The way forward passes through the border of the Riverlands, but the battlefield is in another direction of the Riverlands, so there is no danger at all.

It's just that along the way, there were many refugees fleeing from the Riverlands.

Some of the refugees were raising families, and some were traveling alone. They were generally slovenly, with sallow complexions and skinny muscles. Their expressions were full of wariness of strangers. Regardless of men, women, or children, they all carried crude weapons such as stones or branches. .

When the envoy team passed by, or when the carriage carrying a large amount of supplies in the team passed by, it attracted countless covetous and greedy looks, and it even happened several times that it was followed by many refugees.

But this is not a trouble, and the accompanying knights can naturally get rid of them.

Generally speaking, these are poor people whose families have been destroyed by the war, but there are many more pitiful people than them. For example, those who had no chance to escape, or the many "lying corpses" seen everywhere on the roadside.

People who are sick or unable to walk due to hunger seem to be everywhere on this road. Most of them collapsed on both sides of the road. Some are dead, their bodies are stinking and rotting, and some are not yet dead, but they are also covered in pus. They have sores and wounds, their eyes are staring at the sky, waiting for death, and some are weak and panting, looking longing or praying to the passing team.

The elderly, women, children...

It is rare to see young and strong men, even among the refugees who can continue their journey. Apparently, young and strong laborers have been forcibly recruited by the army in the Riverlands.

"In the power game played by you princes and nobles, it is always the innocent who suffer the most." In the carriage, the voice of the bald eunuch Wallis was very soft, but the sarcasm could not be concealed.

"It's not you, it's us." Renly corrected him, but it was difficult to look away from the situation outside the car window——

There were two figures, one large and one small. The mother, wearing patched clothes, was standing there, tightly holding the skinny body of her three or four-year-old child. Her eyes were dull and motionless, and she really looked nothing like a dead body. the difference.

It wasn't until the carriage was gone and out of sight that Renly looked back and frowned.

Tragedy is everywhere in the world.

This is the conclusion he came to along the way.

The war destroyed the originally stable social order and destroyed countless families. Famine, disease, plague, banditry and banditry... various disasters continued to occur. The aristocracy was not deeply aware of this, but ordinary people became direct victims.

Renly had even more complicated feelings about this. Even though it was just an introduction, even though no one knew it, it could not hide that this war was entirely caused by him.

"It's really us."

Varys on the opposite side did not notice that Renly was absent-minded at this time, or that the bald eunuch himself might have been stimulated at the moment, his tone was sad, his face was dazed, and he was obviously out of state.

"Sometimes I wonder, what are you doing this for?" Wallis's words were a little confused. Renly ignored him, frowning in thought.

Maybe I should do something?

Just as he was thinking this, a sudden commotion came from the team behind him, interrupting Renly's thoughts.

Looking around, he didn't see the specific situation, but the commotion came and went quickly. Even as soon as he heard it, a knight came on horseback and reported the situation to him.

"One of the servants went crazy and injured several people."

"Crazy?" Renly raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"Yes, Sir, he is crazy, but he only injured a few of us and then ran away without causing much damage." The knight frowned and replied, "He is very strong."

This seemed to be just an inconspicuous accident, but Renly took it seriously and even stepped out of the carriage to investigate for himself.

Then he saw what he suspected in an open truck——

A box with the lock picked open.

Renly frowned at that.

Since becoming the Minister of Justice, he has rarely had time to care about other things, but he has never forgotten many situations.

Take the box in front of you, for example.

She was specially "alienated" in her early years and could not get rid of her. All the toys inside turned into bloody human organs. Others would go crazy when they saw her...

Obviously, the servant must have thought there was some treasure in the box, so he secretly opened it to steal it.

"It's really okay to find fault for yourself." Renly curled his lips.

This incident didn't have much impact, and he didn't pay much attention to it. After checking it, he went back and continued riding his carriage——

It is faster to ride a horse, but the team cannot move fast, and it is very tiring to ride all the time. In this case, it is naturally more appropriate to ride a carriage.

Renly didn't pay attention, but someone else took it seriously.

On the other side, some people who were quietly following the team among the refugees set their sights on the servant who escaped from the team. They thought that this man seemed to be weird or knew something, so they worked hard to track and arrest him, and finally succeeded in catching him. This man was brought to the lead girl.

The captured servant was wearing a light linen shirt and trousers. His messy brown hair and half of his cheeks were now covered with damp soil, as if his head had been hit hard on the ground before.

However, Rhaenys did not pay attention to the other person's appearance, but stared blankly at the bloody "finger" tightly grasped in his hand.

"I don't know which unlucky guy he bit off this finger from, but he treats it like a treasure and won't let go no matter how hard he tries." A round-faced man in leather armor spat on the ground and said, "Miss, I think he is just a lunatic. There is nothing special about him. It is best to kill him."

Rhaenys ignored the words of his subordinates and asked the captive seriously, "Where did you get this thing?"

The captive didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear anything. He stared at the people around him with his eyes wide open and a ferocious expression. His lower lip was bitten by his teeth without him noticing, and he looked irritable and bloodthirsty.

It seemed that he was really a madman.

However, Rhaenys didn't think so. She kept her eyes on the finger in the man's hand, feeling excited and doubtful.

Because in her opinion, this thing was the finger of "God", and it was freshly cut off!

In this world, magic is closely related to gods. In her previous life, she was quite proficient in this kind of knowledge. After reincarnation, she was in Braavos, a city with a strong atmosphere of gods, and she learned a lot of rare skills and knowledge.

It seems a bit reckless to break into the enemy's core base alone, but who would have thought that she, who looks like a girl in her teens, is actually one of the few magic masters in the world?

So she clearly identified what this thing is.

And this is also the reason for her excitement-

The gods are ethereal and high above. Even if we know that many of them have physical existence, it is rare, and no one has even seen their true bodies.

The more you know, the more you are in awe, but the deeper Rhaenys knows, the more curious she is. She has long wanted to study the gods, but she didn't have the opportunity before.

But she didn't expect that now-

Besides being excited, she was full of doubts.

The servant escaped from the team, which seemed to prove that the finger also came from there, but looking at the indifferent look of the advancing team, it seemed that they didn't know the value of this thing.

Just thinking about it, this is impossible. Didn't Renly say that he was the messenger of the Seven Gods?

How could he not recognize something with the breath of the gods?

"It can't be a bait." Rhaenys frowned as she thought, and even seriously doubted whether she had been exposed.

But this seems impossible...

The girl's face was a little uncertain as her mind raced. Finally, she suddenly looked up and ordered: "Follow me, we won't follow!"

"Are you finally ready to go back?" The tall and thin guard beside him breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, I want to follow him and have a good talk with him." The girl replied, her face was firm.

It was not in her heart to observe and test secretly, but she had to do so for safety reasons. But now that the other party has noticed something, she should just go up and have a frank talk!

I felt it was watery after writing it, and I deleted and rewrote it, so I was delayed. I can only post this chapter first, and the remaining two chapters will be posted later. I can't say when, so you can come and see it tomorrow~

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