A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 167 The Silver-haired Woman and the Swindler

Aeron Greyjoy is a tall and sturdy young ironborn with black hair and eyes. He looks to be in his twenties. When Renly was taken away, his impression of him was at best that of a drunkard.

Secondly, there was something that Aeron boasted about when he was drunk. He didn't know whether it was true or not. That was that he once bet a group of goats with his longship and said that he could put out the fire in the hall just by peeing. .

As a result, I ate goats for a year.

All in all, Renly believed that the young ironborn who had kidnapped him was not a serious person.

But when he saw each other again in this sealskin tent, it was difficult for Renly to have the unshakable and unscrupulous impression he had in the past.

The slightly drooped shoulders have quietly become upright, the slightly hunched spine has become much straighter, and the carefree smile that was always on his face is no longer visible at all, and his expression is full of respect and piety.

Unlike the previous drowned people who seemed to be respectful, this Aeron seemed to be really convinced of him. After several contacts, Renly even felt that he was a little... afraid of him?

"The sea has washed away my ignorance and ignorance, Lord Son of God." He said respectfully: "Now I am ready to believe in the great Drowned God, your father, so I ask you to personally hold a drowning ceremony for me."

Sitting in front of a long table filled with fish food, Renly looked at the young ironborn standing there calmly across the long table with strange eyes. He felt that it was really ridiculous.

"You should know best who I am." He replied: "Do you really believe those overwhelming rhetoric?"

At this time, there was no one else in the tent except Aeron. The three Drowned Men had already left temporarily, so he had no worries about what he said.

The other party was startled when he heard this, and then his head dropped even lower.

"In the past, I was still young and was blinded by superficial illusions. Lord Son of God, I ask for your forgiveness. As a small person——"

"I didn't say I blame you." Renly interrupted: "I'm just asking you, do you really believe it?"

"Believe it." Aeron nodded without hesitation.


Renly asked strangely: "You don't think I am Willas?"

This question always made him feel very puzzled and even more alert. Even if he was frightened, it would be impossible for a normal person to not have the slightest suspicion about this, right?

"You are Willas in the Summer Sea."

Upon hearing this, Aeron glanced cautiously at the beautiful boy at the end of the long table who had shoulder-length black hair and wore a slightly loose and small drowning robe.

"You were Tully in the Greenlands, Will on your way back to the Iron Islands, Gubler on your way to Great Wyk, and Little Robb in Thumb..."

Renly looked a little embarrassed when he heard this, but the other party did not finish his words, but said the last sentence with sincerity.

"But I can understand that these are just necessary identity disguises when walking in the mortal world. Your true identity is the son of the Drowned God. It is absolutely true. I have seen it with my own eyes, so I believe it."

It seemed like he was really frightened. Renly secretly thought to himself, maybe his brain really got into the water and he became a little stupid.

"How did you find me?" He then asked another question: "I mean in Pebble Town?"

"A woman told us." The other party replied without hesitation after hearing this: "She knew that you were in Thumb Village, she also knew that you were in Pebble Town, and even knew where you lived specifically, so we were able to find you smoothly."

"What kind of woman?" Renly asked with a frown.

"A silver-haired woman."

Aeron replied: "She is wearing a cloak and has a good figure, but we can't see clearly what she looks like. The only thing we can be sure of is that her hair is silver."

"what about others?"

"There is nothing else. That woman usually only appears at night, and then leaves directly after telling you the news, never saying anything else."

"You trust her so much, aren't you curious about who she is?"

"We don't trust her. Salttongue wanted to catch her and question her, but she was very powerful. There were more than 20 of us who couldn't catch her at all." The young Ironman spoke in an awkward tone.

"Later Yantongue said that maybe what she said was true, so we went to Thumb Village to find you. Unexpectedly...well, you know what happened after that."

Renly nodded absently.

A silver-haired woman...

The one that tracks you?

He was quite vigilant when he found out that he was being followed before, but after being found by this gang of drowned people, he had no time to pay attention to the problem. Looking at it now, it was obvious that there was a connection.

How did she find herself?

who is she?

Renly's frown deepened.

I can't figure out where I provoked this so-called silver-haired woman.

In other words, in his impression, he seemed to recognize less than one silver-haired woman.

Duchess Ellery of Highgarden has silver hair, but she can't appear in the Iron Islands, what about the others?

Considering that the mark on the wrist opened up the historical world, Rhaenys in the copy counts as one, but she is already dead. And her sister could barely count as one, but she was an old woman, not a beautiful and graceful silver-haired woman.


This is possible, after all, her son has changed his gender, and it is not incomprehensible to be rejuvenated, and there are indeed rumors that the queen practices black magic...

But even so, even if she rejuvenated and came to this world, she couldn't possibly target me. On the surface, I had no connection with the copy.

Thinking of this, Renly's mind moved, and he remembered the last silver-haired, blue-eyed "woman", the son of the great queen.

