Chapter 157: The Alienated Octopus (79)

The sky after the storm dissipated looked as deep and clear as a clean sapphire, and the dim sun was like an edge on the edge of a gemstone, and the halo made it look even more gorgeous.

The sea, covered by this bright sky, was extremely quiet at this time, and there was no trace of its violent appearance not long ago.

Pure white birds soared over the sea, making crisp calls. The cold sea breeze blew, causing ripples on the sea surface. A group of black fish emerged from the deep sea and rushed towards a reef island not far away. However, the proximity of the shallows made their number even more scarce.

Finally, when a small head covered with black hair suddenly broke through the water and jumped out, there were only a few fish surrounding it.

After breaking through the water surface, the coldness suddenly hit from all directions, and the surrounding environment also changed from extreme silence to a lively hustle and bustle, with wind blowing on the reefs, seagulls crying, tides surging, and a vast sound behind him that sounded like the wailing of ancient sea beasts.

Turning his head, a huge black figure was swimming under the water. Perhaps it felt Renly's gaze, and a column of water suddenly broke through the sea surface and gushed into the sky, reflecting a brilliant color under the sun.

After another ethereal cry, the water column dissipated, and the huge figure turned over and dived into the sea and disappeared. Seeing this, Renly took a deep breath, then bent down and tightened a rope under his feet, and pulled it towards the small reef island behind him.

The rope rubbed against the beach, causing a series of depressions, and was constantly dragged. The wooden barrel tied at the end was slowly pulled onto the island, and then Renly struggled to pull the heavy "supply" and walked towards a towering rock not far away.

These are the supplies from the three Ironborn ships that Renly brought with him before he left. Considering that he is currently in the sea, these preparations are necessary.

The sealed wooden barrel contains food and a double-sealed water source. The quantity is not much, but it is enough for a child to use for a long time. In fact, if the forecast is correct, this place is not too far from the land.

"Swim back?" Throwing the supplies under the big rock, climbing up the warm reef under the sun, looking around, there is no trace of land in all directions, which makes Renly think of the huge whale just now.

If you want to travel in the sea...

Thinking about it, he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and couldn't help raising his hand to touch it. A touch of slippery touch immediately entered the palm of his hand. Renly frowned, then grabbed the thing and pulled it hard, and a small brown-black octopus with a big head and many limbs came into his eyes.

After the octopus was caught, its big head did not move, but a sticky tentacle wrapped around Renly's wrist and kept rubbing, looking very close.

This thing looks ugly and disgusting at first glance, but Renly is not unfamiliar with it.

While wandering in the sea, his left hand accidentally attacked once, and the target was the octopus in front of him. At the same time, the effect after the attack was not replacement, but alienation.

However, unlike the previous mouse, this octopus did not show any special abilities after alienation, except... being smart enough.

The slippery touch in his hand made Renly's eyelids jump, but at the same time he could feel a feeling of admiration coming from this ugly guy with limbs moving around. This feeling was like smelling a smell or touching a temperature with fingers. It was a kind of instinctive perception that made Renly think of the psychic heart characteristics that he had not triggered since he got it.

"It's a pity that it's not very useful." He thought secretly.

The emotions conveyed by this octopus were like a child meeting his biological parents, but Renly's current idea was whether to keep this thing and chop it up and feed it to the dog for experiments after landing.

But after thinking about it, he gave up the idea and threw it into the sea.

This was not to throw it away, but to let it go back to the sea to survive. In the previous journey under the ocean, Renly had found that he didn't need to worry about it. The octopus could always follow him. Even if he accidentally fell behind, he didn't know why he could come all the way here. It seemed to really treat him as his father.

Renly hoped that this "tracking" ability was not its only ability after the alienation, or that the target of tracking was not limited to himself, otherwise it seemed to have no other use except for experiments.

However, although he had no time to observe carefully, Renly also confirmed a situation because of this, that is, all the monsters "created" by the mark seemed to have no hostility towards him, whether they were replaced or alienated...

"Maybe I can form a monster army through this?" He touched his chin and thought so, but felt that this idea was a bit unreliable, so he stopped worrying and began to pay attention to what was in front of him.

The sun-shrouded reef island was in sight, and there was nothing much to see. Renly took off his wet cotton shirt and pants and placed them on the rock to dry, ready to wait until the coldness in his body dissipated before continuing on his journey.

But before that, he also needed to fill his stomach...

Thinking of this, he jumped off the rock, opened the wooden barrel, rummaged around inside, and took out a hard salted fish. Then he sat down on the sand and started to bite it.

Feeling the salty smell gradually spreading in his mouth, the boy's eyes narrowed unconsciously, and he couldn't help but think of the news he had heard before.

Ancient people, transsexuals, sea ghosts, white robes, madmen, her...

Although the war was still going on at this time, Renly felt that compared to the changes in the world, the current war seemed to be unimportant.

In other words, this war was obviously affected by the changes in the world.

How many other things will be affected in the future?

He couldn't help but think of this question.

In other words, the current changes are obviously caused by him, the real time traveler, but what about the future? What will he bring to the world in the future?

Is it good or bad?

My own golden finger...

Eating the food absentmindedly, Renly had many thoughts for a while, but after filling his stomach, he had no time to think about these problems anymore - instead, he was preparing to set off.

The surrounding sea breeze was blowing, the waves were rising and falling, but everything remained unchanged. The ubiquitous cold made everyone shiver, but since the last time he ate a dragon egg, Renly's resistance to cold had been greatly enhanced, so although he had goosebumps all over his body, he did not feel unbearable.

And when he jumped into the sea again, he felt a contrasting "warmth" wrapping around him from all directions.

Warmth mixed with a continuous coldness invaded the body, spreading as he wandered around. A brown-black octopus rippled over soon after, and then landed on the black-haired boy's right shoulder and quietly set up Hitchhiking.

Quietly letting himself sink into the sea, Renly held the rope that tied the barrel in his hand until fish gradually appeared around him, and until a huge silver-white tuna wandered by, he tied the rope in his hand to the other party. , and then swam away in the identified direction.

The school of fish behind him followed crazily, and the same was true for the big fish tied with cumbersome items——

Renly prepared to swim to land. He thought that this was actually not difficult to do, because the ironborn did not actually go out to sea for too long. However, not long after, he suddenly discovered that he seemed to have... turned?

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