The blue eyes struggled to open wide in the water, and when they looked through the clear water at the bottom of the basin that was close at hand, the originally bright and transparent silver basin bottom became hazy, as if it was covered with a layer of frosted glass. A few sporadic small bubbles adhere to the "glass", moving around or rising and disappearing with the large bubbles occasionally spit out by the children.

There were all kinds of noises in Storm's End in the morning, including the trampling of servants on the stairs, the sounds of guards patrolling and talking, the butler's scoldings, etc., but all the sounds seemed weak and ethereal when they were transmitted to the water, as if they came from another world. .

During the diving process, the cold feeling of the liquid in the basin penetrated into the head and even the limbs along the cheeks. Gradually, the washing water seemed to turn into warm hot water. With the initial stimulation, the eyes had already adapted to opening in the water. Even though I kept bending down for a long time, the soreness gradually spread from my back to my whole body.

So in the end he had to straighten his back.

Under the splash of water, a handsome little face was exposed to the air, and a refreshing feeling came from it. The boy pulled the white wool towel aside and wiped his face while guessing.

"Ten minutes? Twenty minutes?"

He pondered and looked carefully at the basin in front of him.

There was obviously no air supply during the dive, but he felt that the oxygen in his lungs was constantly being replenished as the cool water penetrated, so that the length of time he persisted was simply extraordinary.

But he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the water in this basin seemed to be less than before...

Shaking his head, the boy raised his hand and picked up a clay cup that smelled of cloves on the small table next to the basin. He then dipped the branch inside into the salt mixed with spices at the bottom of the cup and began to concentrate on brushing his teeth.

There is a toothbrush in this world, and it is probably made of pig hair. However, Renly felt that the pig hair was a bit dirty, so he followed the common people's example and chewed one end of a twig to brush his teeth——

Anyway, without toothpaste, no matter how hard I brush, I won’t be as clean as I was in my last life.

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Young Master, it's time to eat."

"Just come!" After a vague response, Renly rinsed his mouth with another cup filled with water on the small table. After spitting out some salt cleaners and a few plant sawdust into the basin, he turned around and walked away. Wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

It was probably a quiet day.

Renly especially enjoyed the peace since returning to that "history" yesterday.

"I'm going to take a shower tonight."

After going out, he gave instructions to the servant guarding the door, and then walked to the lower floor where the dining room was.

All the chaos and strife ended with the shattering of the denture. Renly, who was different from before, looked the same, and the situation around him was basically the same. Siege, hunger, food shortage... …

Before the siege of Storm's End, Renly mostly ate with his current family.

But there weren't actually many people there. Not long after he was born, his parents in this life died in a shipwreck, and his elder brother Robert was adopted by the Duke of Vale. His so-called family members were basically his second brother Stannis and the elder The maester Cressen, his playmate Fatty Alyn, and his great-uncle Hulbert, who had died at the beginning of the siege.

Occasionally there will be some vassals, knights and family vassals, but not too many.

But now, due to the siege, Stannis basically lives on the edge of the city wall. The old bachelor also doesn't go to the table very much. There are only three little guys who can get together.

Obviously, children eat very quickly, especially when the food is scarce and monotonous. Usually lunch can be finished in less than ten minutes, but today is a little different from usual.

In the restaurant, Renly was sitting on the left side of the long partition table. The other two were opposite him. The black-haired boy with his head lowered was frowning at the food on the plate as before, but the silver dagger he held upside down in his hand was frowning. It started without any hesitation.

He saw the tip of the dagger sinking steadily into the head of the salted fish, and then with just a slight movement, the fish head that should have been hard and flexible was easily cut off by him.

Then the dagger in the boy's hand cut the whole fish into four pieces, each of which looked about the same size.

Finally, with the movement of the slender fingers, the silver dagger was turned from upside down to upright with an astonishing dexterity. The owner of the hand used it as a fork, and stabbed the salted fish strips several times like a small stabbing sword. A boneless piece of fish meat is thus separated.

Fatty Erin looked at all this, then looked down at the identical dagger in his hand, and felt that this thing was clumsy and heavy.

"Renly, you seem a little different from before."

After the black-haired friend inserted the piece of fish meat into his mouth with a dagger, he finally couldn't help but say something.

"Really?" Chewing the salty food in his mouth, Renly said vaguely: "I heard that eating too much pickled fish will cause bad breath."

"It's not bad breath, I mean-"

"Berry, have you noticed that you have bad breath?" The black-haired boy looked at the thin bamboo pole next to Fatty. The other person was currently fighting an onion with his head down - he seemed to particularly like eating raw onions.

"Eating this can remove the odor." Bailey, who was as thin as a bamboo pole, raised his hand to indicate the food in his hand: "It's particularly effective."

"I mean the dagger, your-" Pangdun on the other side spoke persistently, but was interrupted immediately.

"Then did you find Erin?"

These words made Pang Dun couldn't help but look at his companion beside him.

"Who would pay attention to that."

The other party replied blankly: "But I think he must have it, you see he is so sloppy."

The rest of lunch became a little noisy, but basically nothing happened to Renly. After finishing his portion, he said goodbye politely, but did not attract the attention of the two friends who were quarreling. , he stuck out his tongue in response and left the place quietly.

