A Werewolf's Seduction

Chapter 79 - The Chartreuse Prophecy

—The Chartreuse Prophecy—

To those with willing ears to hear

And those whose eyes are crystal clear

Beware the ticking of the clock

When time collides and doors unlock

On moonlit nights when hearts grow wild

Betwixt the maiden coven child

And wolf, and bat, and dragon spawn

Their dance commences dusk till dawn

Their need to slake the bloody thirst

to conquer all, to be the first

The fangs of love, the claws of lust

Will render all, from dust to dust

So take this cautionary tale

And find the truth across the veil.

What once was lost has now been found

The Golden Child with throne and crown.

Will take the coven maiden's hand

And rule with might across the land.


High above the promontory cliffs of Chartreuse Mountain, three women joined hands and danced around a small rock basin that had been filled with water.

The tallest one had long black hair and eyes as dark as midnight. Her lips were almost nonexistent, a mere red gash in her long thin pointy face.

She looked thin and frail in her long purple velvet dress and pointy shoes with curly tips, but in truth, she was the strongest one of them all.

The middle one had a honey blonde cap of curly hair with pale green eyes that glittered from an elegant face with skin that was a warm toasty bronze.

She was curvy, with a well-defined body and a full-breasted figure. She wore nothing more than a see-through bikini which was useless as clothing since it clearly showed everything.

The shortest one was so thin and pale that her skin looked translucent. She had light brown almond eyes and a tiny mouth that looked almost nonexistent.

Her hair was tied up into a ponytail that came down to her waist, and she wore a black bodysuit that had a belt with a strange-looking weapon.

The three women's dancing was clunky and awkward.

It would have been easier to do the dance if there were more of them to make the circle larger, but there was no help for it.

When the full moon came, it was always dance time, with or without the full quintet of sisters.

The vision came, as it always did, within the shimmering rock basin.

The image appeared, as it had continuously appeared for five years in a row. It was a man who stood facing the sun, his long blond hair shining a bright molten gold color.

His tall frame was naked, his muscles ripped. His manhood, though not engorged, was still large enough that the sisters sighed with longing, wishing they could get their hands on such an amazing specimen of male beauty.

"We were so wrong." The tall dark one sighed.

"I can't believe we chose the wrong one." The blonde sister moaned.

"It's okay. We finally got the right one." The short one with almond eyes consoled.

The vision zoomed in on the man's elegant beautiful face. His amber eyes became clearly focused.

"How were we supposed to know that the one the prophecy talked about was Cedric, not Cecil?" Tall & Dark moaned again.

"From afar, they both resemble each other so much!" Busty Blonde howled.

"There was no way for us to even see his golden eyes until now. Fuck it all. We really needed our seer." Almond Eyes cursed.

"What do we do now?" Busty Blonde asked.

"We've done what we can. The only thing left to do is to wait for our sisters to return with some good news." Tall & Dark concluded.


The Gilded Rosehips was an old tea shop that looked like a high-end knick-knack store. The window display had harlequin dolls, fancy tea sets, a genie lamp, and a gold vase filled with peacock feathers.

There were huge silk flower arrangements displayed around the room along with numerous fake fiddle figs and bamboos.

There was even a real stuffed bengal cat napping on top of a small round table covered with a crochet lace tablecloth.

Sonia Larabee and Ingrid Blaxtone were both seated inside sipping tea on fancy tea cups that looked so fragile they couldn't possibly hold up to the daily use of a tea shop.

"I told you it wasn't your son, but you insisted it had to be him!" Sonia Larabee said crossly.

"And why not Cecil? He's every bit as good as Cedric, and a few years older so he has more experience and is more knowledgeable about everything!"

"Oh for crying out loud. They're not toddlers!" Sonia set the cup down with a rattle of the saucer. "You know as well as I do that at their age, a couple years is not going to make a bit of difference."

"But I can't understand why it's not my son. He was already King of Faria and it looked so much like him in the vision!"

"We were all looking at his body." Sonia smirked. "Nobody paid any attention to his eyes. If we had, we'd have known the man in the vision has golden eyes."

"That's not exactly fair. The first three times it showed up, we couldn't see his eyes at all. All we could see was his long blond hair and that large hunky body." Ingrid muttered.

"Haha! You sound like you're lusting after your own son." Sonia laughed.

Ingrid huffed. "Please. I've changed his diapers. And might I remind you that I have the real deal. His father has the same body shape as him and Cedric."

"Yes, so we focused on the wrong man. We have to shift our focus now. Evelyn has to marry Cedric, no matter what since he is now the Alpha King." Sonia gritted her teeth.

"And what of her baby?"

"It came at a good time. I'm going to use that baby and tie her to Cedric."

"That baby is my grandchild!" Ingrid bared her fangs.

"Whether it's Cedric's or Cecil's, it's still your grandchild." Sonia soothed. "One is your son and the other is your step son."


"No buts. We must try to adhere as closely as we can to the prophecy. This means Evelyn must marry the Golden Child of Faria."

"How do you know it's Evelyn who must marry the Golden Child?" Ingrid raised an elegant eyebrow.

"It MUST be Evelyn. Who else would the prophecy be talking about?"

"Oh, I don't know. There are billions and billions of maids out there. What makes you think it's your daughter?"

"It specifically states that the maid has coven blood. Evelyn is my child, so if it's not her, who else can it be?"

"Another child with coven blood, perhaps?" Ingrid shrugged.. "It's not like we're the only witches in the entire world."

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