A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 286: Mission to the Iron Islands

Thick fog fell in the early morning, covering a certain courtyard in the Red Castle with a blanket of white. However, although this situation greatly obstructed the view, it did not affect the passing servants' understanding of what was happening in the courtyard.

The sound of metal clashing continuously came from the courtyard. You didn't need to look closely to guess that it must be someone fighting with swords in the courtyard.

Looking carefully, there were two knights in metal armor competing in swordsmanship. One was broad and strong, with regular movements, and the other wore a helmet shaped like a dog's head and attacked quickly.

As they went back and forth, the two strong figures seemed to be evenly matched, but gradually, the dog-headed knight's movements became more and more clumsy, so that the number of attacks became increasingly rare and the number of defensive situations continued to increase.

Even though the victory seemed to be determined, the dog-headed knight did not completely give up resistance. Instead, he gritted his teeth and persisted in the opponent's violent attack - although his trembling body and stiff limbs made it very difficult for him to persist.

Tyrion, who had been watching for a while not far away, was secretly surprised by this.

The name of the dog-headed knight is Sandor Clegane. He was born in the West. Others don't know what his abilities are, but Tyrion knows it very well. He is one of the top knights in the West. He is very powerful in both fighting on horseback and fighting on horseback. , otherwise he wouldn’t have been sent to protect Prince Joffrey.

However, in the duel with the seemingly ordinary young man, Tyrion only saw that the top knight in the West barely had the upper hand from the beginning, and the situation became worse and worse after that.

Tyrion suffers from dwarfism and cannot be a knight, but he still has good vision. In his opinion, the young man fighting the hound cannot compare with the hound in terms of skill, but his physical ability is much higher than that of the hound.

Relatively speaking, Tyrion used to think that the hound knight was as strong as a bear, but now he looks like a useless guy. He seems to be tired enough before the battle lasts long, and his movements and reactions are getting worse. Coming slower and slower.

"Why didn't I find this guy so useless before?" He muttered secretly, but looked at the figure of another onlooker deep in the yard.

Viewed from a distance, the figure was hidden behind the hazy white mist, appearing vague and ethereal. However, as Tyrion stepped forward with his short legs, the figure gradually became clearer, and finally revealed. A heroic attitude.

The short black hair is neat and shiny, with a slightly moist color under the morning mist. He is tall and tall, and his handsome facial features are as three-dimensional as sculptures. He stands quietly in the corner of the courtyard with his hands behind his back, without any movement, but a distinguished temperament arises spontaneously, which is noticeable. Finally, I couldn't help but pay attention to it.

But in general, there is nothing too unique about this person. He is not as solemn and solemn as a priest, nor is he pretentious and mysterious as a wizard. He is in the courtyard. Apart from his excellent appearance and temperament, he is not beyond human. scope.

When he said hello, his tone and expression were normal, with a smile and a casual demeanor, which was no different from how ordinary people treat their friends.

Tyrion was secretly relieved.

He still attaches great importance to Renly. Not to mention his current identity and influence, his childhood experiences are enough to make him remain completely friendly towards Renly——

There are many people in the West, and even in the Seven Kingdoms, who call Tyrion a little devil or a deformed little demon monkey, but who can seriously say that they like him as much as Renly once did?

He has remembered these words for more than ten years and has not forgotten them now.

Therefore, Tyrion was actually quite concerned about Renly's affairs, and after hearing some rumors, he ran over directly.

"Then Greyjoy, no matter how brutal he is, can't do anything to you. We hold his two sons." After a brief greeting, Tyrion said straight to the point.

Yes, he came over this time to comfort Renly. During the royal meeting yesterday, His Majesty Geinrob ordered the Minister of Justice beside him to send an envoy to the Iron Islands to urge them to send troops to join the war.

"I never thought that sea monster would be harmful to me."

Renly smiled and said, "He doesn't have the guts yet."

Tyrion thought he was talking about the deterrent power of the hostages and the Iron Throne, so he shrugged, "It is unlikely that he would get involved in this situation. Your mission this time will probably not be effective."

"I think so too, but since His Majesty wishes it, I will go there." Renly replied.

At the beginning of the war, a group of outside pirates who joined the war always claimed that Renly was the son of the Drowned God. At the time, no one cared about it, but now they have to pay attention to this.

Although he doesn’t know much about the gods, considering that Renly was kidnapped along the coast when he was a child, it seems that the name of the Drowned God’s Son is not groundless. At the same time, pirates claim that the Drowned God’s Son is very popular in the Iron Islands. Then it means that Renly has a strong influence there——

Since the war began, the Iron Islands have been on the sidelines.

So someone suggested that Renly go over there to "rush".

Robert, who had been worried about the war all day, was very moved by this proposal, and so were everyone else, so after consulting Renly, the mission was decided.

Renly had no reason to refuse. Although he noticed something unusual about some people in this matter, he still wanted to go out.

At this time, the situation in Junlin has been very stable, and there is no big use for him to stay here.

The Iron Islands are indeed a powerful force, especially since they have a severely lacking ocean fleet. At the same time, as a member of the Baratheon royal family and even the real fuse of the war, Renly naturally hopes that this war can end soon.

As for whether there will be any turmoil in King's Landing after he leaves, for example, the Prime Minister was poisoned like the last time he left, Renly thought that no one would be so bold as to act rashly before knowing his true background.

Besides, he is not a nanny, so it is unnecessary to stare at him here.

We are all adults, and no one is so fragile. Even if the Prime Minister was poisoned, he would not have been poisoned if he had not expected his wife to be a traitor.

So this matter has basically been confirmed, and Renly will be on a diplomatic mission to the Iron Islands soon, but facing the short man in front of him, he did not talk much about this idea, but changed the subject.

"I heard you work in the mint?"

"The gold dragons in the mint are dazzling, but unfortunately you can only look at them and not touch them." Tyrion shrugged and replied, "I originally came to King's Landing hoping to join the war, to join the city defense or the navy, but unfortunately many people don't believe that a big-headed dwarf can have any war talent."

Renly smiled when he heard this.

If he were a local, he would not be likely to look down on this short and thick dwarf in front of him. There is no other reason. Most dwarves in this world are synonymous with clowns and jesters. Apart from providing entertainment and fun, they have no other way to survive.

Even though Tyrion is smart, secular prejudices have long been deeply rooted. No one would be interested in whether a dwarf has talent, let alone give him a chance to prove himself.

"Before I leave, I will recommend you as a military advisor to Robert." Renly said this under Tyrion's astonished gaze.

He knew that the short man in front of him was very talented, so he would not let him be ignored. At the same time, with his spiritual talent, Renly could completely ignore the "camp" and reuse talents without worrying about meeting the wrong person.


Except for Tyrion, basically no one came to him privately as a friend. Renly didn't have much to pack, so the next day after the conversation, he set off directly to the Iron Islands.

Renly didn't believe that there would be any trouble if he left King's Landing, so he left with peace of mind. However, on the day he left, a malicious undercurrent was born in King's Landing.

Thank you Black Jade Book Friend for the 500 reward, thank you Xiaotang246 Book Friend for the 100 reward~

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