A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 10 The Song Sung by the Drowned Man (4)

The storm is raging in the sea, and the world under the sea is also bumping and swaying, as if some god in charge of the ocean is holding his own fish tank in his hands, swinging around for fun, and the creatures in the bathtub can only stagger around involuntarily.

Dark, cold, and boundless.

The deep sea swallowed up the three-masted warship in the lightning storm, swallowed up a large number of ironborn soldiers as if they were dust, and swallowed up the ironborn's hope of conquering the enemy camp. It wasn't until the next day that the natural disaster gradually subsided, and everything was calm.

Renly slowly opened his eyes as the light of dawn filled the sky from the eastern edge of the peaceful sea.

At first he stared blankly at the deep but cloudless sky, but then he raised his strong arms in front of his eyes as if he remembered something, and then he felt a little weird.

"I'm not dead?"

In the middle of a fierce storm, a person who couldn't swim fell into the sea and could not see the horizon. How could he still survive?

While he was puzzled by this problem, a voice came from the side.

"Want to die? Just turn over."

Renly looked out, and a familiar face came into view. He had messy black hair, a round chin, rosacea, and several wrinkles on his forehead. He looked old and ugly.

He was wearing a rough linen shirt and wet trousers. At this time, his slightly hunched back was leaning on the bow of the boat, and a leather wine bag was swinging vigorously in his hand. The empty echo seemed to make him very disappointed.

Old drunkard Pais, the one on his team.

Renly recognized him. At the same time, he also found himself lying on the edge of the plank of an unmasted boat, with the deep sea less than half a meter away from his cheek.

"You saved me?"

He stood up as he spoke, but frowned unconsciously. I felt as if my whole body was dehydrated and full of weakness. My stomach also growled as I stood up, and I was very hungry.

"It's the chef. He's smarter than us. At least he knew how to hold on to the boat on the deck before he was thrown out." The drunkard Pais said while pointing to the brown-haired middle-aged man sitting at the stern of the boat with his head lowered and concentrating on rubbing something. Yan raised his head and smiled at Renly.

"Are there just a few of us?" Glancing at the boat, Renly couldn't help but ask, "Where are the others? Have you seen Jaspie? The one with blond hair, the one from the same village as me?"

"The magnificent water palace of the Drowned God will open its doors to our suffering compatriots, and your friend will become an excellent sailor in his palace." The last person in the boat smiled weakly at him.

The man who spoke was a strong man with long gray and black hair that covered half of his face and the front of his gray, green and blue cloth robe. He was the leading Drowned Priest.

"The great Drowned God has not given up on us. You see, the Drowned God sent his devout people Llane to rescue us from the evil methods of the Storm God." He said in a suppressed voice, and finally couldn't bear it any more. He coughed violently and seemed to be in great pain.

"Yes, this is what the Drowned God means." The old drunkard on the side muttered, "Why doesn't he just send us back to the island?"

"We, we can't use mortal knowledge to figure out the gods." Long-haired Yanren explained with difficulty while coughing.

"But He clearly has other plans for us."

From a closer look, this man no longer had the aura of aloofness and magic that he had when we saw him twice before. Instead, he looked like an ordinary old farmer in his forties.

Unfortunately, Renly was basically not interested in what he said. After silently mourning for the blond boy for a moment, he changed his attention.

The blue sea water rippled under the boat, and the hull of the mastless boat rose and fell. In the dim environment, a total of four people were distributed on the four sides of the boat, which looked quite spacious.

The sea outside the boat is endless, and everything in the southeast, northwest, and northwest is covered by the endless gray ocean. A thin mist lingers on the sea level, casting a shadow over Renly's heart.

However, although he was worried about the current situation, he could not be called desperate. After scanning the surroundings, he looked at Chef Ryan, who was busy working.

Ryan's nickname was given by the blond boy from the same village as "him". Renly soon discovered that this nickname was actually incorrect, because Ryan was not just a cook.

At this time, the supplies on the ship were very simple, including a bundle of thick ropes, two broken linen cloaks and the bronze buckles attached to the cloaks, a bow, half a barrel of arrows, a short axe, two long axes, and some odds and ends. Bits and pieces of small items.

These seem useless, but Ryan relied on these things to make a simple fishing rod.

At the same time, he carefully took out a piece of black bread wrapped in linen from his arms. The bread was wilted, moldy, and even soaked in water. However, Ryan pulled out a soft piece of bread from the piece of bread. White maggots.

"Have you been prepared?" Renly approached and asked.