The old maester who heard the noise happened to rush over at this moment. After nodding with him at the door, he stormed into the room aggressively. Next, Renly heard a burst of scolding and arguing, but what happened next? Attention.

A special smell attracted his attention, but before he could identify where the smell came from, he heard something strange.

"Patchface is dead, Master."

The short servant Qiao Mi whispered to him when he returned to the door of the bedroom: "He should have died long ago. Qiao Mi means that he was already dead when Qiao Mi dragged him out of the sea."

In a noble family, a servant who talks nonsense may be reprimanded by a stern master, but Renly has always liked people to tell him gossip. This is not to say that he can get any useful information from here. The main reason is that it is boring——

In a world where entertainment is scarce, gossip is one of his few remaining interests.

But this matter is not just pure gossip.

"How did you die?" Renly asked with a frown.

Patchface is the jester who ran away crying when he saw him that day. He originally came from the Free Trade City across the narrow sea. It is said that he has a talent for comedy, but it is a pity that Renly has never seen it——

After the Fool was bought across the sea and was about to arrive at Storm's End on his return voyage, a storm and a reef sank the ship he was on, and the sea swallowed him up. After he was spit out, the Fool turned into an idiot.

"Sick, Master, he is sick. I heard he has been sick for a while." Qiao Mi replied: "But none of us found out that he was sick, and it turned out that he was lying in the room and died of illness. It seemed that he had been dead for several days. "

He shook his head as he spoke, his words melancholy.

"When Qiao Mi dragged him ashore, his mouth was swollen. After that, his speech was hard to hear and his brain became hard to use. This is all Qiao Mi's fault, alas. But we originally thought He is already dead, he feels cold and greasy to the touch, he is just a dead person..."

Renly did not continue to listen, because he was already walking towards the stairs.

The strange smell was still lingering around his nose. It was somewhat similar to the one he smelled before, but it was also very different. It seemed to have a rotten smell.

When his back was about to disappear at the top of the stairs, the short valet realized what he was doing and hurriedly ran over and followed the boy -

Although the castle is very safe, the situation is tense at present, and the servants must keep an eye on the young Baratheon son who has not grown up to prevent anyone from plotting evil.

Renly finally found the source of the smell from a dilapidated courtyard in the castle. It was a burning fire. Five people stood quietly in front of the fire and watched, and the smell of corruption was wafting from it.

The difference from inside the tower is that when you get closer, the smell is not only stronger, but also mixed with the smell of burnt grease...

"Shipwreck Bay swallowed up the boat they were in, but the sea gave us back the damned Fool." As he approached, someone spoke to him.

He was one of the five people in front of the fire, and the young leader guarded by the other four male servants. He had black hair and blue eyes, and a thin but tall figure wearing brown and black leather armor. When he lowered his eyes to look at Renly It's quite cold.

"He also turned into a retard. What do I want from a retarded jester?"

This was more like a murmur than a question.

"At least you like him," Renly replied.

"I don't like him, never have."

"Then why did you keep him?"

"I tried my best to keep him by my side," the young man said hesitantly, "I tried hard to find joy in him, yes, I tried. I thought this - maybe this could fulfill my father's last wish?"

Renly looked at the other party silently and did not speak again, because the other party was not asking him or anyone else.

That shipwreck not only turned the Fool into a retard, but also swallowed the Duke and Duchess of Storm's End, Stephen Baratheon and his parents in this life, into the sea.

At that time, Renly was still a pink baby sucking milk from a wet nurse and did not witness the disaster, but the second brother in front of him and Robert, the eldest brother, witnessed the disaster with their own eyes.

They were standing on the towering walls of Storm's End, watching the ships sinking in the bay ahead. The dark storm raged in the sky, and Renly had no way of knowing what his two brothers were feeling at that time.

He only learned some minor details of the incident afterwards.

For example, the disaster should not have happened. It was the captain's operational error at the time.

For example, the Duke and Duchess brought him many strange and interesting toys from the Free Cities.

For example, Maester Cressen once received a letter from Duke Stephen when he was across the Narrow Sea. The letter mentioned Rigoletto in a very complimentary tone, claiming that he could make his lonely second son learn to laugh...

Obviously Patchface is not a qualified jester.

Renly thought to himself.

Since he could remember, he had only seen the second brother beside him named Stannis smile once, and that was the smile he showed when he heard that his parents were about to arrive at Storm's End on their return voyage.

Then I never saw him again.

"I don't like him." The atmosphere was silent for a while. When the fire in front of him burned out, revealing a charred corpse, the young man next to him said the last sentence.

"But I should have sent a maester to treat him when he was sick, instead of letting him die of illness."

Stannis' voice did not have any self-blame, but instead revealed a faint sense of fatigue. Obviously, the current situation facing the castle made him a little overwhelmed, but the expression on his angular face was still as stiff as stone.

A thought flashed through Renly's mind unconsciously.

Should I find a way to put that Naga rib to use?

He thought so, and then his face suddenly froze.

At this time, the servants had already started to deal with the charred bones, and he could clearly see that the blackened mouth of the corpse was obviously missing some teeth. After counting and looking carefully, there were exactly three teeth...

Thank you reader 1550394362214215 for the thousand rewards, thank you reader Biban Tianxia for the 200 rewards, and thank you to the book friends who voted for this book every day, thank you!

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