A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 26: The Swamp People Who Can Use

It is actually very easy to get rid of a drunk drunkard. Just use your height to hide in the shadow of the nearest corner, and then watch the other person hurriedly go downstairs.

But as the other party saw, Renly really had no intention of going back to his room. Instead, he was going to visit the man from the Glade.

That’s right, a visit.

He was prepared to visit openly, not sneakily or anything.

Because that's simply not necessary.

Only he can smell that unique fragrance, so who can think of his purpose and intention?

However, Renly was not prepared to go alone, because he would "not be able to stretch", so he first ran to a certain floor of the tower, called Fat Alyn and Skinny Beli, and then continued down.

"Why are we looking for that marsh man?" Fatty asked while yawning.

Children love to sleep, and although this one was happy to join the lively banquet, he left the party earlier than Renly.

"I heard that people in the Zedi eat frogs." The thin bamboo pole next to him also complained: "And they are all made of mud."

"Haven't you ever heard that he can do magic?" Renly said casually: "How can you not see this kind of thing?"

"The bachelors in Old Town all said that magic is meant to fool people." Thin Bamboo Berry dismissed this, and Fat Dun also shrank his neck when he heard this, "You mean a witch? I won't go! The witch is too scary. !”

He said this, but did not turn around and left. Apparently he was still curious about this, so Renly added.

"I heard he can make frogs talk."

When Fatty heard this, he took the bait. When he saw Renly raising his feet and continuing to walk forward, he followed him unconsciously.


"I've heard about it too, so I went to see it. There are people living around, so there's nothing to be afraid of..."

The children's conversation faded away with the sound of footsteps.

The central tower of Storm's End is tall and huge, and even the storage and armory is in this building. Now in the upper area of ​​the tower, Renly cannot hear the noisy sound of the banquet at the bottom.

There were no servants following them, because there were too many people attending the banquet, and the servants were all busy - they had to serve not only the northern lords and nobles, but also the knights and knights of various families, related attendants, and Many ordinary soldiers.

In fact, the banquet in the hall on the first floor was only the most important one. In the many courtyards outside the tower, there were also fires and tents, and the noisy sounds and the smell of food filled the entire castle.

With a large number of people, there are countless problems. For example, the accommodation in the castle is very tight.

But that's only for ordinary soldiers. As one of the main lords in the north, the man Renly saw before had his own single room.

After following the scent to find the room where the other party lived, Renly raised his hand and knocked on the door. After a while, the old heavy wooden door opened with a creak, and a thin face with long brown hair peeked out.

"Hello, Lord Reed." Renly greeted him.

Renly, who was familiar with the noble family crests of the Seven Kingdoms, knew exactly which family the crest the other party wore previously represented - the Reed family of Graywater Watch, which ruled the entire Neck.

"Hello, kid." The Zedi man looked at the three children running outside the door strangely with his deep green eyes, "Are you lost?"

"We are here specifically to visit you, my lord." Renly replied, and then the fat guy next to him couldn't wait to ask without any need for him to indicate.

"Do you really know how to do magic? Make the frog talk?" When Pang Dun spoke, his little eyes were still wary, but more curious.

"Who did you hear this from?" The other party couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

As a swamp dweller, he knew very well how they were perceived across the Seven Kingdoms, with their weird customs, frog-eaters, clay men, and sneakiness...

However, this does not include magic.

"Master Cressen said it." Fatty said without hesitation -

That's what he believed, but if the other party continued to ask, then Fatty would answer that it was Renly who said Maester Cressen said it, not that he heard it directly.

However, the Zelander did not ask further questions. Instead, he rubbed his rough cheeks and patiently explained: "I don't know magic. What your bachelor master told you may be some legends and anecdotes, but this kind of story is the whole West." Luo is everywhere.”

"What kind of legend?" the little fat man asked naggingly.

He had heard Renly say before that even if he knew magic, he would not admit it directly. But the other person now looked short and thin, not scary at all, so he unconsciously became braver.

"The legend of the Children of the Forest, of course."

"What is a child of the forest?"

