News of this sudden rebellion touched the hearts of countless people, and even Renly, who never liked paying attention to such things, couldn't help but wonder whether his brother's rule would be shaken by this.

Many lords who were hostile to Baratheon secretly watched to see how King Robert, who had usurped the Iron Throne, would deal with this sudden rebellion.

The king's response was very simple. No hesitation, no negotiation, no talking about what was available and what was not. He directly summoned the lords and knights of the Seven Kingdoms to go west to participate in the war and fight him.

So the continent of Westeros has been turbulent recently.

"Aren't you worried at all, Renly?"

In a certain courtyard in the High Court, the brown-haired boy Vilas was leaning against a white marble column, looking thoughtfully at the black-haired boy sitting on the railing next to him reading a book.

More than five months have made the High Court heir much "ruder" than he was at the beginning, but this also means that the relationship between the two has become closer.

"This is your brother's kingdom."

"I'm just a child." Renly replied without raising his head after hearing this: "There's nothing you can do about it, so don't worry."

This sounds childish, but if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

After several months of contact, Vilas believed that the boy in front of him was actually quite precocious in mind, and this also made a certain thought in his heart more active.

"If you could witness this war with your own eyes, I think you would feel more at ease, right?" He said tentatively: "It's hard to stay in the castle and wait for news."

"well enough."

Renly replied smoothly: "A year ago, Robert was fighting outside, and we were besieged at Storm's End for a whole year. It was much worse than now."

The brown-haired boy was a little speechless after hearing the words, then thought about it, and simply said bluntly: "Allowing the Ironborn to continue to wreak havoc will have a great impact on the future of the Reach, so my father is prepared to respond to His Majesty Robert's call. At present, We are summoning our vassals to join the battle."

As he said that, seeing the boy's eyes break away from the book and looking at him, Willas said sincerely: "I want to see this war with my own eyes. You know, Renly, I will become a knight sooner or later, and knights There is no escape from war.”

"Then go, take the opportunity to gain some experience." Renly replied with a wink.

"Father doesn't allow me to go. He said there would be many dangers." The brown-haired boy replied helplessly.

"There are definitely dangers in war."

Renly nodded in agreement: "We had no food when we were at Storm's End, and many people almost starved to death."

"But I have analyzed it. If the war goes well, then we will naturally not be in danger. If it doesn't go well, then the Ironborn will be able to harass the West and the Reach at will. Even Highgarden cannot call it that It's safe."

"That seems to be the case." The black-haired boy replied blankly, and Vilas rolled his eyes upon hearing this.

"Renly, stop pretending to be stupid, can't you express your opinion?"

Studying together for a long time made him understand a lot about the boy in front of him, but he didn't believe that this guy was really as simple and naive as he appeared.

"What's your opinion? Don't you just want me to go with you to seduce your father?"

Renly had already seen through the other party's purpose, so he said unceremoniously: "I tell you, that's impossible. You are the next heir of Highgarden, and I am a guest of the royal family. If something happens to you, what will happen to Highgarden?" This is a big loss for me. If something happens to me, how do you think your father should explain it to my brother? "

The sudden change of tone was jarring, but Vilas was in high spirits.

"Don't you want to see the ocean and war? There are also the Iron Islands. I heard that the customs there are very unique."

"I've seen it before. It's nothing more than two groups of people fighting back and forth. It's just that the battlefield is replaced by the sea."

Renly said casually: "What about the Iron Islands? It's not much to see. It's a place where birds don't shit."

Villas thought he was bragging, or simply didn't want to care about himself, so he sighed: "Aren't you tired of staying in the castle all the time? The outside world is very exciting, and there are many things we don't understand. ”

He is smart and mature, but he has little interest in most things and does not like to follow rules. He seems a bit lazy.

This is Willas' understanding of Renly.

But he likes some novel things, such as magic, or mysterious legends such as the Children of the Forest and the White Walkers. His curiosity is serious...

Unfortunately, Willas didn't know that with the existence of a strange left hand, Renly had enough surprises and novelties in life, so he lacked interest in it.

"What the Duke said makes sense. War is very dangerous, and in a war at sea, the outcome cannot be determined by the number of people."

The boy drooped his eyelids and said: "So I still like to stay in the castle. It's the safest. And didn't you say a while ago that you wanted to go hunting? Leading dogs and flying eagles. I'm quite looking forward to this."

The adventure in the dungeon world was enough to wipe out Renly's inner desire for adventure. In reality, he just wanted to live a quiet life, but he didn't want to live a life of constant twists and turns inside and outside the dungeon, worrying about his own safety all day long. That would be too much. Oh no.

And he's still too young.

However, what was of little interest to Renly was full of attractions for many young nobles who had never suffered setbacks since childhood, so the brown-haired boy did not give up.

"We don't actually need to go to the front line. We just need to be in the rear, with my father and Earl Redwin. That way, unless the battle situation becomes one-sided, we won't be in any danger."

Renly was unmoved by what he heard.

"My plan is to unite some friends of the same age to propose to my father, not just you and me. This way, the possibility of success is not small."

Renly shrugged.

"Are you so timid? Renly, I don't think you are such a person." Willas used the provoking method.

"I'm just a kid, so of course I'm not very courageous."

Renly said, lifting the book in his hand and making a gesture of concentrating on reading.

But the other party still didn't give up, but slowly revealed many "baits" he had prepared in advance.

"They all say that there is the remains of a sea dragon on the Iron Islands. Sea dragon, it sounds very interesting. Don't you want to see it?"

"Those followers who claim to be the Sons of the Drowned God seem to appear out of nowhere. No one has seen them before. Renly, aren't you curious?"

"I heard that a big sea monster appeared in the Iron Islands a while ago, just like the one on the Greyjoy family's coat of arms..."

"Grapevine is not trustworthy." Renly finally couldn't help but replied.

"Sailors always say they have seen mermaids, ice dragons, and even storm gods. I don't know if they have really seen them or if they saw them while they were drunk and sleeping."

"The mermaid doesn't understand." The brown-haired boy shook his head: "A sea ghost appeared a while ago, and he even has a name."

"Oh, what's the name?" Renly was surprised when he heard this.

It was enough to just listen to news about ghosts. There were a lot of superstitious rumors in feudal society, but a ghost with a name seemed to have a certain degree of credibility, and he had not forgotten that there were actually supernatural forces in this world. , although rare, is not unheard of.

"I think it's Jaspie."

The brown-haired boy replied: "Many sailors on the west coast claim to have encountered it. It is said that the sea ghost will ask whoever he encounters how to get to Baiou Village, and then disappear after asking. I don't know where the Baiou Village he mentioned is. ”

Jaspie? Baiou Village?

Renly frowned when he heard this, feeling that the two names seemed familiar.

Thank you to the book friend African Black Deer for the 500 reward, and thank you to the book friend xiaotang246 and the book friend Eating a Cage for the 100 reward~

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