept running as fast as her legs could carry her.

She was normally a strong fast runner, but bogged down by a 25 pound child wearing full winter clothes, it was all she could do to keep moving at a fairly fast clip.

The forest was ahead. All she had to do was keep running until she made it into its cover.





She panted with each step she took as she made her way into the forest. The trees swallowed her up as she ran deeper and deeper into the woods.

It was midday. The sun was directly overhead which meant she had a clear view of everything around her.

It also meant she could not really tell the direction that she was running towards.

It didn't matter, she told herself. Cedric had said he would follow right behind her.

She was not worried that he would not be able to find her because he would be able to smell both of them.

She was worried that he would not be able to fight past whoever or whatever was attacking the train.

She put that thought out of her mind and kept running. He was going to be just fine.

Although she was generating a lot of heat and was starting to sweat in her thick coat, the cold air outside hit her face, reminding her that she had to find a place to shelter Devin.

She didn't know what the situation was, but finding shelter for Devin was critical.

After fifteen minutes of running, Talia's strength gave out and it was all she could do just to walk at a fast pace.

Her arms were burning from carrying Devin for so long, but she ignored the pain. Fear was a wonderful motivator, and adrenaline was the fuel that kept her moving.

Another twenty minutes of walking took her into a different part of the forest.

The trees around her had gotten larger and thicker. She was rapidly heading into the deep dense areas of the forest where the old growth was.

All around her, the pristine snow showed nothing but animal tracks. There were no signs of people anywhere.

She followed a set of what looked like deer tracks which ended inside a tiny clearing.

Breaking through the bushes, she saw a mother deer and two of her fawns, nestled on the far side of the clearing.

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