"We people on Gudeng Island are used to hiding a few bugs on our bodies." The chef said proudly: "In this way, as long as you catch a fish with it, you will have enough fish meat to use as bait."

The Lone Light is a small island in the Iron Islands, but Renly knows this island because it is located at the westernmost point of the known world. Further to the west is an endless sea that has never been successfully explored.

"As long as there is enough bait, the people of Gudeng Island will never die of hunger at sea." The cook said as he placed the insect bait, then sat at the stern of the boat and started fishing.

When he realized that Renly seemed to be interested in this, he started to explain.

"I'm not familiar with this sea, but as long as I don't go beyond the Sunset Sea, I can know what kind of fish live where. Of course, the fish in the sea are not honest. You have to know some of their habits and..."

He began to talk about some common fishes in the sea and fishing methods. Seeing him talking incessantly, Renly couldn't help but ask: "Won't we scare away the fish when we talk like this?"

"It depends on what kind of fish it is."

Ryan, the cook who is more like a fisherman, said: "Some fish will be scared away, and some will come closer. You have to know that the sea water is very clear, and timid fish will not come close to the boat after discovering it, let alone listen to it. To ring."

As he spoke, he raised the fishing rod in his hand vigorously, and saw a sharp-tailed fish with a large head and silver scales biting the hook at the end of the fishing line and swinging. It didn't look like it was hooked, but it was it. He refused to let go.

The fisherman then raised his arm to hold the fish in his hand, and motioned to Renly: "Look, these teeth make it very courageous."

Renly glanced curiously at the large-headed silver-scaled fish with fangs. Although modern man is well-informed, he seems to have never seen this fish with his own eyes.

"Say boy, do the people in Baiou Village only know how to make a living by digging stones?"

The boat was not big, and the old drunkard on the side could clearly see all this, so he couldn't help but sneered: "Or are you just going to see the fisherman girl?"

"That's not the case." Renly glanced at him, but didn't pay much attention to this guy. Instead, he suggested to the fisherman who continued fishing: "Shall I help you?"

Drowned people are weak and have high status, while drunkards are thick-skinned. We don't know how long the ship will float. It won't take long for the cook to just keep busy.

Quickly understanding the current situation, Renly decided that it would be better not to take advantage of the situation.


The fisherman had no reason to disagree, "But you have to make your own tools."

Renly nodded, and the fisherman gave verbal instructions while maintaining his fishing posture.

If he wants to fish, he must first have a fishing rod, which is easy to do. The cook still has some ingredients left.

It felt very simple when I watched others making the fishing rod, but it was completely different when Renly did it himself. Plus, the old drunkard was always on the sidelines giving random advice, waiting for him to finally tie the fish line tightly. By the time we were on the long pole, nearly an hour had passed.

But when he completed this step, he got an extra bonus——

[You have learned a new skill: Fishing gear making LV1]

Along with the information that was quietly born, the images of when he just made the fishing rod emerged in his mind one after another, and were deeply imprinted in his memory. With just a little thought, Renly could remember any inconspicuous detail.

He wasn't too excited about this because he didn't think he would need this skill under normal circumstances. Renly was curious about the mechanism by which this information appeared——

He thought he couldn't see information prompts in this historical "copy" because no attributes appeared when he looked at himself, but now it seems that is not the case.

So he lowered his head and stared at his current body again, but there was still no words about race or class floating out.

"It's still in effect, but only the real body can have those properties?"

Renly guessed so.

As he sat on the bow of the boat and started fishing using a piece of fish caught by the fisherman as bait, another piece of information drifted out of his mind.

[You have learned a new skill: Fishing LV1]

This message was born when a silver-scaled short-tailed fish was pulled up. At this time, the sun was shrouded above the head. Under the sufficient sunlight, the fish jumped and splashed in a large splash until it was hit by an old drunkard with an axe. , it just started to become motionless.

Then the old drunkard started to gnaw on it regardless of the scales.

"This kind of fish tastes best when it's alive," he said vaguely while eating, "but only dead fish won't bite."

After looking at this shameless guy for a few times, Renly rolled his eyes, then turned his head and continued fishing. Unfortunately, he gained little later.

Because there are no oars and no direction, the small boat can float aimlessly on the surface of the vast and deep ocean, moving forward with the waves from time to time.

The old drunkard and the long-haired drowned man stayed together, while the two fishermen sat on the bow and the stern of the boat until the food gradually became sufficient.

"If you are thirsty, drink sea water. It still has a bit of salt. If you drink less, we will not die." The fisherman claimed, and then he bit hard on the belly of the fish he was holding with his yellow teeth. The fish was still convulsing slightly. The blood from the wound kept flowing out.

