A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 173 The initial change in the situation

Everything that happened on the beach was noticed by the Drowned people here. Although not everyone could see the birth of the situation with their own eyes, after the incident, when the news spread, people still felt the same, and were even more enthusiastic because of their companions around them.

So when Aeron Greyjoy was hugged and kissed by the Drowned people in a trance and put on the gray-green and blue robes representing the Drowned priests, he was directly surrounded by a group of Drowned people who did not see it with their own eyes. They asked about his drowning ceremony and everything he saw "after death".

However, the new Drowned Man seemed to have little memory of his experience of resurrection from the dead. He stumbled when he spoke, and his expression was blank, as if he had not recovered yet.

"Sea water, all sea water, inside, outside, left, right - I, I seem to have entered the Drowned God's water palace, and then, then -"

"What happened then?"

A young Drowned Man asked impatiently: "Did you see the great Drowned God?"

"Drowned God? No, no, no, I didn't see him, I - I really want to see him - no, I seem to have heard the ancient road?" Aeron said hesitantly: "That seems to be the words of the Drowned God's advice... Then, then..."

As he spoke, his eyes unconsciously looked at the end of the beach, the black-haired boy who was talking to Salt Tongue Sauron.

"Then I heard the voice of the Son of God."

"What did the Lord say?"

Another Drowned Man asked enthusiastically: "Call you back? Or let you follow him?"


Aeren answered hesitantly: "What I heard seemed to be - seemed to be, run, your brother Euron is coming, run, your brother Euron -"

He covered his head in pain before he finished speaking, his expression was both confused and fearful, and there was a trace of hatred for the name Euron?

The Drowned Man around was quite puzzled by this.

Your brother is coming?


What does it mean?

They wanted to ask, but at this time Aeron seemed to suddenly realize that he had said too much, so his face panicked, and then he stood up with a staggering step, pushed away the people around him and left in a hurry.

"He doesn't seem happy?"

A young Drowned Man at the original place was surprised by this.

"After all, he died once." Another Drowned Man nodded: "No one would be happy if it were him."

"But he was saved."

The young Drowned Man said incomprehensibly: "It is such an honor to be saved by the son of the sacred Drowned God?"

"Maybe he would rather stay in the Drowned God's flowing water palace?"


Several young Drowned Men over there felt a little puzzled about this, while more Drowned Men here were staring at two figures, one old and one young, not far ahead.

The old man had long gray hair, outstanding temperament, sharp features, and full of majesty, but at this time, facing the black-haired boy opposite him, he seemed like a child who had made a mistake, and looked well-behaved.

Although the boy looked immature and short, his expression and movements were full of arrogance--

Because the distance was a bit far, the onlookers could not hear what they were saying, but they could clearly see that the leader of the Drowned Men who led them was honest and did not dare to refute at this time.

This made some people feel emotional, but more people subconsciously took it for granted -

Unconsciously, the atmosphere here has changed.


Ren Li didn't care what the Drowned people in the distance thought of the current scene. At this time, he was staring at the old Drowned man standing in front of him with a serious face, and his words were not polite.

"If this happens again, I won't help you solve it. You have to know that resurrecting the dead is not as easy as you think."

Resurrection, the dead, not so easy, easy...

These words made the old Drowned man think a lot, so facing the serious boy in front of him, he said without hesitation: "I understand, Lord Son of God, if there are such things in the future, we will not bother you again!"

"At the same time, there is no need, don't let anyone disturb me, everything you are doing now is not important to me."

"Okay, Lord Son of God, I will strictly restrain my subordinates Drowned, don't worry, they won't bother you again." Salt Tongue Sauron still answered without hesitation.

"I'm not interested in the learning requirements you mentioned before, such as dogma and rituals, so forget it."

"No problem, you are the son of the Drowned God, so you don't need to learn our useless things." The old Drowned Man said with a guilty expression: "I didn't think it through, Lord Son of God, I will think carefully in the future."

"That stick doesn't fit your hand well."

"I'll find you a new one right away!"

"As for food..."

"I know, I know, you like beef, not fish, I'll tell the Drowned Man to prepare it for you."

This old guy is very good at judging the situation...

Ren Li thought, feeling that there was nothing to say, so he turned around and was about to leave, but after a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, paused, turned around and said: "That Ryan..."

"You don't like him?"

Salt Tongue Sauron heard the words and immediately said: "I'll replace him with someone you like, what do you think of Sander?"

Ren Li was a little moved, but after thinking about it, he waved his hand.

"Forget it, let's stick with Ryan."

He felt that there was something wrong with Ryan, but Renly couldn't tell what was wrong, so he was a little worried. But if that guy really had hostility towards him, he would have already taken action -

As one of the close Drowned, Ryan had no shortage of opportunities.

So he was a friend, not an enemy?

Or was he just overthinking?

While walking back and thinking about this, Renly soon found that the person involved had been surrounded by seven or eight Drowned again, so he looked up at the other person's face and didn't find anything wrong with him, so he didn't think much about it, and planned to observe more and stay alert when he had free time in the future.

And for now, the most important thing...

He looked up in the direction of the Naga Hill.

The characteristics of the psychic heart evolved into the psychic language, and Renly thought that the psychic language was very magical because it could convey emotions through body language.

That's right, it's emotions, not words.

The main reason for resuscitating Ailen before was that he was not completely dead, and the second was the spiritual stimulation of the Ancient Road Seed. However, the stimulation of the Ancient Road Seed alone was useless, because the host's main consciousness had fallen into a near-death coma, without consciousness, and could not "cooperate" at all.

So after Renly noticed this, he took the initiative to try the ability that he had not had time to "speak out" on the hill. In the end, he successfully transmitted a series of fear emotions to the other party, and after "scared" him awake, he also obtained the recognition of the "system information".

And he obviously would not ignore the source of all this-

It was because there was a "will" on the hill that was eager to communicate with himself, or with anyone who could communicate.

So, what did "it" want to communicate?

With this doubt, Renly walked towards the hill again, but he obviously couldn't imagine that he would be there for three days.

Still owe 16 chapters~

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