175. Chapter 175: The Final Task

Translator: LiamHW

A night passed again, and in the blink of an eye, it was time for the appointment. Song Qinghan glanced at the little pig that was still intact after a day and night. He finally came to be at ease in his strained nerve, he asked Yuan Wenxuan to pack up everything and then set off together with him to keep the appointment.

It wasn’t that he didn’t put Yuan Wenxuan’s situation into consideration, instead, it was Yuan Wenxuan who took the initiative wanting to follow. This little boy was too stubborn to change his mind though, so finally Song Qinghan could only allow him to.

Furthermore, such an operation wasn’t a small deal. The success rate would definitely drop by twenty percent if he didn’t get an assistant aside.

Well, a twenty percent for him and Mu Qingfeng probably should be like a distance between the heaven and the hell

When he met Mu Qingfeng again in this magnificent hall, to his surprise, he found Mu Qingfeng‘s complexion was getting better currently. Probably it was because that as soon as he thought he was about to be rescued, the long-haunting pressure in his mind released a lot.

No matter what, at least it was a good news for Song Qinghan.

As long as the patients could keep their calmness themselves no matter what illness they were facing, the possibilities to cure them would be much more promising.

Mu Qingfeng delivered a faint smile when he caught a glimpse of Song Qinghan, and then he uttered gently, “Doctor Song, I admire what you did these three days, that was quite a special idea to take piggies as the experimental object.”

Song Qinghan didn’t know whether Mu Qingfeng said so on purpose or accidentally mentioned it, but as a doctor, he should try his best to get his own patient at ease, so he got his expression rather serious, and answered, “Though the pigs are totally different from human beings, the operational methods are always the same. As for this matter, you don’t have to worry. I will neither take your life for a stake of fun nor mine.”

After hearing Song Qinghan’s explanation, Mu Qingfeng loosened his shoulders quickly and relaxingly even though his expression didn’t change at all.

Indeed, he was worried that Song Qinghan would got his mind messed up at such a crucial moment. To be crueler, he would prefer Song Qinghan to acquire some REAL people alive from him to process such an experiment rather than to take both their lives as a stake just for the inconspicuous sympathy.

And now, of course he could come to be at ease now since he knew that Song Qinghan could judge the seriousness of the matter himself.

No one would be that foolish to take his own life as a fun to make a bet. After all, once his life was over, everything was over.

Noticing that Mu Qingfeng had already relaxed, Song Qinghan came to warn, “I think you’ve known the risk that the operation posts, so I need you to sign here on the paper. Even though I know probably such a paper will be useless, it is still my responsibility to inform you about what you need to know.”

After saying that, he gestured to Yuan Wenxuan motioning him to do something. Yuan Wenxuan held the operation notice in both hands and then handed it over to Mu Qingfeng, while saying sophisticatedly, “You can ask me for further information if you still have questions about it, if you don’t, sign here.”

Mu Qingfeng paused. It seemed that it was the first time for him to encounter such a matter, he reached out to take the paper over and browsed on it quickly. And then he smiled slightly, saying, “Well, it’s kind of detailed, but it is a pity that even I promise you and sign on it, my subordinate won’t allow that though.”

However, he still took up the writing brush on the table and wrote down his name on the paper, and then delivered back to Yuan Wenxuan, “Anything else you want me to do?”

Song Qinghan thought for a moment and suddenly asked, “Have you written your will down on paper yourself? And have you arranged the affairs after your death?”

Noticing that Mu Qingfeng suddenly got his expression changed, Song Qinghan came to know that he should make another explanation right now, so he added, “Nothing is predictable. You can’t predict your life and foresee your future, right? To be honest, I have already finished my will and arranged my affairs after death before coming here. In that case, I will never be regretful even if something uncontrollable is really going to happen on me.”

After Song Qinghan finished his explanation, one of Mu Qingfeng’s subordinates aside him pointed at Song Qinghan and shouted before Mu Qingfeng reacted, “What kind of doctor do you think you are? Are you taking the life of our chief as a joke? Come one, if you aren’t fully confident on the so-called operation, then accept your fate to die now and do nothing.”

After that, the subordinates pulled out their swords on their waists at the same time with faces of fierceness, they were like some beasts who were all ready to pounce on Song Qinghan and tear him into pieces at any moment.

Yuan Wenxuan frowned tight when he noticed that, he turned to face those men and moved to the front side of Song QInghan trying to protect him. In that case, if they were really about to encounter something, he would at least be a little hero for his master.

Song Qinghan didn’t miss the small action of Yuan Wenxuan, he was quite moved and then reached out to pat Yuan Wenxuan on the shoulder, while comforting, “It’s fine, don’t be panicked over it, Chief Mu isn’t someone who doesn’t have that kind of bravery to bear the risk, otherwise, this auction arena should have already shut down.”

Those guarding men showed even fiercer on their faces when they noticed that Song Qinghan was still trying to put pressure on Mu Qingfeng. But when they were all ready to take action to punish Song Qinghan, Mu Qingfeng sneered and then waved his hand in the air, uttered gently, “You guys don’t be rude! Remember, once I choose to pick someone to take responsibility, I won’t doubt on his capacity; once I doubt on someone’s capacity, I will never give him a chance to meet me. As long as I am still alive, you have to be obedient to Doctor Song, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

Probably those men were too concerned on Mu Qingfeng, so after Mu Qingfeng said something, all of them acted obediently like some chicks following behind a hen. Almost at the same pace and movement, they put away their swords and took few steps back.

Song Qinghan was not angry at all towards those men’s attitudes. After all, he indeed had encountered some guys who acted more impolitely before in all manners of hospitals.

Not everyone could control their emotions very well. Although he didn’t like that, he was still able to understand such an action.

Peacefulness fell on the hall again, and it was not until everything came back to normality did Mu Qingfeng opened his mouth again, “I do share the same idea with Doctor Song, so you don’t have to worry about that. Even if I die right now, the auction arena and my brothers here are still able to continue to survive.”

After getting the affirmative answer, Song Qinghan realized that he had fulfilled all his obligations and then he said decisively, “Alright, let’s commence preparing the operation.”

When he said this, not only did his state change quickly, but even Yuan Wenxuan immediately put away the dissatisfaction and hostility on his face and got himself ready to arrange the pre-operation section.

Neither of them said a word, yet the cooperation between them was rather tacit. Mu Qingfeng looked at them with his eyes lit up with something called “Hope”.

He wasn’t that greedy and eager for more, three years were already enough for him. He could definitely do whatever he wanted to do and get whatever he wanted to gain in these three years.

Song Qinghan was currently in a very calm mood. As he was preparing for the dialysate, he casually pointed at a person and said calmly, “Can I borrow your blood, please?”

Although pig blood and human blood both belonged to blood, the ingredients were totally different, so he shouldn’t take the risk like that. Furthermore, he completely knew the fact that the man would even sacrifice himself just as to cure Mu Qingfeng, let alone just a bit blood.

Sure enough, after Song Qinghan made such an requirement, the man walked over directly without even frowning or showing something strange. He raised his dagger high and cut his own wrist.

Noticing that the man cut his wrist fiercely without even blinking his eyes till the clear white bone could be seen in sight, Song Qinghan frowned slightly, and then sneered, “Did I ask you to make it yourself?”

The man’s expression froze. Seeing that Song Qinghan was using a bowl to collect his blood and then commencing sewing on his wrist, he answered subconsciously, “It’s nothing, I am strong enough anyway.”

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