The black-haired boy wearing a loose robe walked under the ribs and suddenly began to look dazed. He stood there motionless without any reaction.

At first, the Drowned people following him felt that the Son of God might be observing the ribs on his hand, but as time passed, some people realized that something was wrong.

The first person to notice the abnormality was Ryan who was following behind. He was originally observing the empty space covered with pale ribs, but out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw an unnatural trembling all over the boy in front of him. This made him He frowned, then seemed to think of something, his expression suddenly changed, and he stepped in front of the boy.

Crouching down and looking, he directly discovered that the boy's eyes, which should have been bright and bright, had dilated pupils, and his eyes were unfocused and full of confusion.

So the drowned man named Ryan picked up the boy and ran downwards without hesitation.

"What do you do, Ryan?"

The drowned people next to him were full of surprise at this, and some even blocked his way vigilantly. However, the next words from the other party made them move out of the way.

"The Son of God is sick!"

If Renly were awake at this moment, he would probably complain about how the Son of God could get sick again? But at this time, he completely ignored everything around him. One after another, roaring sounds that seemed to belong to ancient sea beasts occupied his entire mind. He could not hear clearly, but it seemed to have some hidden meaning.

What means?

He pondered this in his mind, but never understood it until he felt an external influence.

"How are you? Son of God? Son of God?! Son of God!?" The weak voice seemed to come from the horizon, but it quickly came closer, and finally became very close. His face was being patted back and forth, feeling a little painful and in a trance. As a result, his swaying vision quickly condensed, and finally he succeeded in seeing a face that he hated very much.

Ryan seems to be in a hurry?

This thought couldn't help but flash through his mind, but then Renly ignored it. The surrounding environment was noisy. When he looked up, he found that he was surrounded by the rough faces of the drowned people, and the sun was shining brightly. Therefore it is mostly obscured.

Whether sincere or not, at least the expressions on all the faces were full of worry. Sauron, the old Drowned Man with long gray hair, was also in this camp at this time. Seeing Renly looking up, he hurriedly asked. One sentence.

"How are you feeling, Lord Shenzi? Are you feeling unwell?"

"There is nothing uncomfortable." Renly replied. The rapidly beating heart in his chest had basically returned to normal, but faintly, he seemed to notice some other changes...

So he said: "You go and do your work, I want to go to the Gray Sea King Hall again -"


The boy was interrupted before he could finish his words. He looked sideways and saw that the tall and lanky annoying Drowned Man was staring at him seriously, with a rather tough look in his eyes, which made Renly a little confused.

Others were also surprised by this.

"How can you interrupt the decision of the Son of God?" Sauron, the long-grey-haired salt-tongued man, frowned and stared at the young drowned man named Ryan, feeling that his words were extremely overreaching.

"I mean, Sir, he suddenly fell ill just after walking there." Seeing this, the tall and thin Yanren hurriedly added: "They have all seen it."

After he reminded him, the Drowned Men who had followed Renly nodded quickly.

"It seems so."

"It didn't take long for him to get sick."

"Yes, Lord Shenzi recovered after leaving."

These words made Salttongue Sauron understand, and then he frowned unconsciously.

The ribs on the Naga hills are covered by the drowned people called the Gray Sea King's Hall. It was built with the remains of the first generation King of the Iron Islands, the Gray Sea King, who reportedly killed Naga, the first sea dragon in the world. hall, and the Gray Sea King was favored by the Drowned God for this feat. He ruled the ironborn in the hall for thousands of years. Finally, when his skin became as gray as his beard and hair, he put down his crown and stepped into the sea.

The maesters think this is an absurd folklore, and not all Drowned people believe in the existence of the Gray Sea King. But no matter what, the Holy Coast's current status depends only on the existence of the Gray Sea King's Hall.

It is the most sacred place in the archipelago. From ancient times to the present, countless kings of the Iron Islands have been crowned there, and countless people have come there to worship and worship. However, now the son of the Drowned God would actually get hurt for stepping into it...

"I heard the voice of the gods."

The boy's words interrupted Salttongue Sauron's thoughts, and the people around him were also stunned by this.

"I heard it, but not everything." Renly said seriously, "So I must go back."

The actual reason was naturally not this, but if he didn't say anything, it seemed unlikely that he would want to go back, so he had to use this cover.

"What did your father say?" Salttongue Sauron hurriedly squatted in front of him and asked. There was an excited expression on his face, and he didn't know whether he was really excited or just cooperating with Renly's words.

"I didn't hear you clearly, so I'm going back."

Renly repeated: "You can't stop me."

These words made some people look at each other, some were dubious, some were excited, and some were frowning. However, due to the fact that it was related to the Drowned God, they really didn't dare to stop him. Even the tall and thin Drowned Man Ryan stopped talking several times before finally saying nothing.

So Renly was escorted back into the open space beneath the ribs.

It was noon, and the light from the sky was very bright. However, when Renly walked into this place again, his vision became hazy again, and he was in a trance.

The heartbeat in his chest was like a drum, and the blood flow in his body was gradually accelerated. Originally, he should feel uncomfortable or even painful, but Renly did not feel anything bad at the moment.

It was like an ancient roar from the deep sea that occupied his whole body and mind. The characteristics of the psychic heart took effect at this moment, so Renly could feel what was filled in the sound - dull and eager.

Repeating continuously, the meaning of the sound was exactly the same, as if some phonograph was playing the same music repeatedly, and it seemed to be unconsciously inviting, waiting for someone to respond to "it". Renly could not respond, he didn't even know what this thing was, so he could only stay still.

But maybe listening to this voice is good, or maybe he triggered something. The roaring voices gradually had some different vibrations, which made Renly, whose mind was originally dazed by the roaring, sober up a lot. At the same time, he felt a stream of coolness emerging and spreading in his forehead, just like being suddenly poured with cold water when he was sweating profusely in the dog days of summer, which was very refreshing.

He gradually had an emotional feeling of "not being able to speak without speaking", just like a mute who could not speak all the time was suddenly cured.

But this feeling was very strange. Even if he had the "ability to speak", he seemed to have no idea where to start.

Renly was a little anxious because of this. This kind of anxiety was not the anxiety of understanding something urgent, but the anxiety of "not being able to speak", or like sometimes he wanted to describe something, but couldn't find the right words for a while.

He didn't "speak" in the end because he was interrupted again. But it was not that Ryan who interrupted him at this time, but the salt-tongued Sauron who ran up hurriedly.

"Lord Son of God, please help pull back the believer Aeron Greyjoy! He can't go to the Flowing Water Palace yet..."

What does it mean?

Renly, who was carried out of the rib area, was already unhappy about this, and was even more confused after hearing this.

But then he understood what happened.

This salt tongue Sauron had previously performed a drowning ceremony for Aeron Greyjoy, but he didn't save him, and he seemed to have drowned...

What's the use of you looking for me for this?

Renly was speechless after understanding this, but then he reacted.

So this old guy is looking for him to take the blame!

Thank you Meili Qiang Wudi book friend for the 5,000 reward, thank you KH Wanjie Mengdu KH book friend for the 2,000 reward, thank you Heath Ice Tea book friend and Peanut Rice Sauce book friend for the 1,000 reward,

Thank you xiaotang246 book friend, hard work to become a top student book friend, Luciferlam~ book friend and Le Nengzi book friend for the 100 reward~

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