Drunkards and drowned men were also feasting on this kind of sea fish. It seemed that eating raw fish was normal for them. Renly stared down at the food in his hands and blinked.

After scraping off the scales and peeling off the skin, the pink and translucent body of the fish was exposed to view. Under the sun, the eyes of the dead fish on the big head were round, reminding him that not long ago, the fish was still alive and kicking in his hands.

Even though he was starving at Storm's End, he could still eat a bite of normal food, but the current situation had lowered this poor bottom line.

"Luckily, there's no need to worry about parasites."

Sighing, he took a bite. The tender and cold raw fish meat had a hint of the salty smell of sea water. It didn't seem so terrible to eat...

He felt that this might be self-comfort.

The day after they successfully survived the drowning ceremony, they set sail and encountered a storm at sea that afternoon. But in just one day, Renly gradually adapted to life on the sea.

Surrounded by the vast sea, only the boat under his feet could move a little, making him feel like he was in a small ocean prison.

The few people on the boat were in pretty good condition. When chatting, they would feel lucky to have survived. They would also whisper curses on the storm and the Storm God, who was the enemy of the Drowned God. However, they were not concerned about the death of their former companions in the sea. sad.

Apparently they were no strangers to things like shipwrecks, storms, and death. He is also very good at finding food in the sea.

The drowned priest named Lucas would wave his arms toward the sea and pray loudly at sunrise and sunset. He prayed to the Drowned God to allow them to successfully reach the Oak Island on the other side, and then continue to work for the great The Sons of the Drowned God charge into battle.

Renly didn't know what this person was thinking. With the four of them, even if they got there, they seemed to be just giving heads to the enemy.

At this time, he no longer had any hope of completing those three things. Natural disasters were no better than man-made disasters, and Dahai would not tell them any principles or rules. He felt that if there was a little wind and waves around, the ship might be overturned, and then their bodies would sink into the sea.

At the same time, there were no clues left for him to observe in the vast blue surroundings.

But he hasn't decided yet whether he deserves to die——

Mainly it was too painful.

On the fourth day after the flooding, the drifting continued. Renly's fishing skill level quietly improved by one level, while the old drunkard who drank too much seawater felt a little upset.

"You're lucky if you're not dehydrated." Chef Ryan comforted his companion, and then he himself developed a high fever.

Renly was wary of these two's mistakes and tried to drink as little sea water as possible. Although it was difficult, he thought it would be fine as long as it didn't last long——

On the fifth day, the drunkard and the cook began to drink each other's urine to relieve their thirst. Renly was stunned. As a result, a large barrel of tightly sealed wine floated from the sea that night, solving the water problem of the boat. What followed was There was also a large plate of soaked sour hard cheese.

The two people who drank urine seemed to regret this, but there was not much emotion visible on their rough faces. At the same time, this timely supply also slightly alleviated the cook's high fever.

By the sixth day, although the cook still looked very weak, this experienced old fisherman from Gudeng Island no longer spoke like he did when he had a fever. However, in the face of this seemingly endless... The sea, he was still in a very low mood.

"I may not live long." He claimed, and then looked at the Drowned Priest who was huddled on the railing of the ship: "Will the great Drowned God want an old and useless fisherman like me? Luca Mr. Si?"

His voice was filled with tension and anticipation. Hearing this, the other party nodded to him and said solemnly: "The Flowing Water Palace of the Drowned God will open its doors to all iron types who worship the god, as long as he is in the sea when he dies."

So Chef Ryan smiled contentedly.

However, the situation did not develop to that point, because at dusk on the seventh day, the situation changed.

The setting sun immerses the sea in gorgeous colors, and the boat keeps swaying with the waves. The old fisherman was standing on the bow of the boat and raising his hands to look out. When he noticed something unusual, his old eyes widened for a moment and his voice became louder involuntarily.

"There's a boat! Come and see!"

Hearing what he said, everyone rushed to the bow of the ship to watch.

However, when he saw the sails raised by the ship clearly, the long-haired drowned man suddenly slumped back on the board of the ship with a depressed look on his face.

"The Kraken Flag... The Drowned God, save me, that's the Greyjoy ship!"

Thank you Jin Xiaoyanei book friends for your 10,000 rewards, thank you Phantom Z Wing book friends for your 1,000 rewards, thank you Xinlin 95 book friends for your 500 rewards, and thank you Pen companion book friends all over the world for your 100 rewards~

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