A Werewolf's Seduction

Chapter 86 - King's Rules

"So how is Mattie's training going?" Sibyl asked.

Lucile shrugged. "Okay, I guess. The girl is a bit on the weak and scaredy-cat side though. She's never going to be able to do any of the darker magics."

"You still must keep on top of her training. We have to make sure she is trained properly." Sibyl sniffed. "We cannot have her indoctrinated with all the mumbo jumbo religious stuff that the others have added throughout the years."

"I'm trying my best, but she's made up her own set of mumbo jumbo." Lucile sighed.

"Pray tell." Sibyl gave a dreary look.

"Since she owned a tea shop, I suggested that she use tea to do her scry-visual work because of easy access."

"That's smart." Sibyl nodded.

"But then she started using a special tea, a special tea cup, and then she started singing a stupid little song before the scry-visual, like she's praying to the god of tea cups or something."

Sibyl laughed. "Oh well. At least you tried."

"What about your daughter?"

"What about her?" Sibyl's eyes sharpened.

"You know you need to train her or she could fall into the hands of those crows."

Sibyl narrowed her eyes. "Now that she's in Faria, it won't be long before I meet up with her. At that time, I will take her under my wing."

Lucile sighed. Things were going to change drastically for the poor child, but she had no choice.

Talia had to either move with the wind and the tides of life or she got crushed within the flotsam and the detritus.


At that very moment, the flotsam and detritus of life was just about to crush Talia.

"Oh my goodness!" She grunted as she and two serving maids pushed and pulled at huge wooden trunks held together by wide bands of metal.

They were stacked all the way up to the ceiling within the huge closet that was between two cavernous bedrooms within Cedric's suite of rooms.

Each bedroom was so large, her entire apartment could fit into the square footage of the room. The closet was the size of her bedroom and was filled with all manners of boxes, trunks, and a wardrobe that looked as if it hadn't been opened in years.

It only took a few minutes for Talia to give up on the idea of being able to move any of these trunks.

"We're going to need a few strong men to help us." She huffed and puffed and plopped down on one of the trunks.

"Yes, Milady." One of the serving maids ran off to get help.

"How long has all this stuff been accumulating in this space?" She looked around at the huge trunks.

"These trunks have been here for at least twenty years, Milady."

"So obviously, it doesn't belong to Cedric."

The serving maid smiled.

"Milady, EVERYTHING in this castle belongs to King Cedric, regardless of who these things once belonged to."

Talia nodded. Of course. How could she have forgotten. It was King's Rules.

"What is in these trunks, do you know?"

The serving maid shook her head. "These trunks have been here for a very long time, and since nobody has ever asked to look inside, we've simply left them alone."

Within minutes, half a dozen strong looking men came into the closet area and began pulling out the trunks.

By the time they were done, there were at least a dozen trunks piled higgledy-piggledy within the second bedroom, leaving behind a very dusty closet.

She gave the order for the closet to be cleaned and began digging through the trunks.

"Wow these things are old." She murmured as she began pulling out clothes that looked to be ancient. Some of the fabric pieces looked as if they would fall apart if she touched it too much.

"These things probably belonged to King Cedric's grandparents."

"Why are they still inside the King's closet?"

"Milady…" the attendants looked at each other.

Talia looked at them. "Speak frankly."

"Milady, although these are the King's suite of rooms, most Kings never really stayed here."

Talia raised an eyebrow. "Do they have sleeping suites elsewhere?"

The attendants looked down at the ground.

"Mostly, Kings tend to move from…one sleeping room to another."

Talia blinked. "Speak frankly." She ordered again.

"Milady, most Kings simply visit their different concubines and consorts each night of the week. They don't usually spend their nights alone in the King's suite."

Talia's mouth opened. But then she nodded with understanding.

"So does that mean I will be spending my nights alone in the King's suite?"


"I guess that all depends." A deep voice called out.

She and the attendant both turned towards the sound to see a tall muscular man standing in the doorway.

He was dressed in the regal court robes, having just left the throne room. His long blond hair streamed out loose and unfettered in the light like a golden waterfall, framing a classically beautiful male face.

"Cedric!" Talia grinned and ran into his arms, inhaling deeply, the unique scent of his body.

His fingers wound into her hair as he pulled her body into his embrace. With barely suppressed desire, he buried his face into her skin, rubbing his nose into that sensitive space between her shoulder and her neck.

She opened her mouth to say something but at that very moment, he dropped his head and his warm soft shapely lips covered her mouth. prying her lips open with his tongue and tasting every inch of her mouth.

As his tongue thrust in between her lips, she quivered uncontrollably. Letting out a soft whimper, she surrendering herself to his kiss.


He pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth, tasting, caressing, suckling. It was as if he could not get enough of her taste.

The world around them dissolved as they tasted and touched each other until they assuaged enough of their deep longing for each other.

Once Cedric had taken the edge off his painful loneliness and hunger to be in her presence, he lifted his head and gave her a chance to catch her breath.

As a greeting, it was passionate enough to drive all the attendants out of the room.

"What does it depend on?" She looked up into his warm and gentle amber eyes filled with adoration.

"Hmmm?" He blinked his eyes, not quite sure what she was asking him.

She pursed her lips. "Spending my nights alone. You told me it all depends on something."

"Depends on whether you are in a good mood or a bad mood." His amber eyes crinkled with mirth. "If you get mad and kick me out, I guess I'll be wandering the halls looking for a place to curl up somewhere."

"And visit your consorts and concubines?" She glared at him with reproach.

Cedric laughed gently and dipped his head to kiss her nose.

"Other than the handful of old concubines that are my father's age, I sent all of Cecil's women packing. Last I heard, they had resumed their lives within his estate."

"Why are you keeping only the ones that are your father's age?"

He pulled back to look into her eyes. "They were his favorite concubines and he has known them for decades."

"And besides, I couldn't just throw them out." He shrugged with compassion. "They've worked all their lives as my father's concubines. Now that they're old, they really don't have anywhere else to go and can't do much to support themselves."

"I see."

"But they have nothing to do with us, Love." He stroked her hair with gentle fingers.

"You're my beloved mate," he said with finality.

It was the only thing that he wanted her to focus on—the only thing that mattered.

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