"How is Tyanna?" he asked Aeron.

Renly felt very subtle about the female Maegor, because it was the first time he saw such a gender-changed existence, and she was also a tyrant king who was quite famous in local history.

So although they belonged to the enemy camps two hundred years ago and two hundred years later, Renly still didn't "bear" to let the other party drown in the sea without resistance, but gave her a dagger that could be used to survive.

This is a rather contradictory mentality. On the one hand, he thought that if it was an enemy, it would be better to die directly, and on the other hand, he felt that if the other party was really drowned, it seemed a bit regrettable.

After all, there is only one such existence...

"It has been sent back to the green land." Aeron replied.

Greenland and Verdant Land are the names given to Westeros by the people of the Iron Islands. Renly didn't know how this name came about. He guessed that it might be because the mountains and rivers there were beautiful and there were more grasses. But now he was more curious about why that guy could get away so easily?

"Did you let her go so easily?"

"At first, we were just very polite to her because of you, but we didn't decide to let her go." Aeron replied, "Then I don't know why, she made a bet with my brother Victarion to duel, and whoever lost would agree to a condition, and then she won."

"So your brother let her go?"

"Yes." Aeron said, "Victarion is a man who keeps his promises. He never breaks his bets, so he sent a boat to send her back to the Verdant Land."

Renly was depressed when he heard this.

There must be something fishy going on, but it's not important. At this moment, he only knew that the person who wanted to come to the Iron Islands didn't come, and the person who didn't want to come was trapped here. No matter how you look at it, this seems to be a lose-lose result...

Immersed in this emotion, he didn't speak again for the time being.

He didn't speak, but Aeron asked carefully.

"Son of God, about the drowning ceremony..."

"I'll think about it." Renly replied casually: "I'll give you an answer when I get to Old Wyk."

The plan of the drowned people is to send him to Old Wyk early tomorrow morning, because it is the most sacred place in the Iron Islands, and it is most suitable for him, the Son of God, to truly appear there.

At the same time, Renly also vaguely understood that the group of Drowned people gathered around him did not represent all the Drowned people, so those people seemed to want to stage a "God's Son intimidates the heroes" drama on Old Wyke Island, and that kind of situation...

Renly was thinking on his own, and Aeron, who received a vague response, was a little uneasy, but seeing that the boy had no intention of paying attention to him, he still tactfully said goodbye and left.

Opening the curtain door of the sealskin tent, the gloomy sky and the gray sea outside immediately came into view. Aeron took a deep breath of the air full of ocean flavor and shivered involuntarily. Then he nodded to the several robed Drowned people guarding on both sides of the door.

"Did the God's Son promise you?" One of them asked softly.

"The God's Son needs to consider it." Aeron replied.

"We welcome you very much, Aeron." The tall and thin Drowned man who asked the question said so.

Aeron thanked him, then turned and left, thinking as he walked.

What was his name?


Iren couldn't remember it a bit, but it was no big deal. After all, there were at least 70 or 80 Drowned people gathered here at this time. It would be strange if he could remember all of them, and that guy seemed to have just joined...

Thinking about it, Iren suddenly frowned and looked down at the boy and girl who ran in front of him.

The boy looked about five or six years old, with a runny nose, wearing ordinary coarse cloth clothes, and looked very pretty. The girl was slightly taller than the boy, but her face was full of freckles. She was neither pretty nor cute, but she was very active.

"Uncle Iren, have you seen the son of God?" She ran over and grabbed the sleeve of the young iron man, jumping and asking.

"Speak with respect, Asha."

Aeren said seriously, "The Son of God is the Son of God, not this or that."

"But they all say that the Son of God is fooling people."

The boy wiped his nose and said, "My brothers all said so."

"So is your father trustworthy, or are your foolish brothers more trustworthy, Theon?" Aeron reminded his nephew.

The reason why he is so devout in the Son of the Drowned God is not only because of what he saw with his own eyes, but also because his wise and powerful brother is also convinced of this. If it were not for his busy official duties, his brother would even consider coming to meet him in person.

Aeren thinks he is a rough man, but his brother Balon is a smart man.

Now whether it is a rough man or a smart man, he thinks that the boy is the Son of God, so what is he if not the Son of God?

"Of course, my father is more trustworthy."

The boy replied. The girl rolled her eyes and asked another question.

"Uncle Aeron, I heard that the Son of God is about the same age as us? What does he look like?"

"Do I have to repeat it again, Asha?" Aeron Greyjoy did not answer this question, but said with a little displeasure: "The Son of God is not this or that, the Son of God is..."


The young Ironborn, who Renly thought might have water in his brain, was educating his two nephews and nieces, while Renly encountered a "trouble" that he thought was more interesting.

"You are not the son of the Drowned God."

The first sentence of an elderly visitor dressed as a Drowned Man successfully attracted Renly's attention.

"You are just a liar!"

There are still 18 chapters to go~

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