"Of course the son of the forest is the son of the forest..." It seemed that he had never encountered such a garrulous child. The short marsh man was a little uncomfortable with it, but he seemed to have a good personality and still explained patiently.

While the other party was talking, Renly kept staring at his opening and closing mouth, but the smell did not become worse because of it, unlike the former trainer of Storm's End.

Then he realized that what he was looking for was not teeth, but something else.

Renly then focused on the chest of the opponent's gray linen shirt, where a lizard-lion emblem that looked very similar to a crocodile was embroidered there. After observing for a few seconds, his psychic properties were activated, and the originally motionless man "Crocodile" stared at Renly with its empty eyes, and at the same time, its black silk body began to emit a faint green light.

But before Renly could figure out what this meant, the Zelander suddenly stopped talking, and then his eyes strangely scanned the dark corridor outside the door. After finding nothing unusual, he turned his head and looked inside the house.

What did he find?

Renly was shocked when he saw this, but then his blue eyes looked at the dagger stuck on the other's waist.

A wooden dagger inserted in a faded cowhide sheath. The scent is emanating from this dagger!

With his mind spinning, Renly suddenly said: "Lord Reed, can you show me this dagger?"

"Dagger?" The other party turned to look at him after hearing this, and then smiled: "That's not possible. This dagger is very sharp, so you can't touch it."

Renly felt that this was a bit difficult to do, but he did not give up: "Can I wear gloves, or just touch the handle?"

Unfortunately, the other party still did not let go. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and asked suspiciously: "Why do you want to look at my dagger, kid?"

Renly said honestly: "Because I feel it is special."

The other party was stunned when he heard this: "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling."

The black-haired boy had a serious face, blinking his eyes to see how the other person would react, but unfortunately this one didn't take the bait.

He neither asked more questions nor agreed to let Renly see the dagger. Instead, he just looked at the boy deeply.

"It's nothing special, just a bronze dagger. Child, maybe you saw it wrong."

As he spoke, he glanced around again and said casually: "Now, please allow me to go back to my room and rest. Children, we are really tired from the long march."

Renly was a little unwilling to accept this, but he nodded simply and said goodbye politely: "Thank you, sir, and I wish you sweet dreams."

After he said that, he led his two friends and turned around to leave. The door behind him slammed shut without any hesitation.

"He doesn't know magic at all." After walking away, Pang Dun complained, "And I feel that he is very timid, as if he is afraid that someone will suddenly come out of the corridor and scare him."

"He is very small." Shou Zhugan snorted: "Just like those wizards who say they can do magic, but the wizards can't even block a knight's attack. I saw it when I was in Black Harbor A man in a red robe..."

Renly didn't listen to what they said. He was trying to figure out how to get his hands on the dagger.

The previous words were just tests. If the other party didn't value the dagger, he could try to get it directly. Unfortunately, the situation was completely opposite to what he expected.

Soft ones are not enough, do we need hard ones?

Thinking like this, Renly couldn't help but touch his chest. Under the soft green velvet fabric, a bulge of a ring comforted him slightly, but he also hesitated.

That swamp man didn't seem simple.

Whether Renly wanted to take the risk or was hesitant, reality did not give him a chance to launch his "ultimate move".

Because when he got up the next day, he suddenly found that he couldn't smell the smell.

Then he heard something.

"The Zelanders are gone?"

Renly, who was bending down to put on his boots, paused for a moment, then raised his head and looked at the servant Jomi who came to call him for breakfast.

"Yes, Lord Stark has left with several other lords from the north." The short servant nodded, "I saw them leaving the city early before dawn, and they didn't bring any troops with them. No You know why you are so anxious."

Renly sighed after hearing this, feeling helpless.

The time was too short and there was no time to do anything.

"Let's wait until he comes back." He thought.

The army of the northerners is still in Storm's End. As one of the main lords in the north, there is no way that the man from the marsh will not come back unless...

However, this idea was disrupted by a sudden incident soon after.

"To King's Landing?"

In the bachelor's room, the black-haired boy couldn't help but frown at the words spoken by Master Cressen.

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