In Storm's End, in a straw shed close to the inner city wall, two rows of knights wearing plate armor sat around a long table. The leader was Stannis, who had a thin and sunken cheek, but he never spoke. He was silently listening to the discussions around him.

"The loss of two ships will at most make that stupid Redwin sober up, but now that they know our food problem has been resolved, they are likely to change their strategy."

"It is possible, but the defenses of Storm's End are enough to withstand anyone's attack."

"Only with our few manpower?"

"You may have forgotten that our few men have been guarding the castle for nearly a year."

"Then have you forgotten what we were talking about?"

"The walls of Storm's End are high enough—"

"Our city wall is very high, but do you really think this castle was built by magic? Hell, let me tell you, there is no castle that is unbreakable!"

"Good knights, what we are discussing now is whether they can attack the city, not whether they can attack the castle."

"Isn't that a problem?"

"I don't think Tyrell will risk attacking the city. Even if we don't have enough manpower, if he wants to attack by force, he can't even get in without thousands of casualties."

"I think the crux of the matter is Robert..."

The fierce sunlight falling from the sky made the land outside dry, but the meeting place was blocked by a straw shed, so the heat could not be felt.

However, even if they were shrouded in shadows, the knights wearing plate armor were still sweating profusely, and the meeting began to be adjourned not long after it lasted.

Then the knights who were leaving one after another saw a black-haired boy being taken care of by a strong servant, squatting at the base of the rock wall on the edge of the hay shed. Two guards who were supposed to stop people from approaching were looking helpless at this time. Stand nearby.

That was Renly, the third young master of the Baratheon family. Everyone in the castle knew him.

Several knights raised their hands to greet him, while others glanced at him and walked away without paying attention. Some knights asked curiously why he was here.

"There are two nests of ants here."

The boy's answer was astonishing: "I find they can fight each other very easily, as long as I drop a few crumbs."

The knights couldn't help laughing when they heard this. A brown-haired man even came up and squatted with him for a while, then touched the boy's hair and walked away.

No one thought Renly was being unreasonable here, and no one doubted his words.

Until finally Stannis comes out.

"You shouldn't be here," he said expressionlessly.

"I'm looking at-" Before the boy could finish his words, the other party had already turned his cold eyes towards the servant Qiao Mi behind him.

"Take him back to the tower. If you really have nothing to do, tell Cressen to give him a lesson."

After Stannis finished speaking, he stepped away without giving Renly any chance to speak, which made him roll his eyes. Then he patted his butt and stood up, "Jomie, let's go."

"Okay, young master." The servant nodded hurriedly, and then suggested kindly: "There is a nest of ants and a nest of wasps at the back door of the kitchen. We can go there to play, young master, if you want."

"let's talk tomorrow."

Renly waved his hand, turned around and walked towards the tower on his short legs.

He was actually just listening to the corner, but he wasn't that interested in ants or anything like that. The reason for coming to listen to the corner was the same as what the knights had discussed before. They were worried that the sudden shipwreck and food supplies would irritate the other party.

But whether he was worried or not didn't change anything. He pretended to look at the ants but his mouth was dry from the sun. He didn't hear much, except for one thing -

His brother, Robert Baratheon, united with the Starks in the North, the Tullys in the Riverlands, and the Arryns in the Vale to win a battle in a place called Stonehall Town.

This information seems to be out of date, provided by the smugglers when they first arrived, and Renly didn't know it before. He was somewhat comforted by this, but what he was more looking forward to was the news that Robert would kill the royal heir with a hammer.

This was all he remembered about the rebellion, and as long as the defeat of the Targaryen royal family was determined, he did not think that the enemies outside Storm's End would risk attacking the city - who would be on the side destined to lose?

"I hope it has happened by now." He muttered. In his heart, he was still worried whether the enemies outside the city would suddenly come to attack the city, so he began to think about what he could do if they really came to attack.

After much deliberation, he seemed to be unable to do anything except relying on the Mermaid Breath feature to jump into the sea and escape.

So over the next two days, Renly prepared to escape.

However, time passed day by day, but there was still no big movement outside the city. Except for the occasional one or two knights riding horses from the direction of the city gate and shouting provocatively, basically nothing else happened.

The atmosphere in the castle is much stronger than before. The food has been replenished, and many people who were originally numb have become more and more active, like withered plants regaining their vitality.

Since the smugglers returned, Renly could obviously see more and more smiles on everyone's faces here, which made him quite satisfied, and it made him even more relieved that no one knew that this matter was related to him. He breathed a sigh of relief - in this world that is similar to the Middle Ages, people don't like witchcraft very much.

The smugglers have now become celebrities in the castle and become very popular. No one knows exactly how they got back a boatload of fish. Most people think it is because of their superb fishing skills.

An old fisherman named Cripple Tom in the castle therefore began to ask questions behind a sharp-faced smuggler, hoping to learn this technique. Renly heard that for this reason, he even used himself as a cook in the kitchen. His daughter introduced him to the young smuggler.

It was obviously impossible for him to learn any skills, but his daughter was already very passionate with the other party and was about to talk about marriage.

Servant Qiao Mi was full of anger when he said this, mainly because his youngest son who worked in the stable was originally in love with the daughter, and he even prepared the taxes that needed to be paid to Baratheon when the two got married. In the end, Qiao Mi even cheerfully called the smugglers the saviors sent by the gods, but now he blushes and sulks whenever he mentions them.

Renly, who had nothing to do with himself, took the attitude of watching the excitement and kept paying attention to the development of the situation. He didn't have any empathic emotions. On the contrary, he was quite happy to watch.

Ordinary time flies by quickly. I study history and Chinese characters, eat, hang out and watch movies, sleep...

Repeatedly, two months flew by.

Changes also occurred on an afternoon with somewhat overcast skies.

The situation inside and outside the castle has been at a stalemate for a long time, but this afternoon, horns suddenly sounded loudly outside the supposedly peaceful city, and the melodious whine accompanied by the roar of the waves filled the ears of everyone in Storm's End.

"Are we going to attack the city?"

"what happened?"

"Gods bless you!"

Along with the sound of the horn, figures hurriedly walked out of various buildings, including the kitchen chef, the assistant cook, the stable master, the stable boy, many servants in the castle, the shoemaker and barber, etc.

Under the roar of the horn, they subconsciously gathered in a courtyard near the towering tower, hoping to quickly take refuge in the event of a disaster.

But the actual situation is not what they imagined.

Standing in a room at the top of the tower facing the castle gate, Renly could clearly see some things outside the city.

The enemy camp surrounded outside the castle's range was full of commotion. Looking around, dense black-dot figures appeared from the camp and ran back and forth. Finally, they formed a defensive military formation in front of the camp. It seemed that enemy troops had appeared. .

But what finally appeared was not an army, but a group of people, a gray-looking group of no more than a dozen people on horseback.

They arrived in front of the siege army's military formation, and after confronting them for a while, they didn't know what they said, but a slightly larger-looking figure walked out of the military formation——

Then he knelt in front of the riders.

"That's the direwolf flag of the north, that's a Stark!"

There was a voice murmuring behind him, and Renly looked sideways. The usually steady old bachelor was now opening his old brown eyes wide.

"Ed Stark!" He murmured repeatedly, as if confirming, and tears gradually filled his eyes.

"Your brother Robert must have succeeded when Tyrell knelt and surrendered to him without resistance! Yes, it must have been so. We—" He grabbed Renly's arm tightly and laughed excitedly at the boy.

"Boy, we defeated the Targaryens!"

Thank you to Otaku Magic Book Friends and Taiwu Real Book Friends for the 100 reward~

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