What happened?

Varys was not the only one who had this question. After receiving the letter, the people in the Royal Council of King's Landing were also very puzzled.

"Didn't he go to the Iron Islands?" The old Prime Minister stroked his short beard thoughtfully, muttering, "How did he suddenly capture the daughter of the Sea King?"

"I don't think it's possible."

Finance Minister Mace Tyrell's eyes never left the letter in his hand. His hands were a little trembling, but his words were full of doubt. "The daughter of the Sea King is only in her teens, right? How could such a young child leave Braavos and be captured by Renly? Don't mention that Renly went to Braavos these days?"

Even though Renly has the identity of the messenger of the gods and his means are amazing, Mace Tyrell still thinks this situation is exaggerated.

If that person really has this ability, why doesn't he capture the Sea King of Braavos directly?

Or other enemy high-level officials.

In that case, this war will be won without any suspense.

"I think he must have recognized the wrong person." He said firmly.

"Excuse me, sir, you said the same thing last time." Grand Maester Pycelle has had a cold recently, so his voice sounded muffled.


There were only three of them at the royal conference table at this time.

The other four, Varys, the chief of intelligence, was captured by Renly, and there is no suitable successor at present. Renly went to the Iron Islands and was not there either.

Stannis, the Minister of the Sea, has been fighting at sea, and Barristan, the captain of the Kingsguard, has also led his troops north to support under Robert's order.

Robert, the king, did not participate in the meeting at the moment, but was inspecting the city defense - in fact, if it were not for the people stopping him, the fat King Robert would even plan to "lead the army in person".

There were few people participating in the meeting, but it did not mean that this meeting was not important. Originally, they planned to discuss diplomatic affairs with some relatively friendly forces in the trading city-states, but now they were attracted by this letter flying from a castle in the West.

"Last time, Lord Renly captured Viserys. We thought it was impossible, but the fact is that he did capture Viserys." Grand Maester Pycelle said.

This not-so-serious old man with a white beard is currently quite supportive of Renly, mainly because he is older and wants to live a few more years. It is impossible to find someone else for this matter, and Renly seems to be able to help.

However, he was brainless, but Mace Tyrell thought he was still rational.

"This time is different from the last time."

"How can it be different?" Grand Maester asked back.

"Last time he went overseas, but this time he didn't leave Westeros at all."

"Distance is not a problem for the gods."

"How do you know it's not a problem?"

"Of course I know, the gods are omnipotent!"

"Then we don't need to worry about the war, let the gods in heaven drive out all the enemies!"

"Your Excellency's remarks are really ridiculous, don't you know that the gods in heaven can't care about such mundane things?"

"You just said Renly..."

"I said Lord Renly..."


While they were arguing, the old Prime Minister Jon Arryn was looking at another letter.

There were actually two letters sent by Renly by raven, one of which was about prisoners, and the other was the one in his hand, which proposed to rescue refugees.

It clearly stated that a rescue organization should be established to protect and help refugees in the riverlands to reach King's Landing, and deal with dead bodies on the road to prevent plague.

We can reach a cooperation with the church, because the church is financially strong and has church bases all over Westeros. At the same time, we can call on more and more refugees in King's Landing to join us and provide wages and food, which will definitely be very attractive.

However, the question is, can the church really help do this?

The old prime minister is skeptical about this.

Although Renly's "identity" is special, the Church of the Seven Gods in Westeros is made up of people, and although these people claim to be pious servants of the gods, it is impossible to say how pious they are to the gods.

The old prime minister knows a lot about the past of those church bishops who are greedy.

He also understands that the current archbishop was supported by Renly, but it is hard to say how much control the archbishop who has been in office for a short time has over the church-

Although the Cathedral of St. Baelor in King's Landing is nominally the headquarters of the church, in fact, whether in ancient times or now, the real headquarters of the church has always been in Oldtown in the Reach.

Oldtown not only has a college for training monks and nuns, but also many elders of the church, and even controls most of the church's property.

If the old Prime Minister remembered correctly, the new Archbishop had no background in Oldtown, and his original origin was just an ordinary monk.

He was not optimistic about the content of the letter, but he did not intend to refuse it. If the church could really support them in forming this "rescue organization", then on the one hand, it could share some of the burden of King's Landing in resettling refugees, and on the other hand, it would indeed be a great thing.

So the old Prime Minister happily sent someone to find the knight Tob marked on the letter, and then gave him a consent document for the establishment of the organization.

At this time, Tob, who was in the Red Castle, was very depressed because his master left him in King's Landing again and did not take him to the Iron Islands, but when he learned about this, he immediately became excited.

But besides being excited, he was also a little panicked.

"The master asked me to contact the church to organize this matter, but I, I have never done such a thing."

Secretly, Taob discussed the matter with his friend Sandor, "Will I screw up? Will the people in the church cooperate with me?"

"Look at your virtues and your master's support. What are you afraid of?"

The hunting dog said: "Those priests have bad mouths, but it doesn't matter, we have swords."

The friend's "comfort" did not calm Taob's uneasy mood at all, but the progress of the incident surprised him.

When I went to St. Belle's Cathedral to talk to the archbishop whose name I didn't know, the archbishop was stunned for a moment at first, but he quickly agreed to cooperate, and his behavior was quite positive!

Or is he a little excited?

After talking with the archbishop for several days about how to set up a rescue organization, Taob was deeply moved by the archbishop in front of him who was said to be a rogue. He thought that the archbishop now was really considerate of the people, religious, and kind. His temperament is completely different from that of the fat archbishop who had his shit thrown at him in the previous generation.

However, he obviously didn't expect that the Archbishop's positive attitude was not because of his kindness, but because this matter was obviously closely related to another matter.

That was something Renly had communicated with him privately before he left King's Landing - to restore the Order's arms!

While others may not seem to think too much about this so-called rescue organization, but from the perspective of the Archbishop, he has a very clear sense of sight.

This is obviously another form of gathering of the poor!

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