The dazzling lightning in the sight twisted and flickered, emitting bursts of strange crackling sounds. Indistinctly, there seemed to be some sharp spikes in the surrounding air, constantly pricking the exposed fragile skin.

Standing in front of the table, looking down at the bird skull floating to the chest area in front of him, entangled by lightning, Renly pursed his lips and said nothing, thinking quickly in his mind what kind of phenomenon this was.

It seems that every time he goes out to sea, he will encounter the curse on his body. This time is no exception, but everything that is happening now is completely unexpected by Renly.

When he was on the island of Tars, Renly obtained two objects, one is this bird head, and the other is an inconspicuous sword.

Now the sword is still silent, but the bird bone has this abnormality-

He values ​​these two items very much, because they seem to be related to some myths in this world, but apart from vaguely guessing their origins, Renly has not studied what they are used for.

So apart from studying it for a while when he first got it, Renly never paid attention to it again. Until now.

The changes in the outside environment seemed to stimulate the bird skull he kept with him, or the changes in the bird skull stimulated the coming of the storm outside.

In short, when the sea breeze was fierce and the sky was gloomy, Renly found that this thing began to float and flash with lightning.

What was happening? How could this happen?

He had no idea, and he didn't get much useful information from asking the Seven Gods' spokesperson on his wrist. The other party claimed that each god was a different existence.

The Seven Gods can use "brute force" to fight other gods, but they can't understand the power of other gods.

In short, Renly was a little confused at this time. After observing for a long time, he didn't see any other changes to the bird skull except floating on the table and flashing with lightning. Instead, there was something strange behind him.

Looking back, a stunned pretty little face at the door came into view. Under the bright electric light, the face looked a little hazy and dreamy, and her originally black long hair now seemed to be faintly shining with a shining golden luster.

Revealed the true form?

Renly thought thoughtfully.

He had long known that the girl in front of him had been disguised, and neither her appearance nor her hair color was her true face. Originally, Renly was a little curious about what Rhaenys looked like, but he didn't expect to see her true face at this time.

In fact, she was not much different from her disguised appearance, but her facial features were more delicate, and her eyes were upturned, which made her look more charming, but mixed with the purity that she should have at her age.

Her hair color was no longer the inconspicuous black, but a brilliant and eye-catching shining gold.

The situation in the room continued, the lightning flashed and the crackling sound was sometimes erratic and sometimes crisp. Renly's look made the girl with a dazed expression react immediately, and then she stuttered: "My lord, did I disturb you?"

She was a little nervous.

Although she knew that the man in her sight had many strange methods, it seemed to be the first time she saw it with her own eyes.

Rhaenys thought she was very proficient in magic and other things in this world, but she had never seen such a natural force like lightning being released without any ceremony or arrangement, and she looked relaxed.

This was actually amazing, because the magic in this world was not so advanced. Even if there were many magical things, it was not something that could be performed casually.

"No, but I suggest you don't stay here, it might be dangerous." Renly replied, and then turned back to look at the bird bone lightning ball floating in front of him.

Seeing this, the girl retreated very tactfully and closed the door tightly. After taking a deep breath, she calmed down a little while standing outside the door, but she was more certain about her previous decision.

"Even if I can't learn the skills of reincarnation, it's worth it to learn some other knowledge."

As she murmured, the girl suddenly felt the ship shake violently, and then a hoarse bird cry suddenly came from the room behind her!

How could there be a bird?

What happened inside?

The girl became more curious about this, but she was a little embarrassed to run back and disturb them after being "driven out" just now, or she was just a little embarrassed, mainly because she was afraid that she would be too entangled and cause annoyance, which would be very detrimental to long-term development.

So she was a little absent-minded, and she carefully eavesdropped outside the corner with her ears erect, but what followed was a panic, because the shaking amplitude of the ship slowly sailing on the sea suddenly increased!

At the same time, she also vaguely heard a lot of chaotic and panicked shouting on the deck outside the cabin.

"Why did the wind suddenly become so strong?!"

"It's raining!"

"It's a storm, quickly reef the sails, quickly!"


The three-masted ship on the turbulent sea was shaking constantly. The sails on the masts had been tightly gathered, allowing it to float there quietly without moving forward, but the power of the storm continued to interfere with the ship on the voyage to the Iron Islands, causing it to shake constantly.

The sailors on the ship could not clearly see what they were experiencing, but could only feel the increasingly violent storms around them. On the sea outside the ship, a fleet of more than ten ships from the Iron Islands could clearly see what happened to the ship in the distant ocean.

Under the turbulent sky of dark clouds, the ship was tightly surrounded by a deep and dark narrow tornado, as if the black clouds in the sky were pouring down the mouth of a bottle. Apart from the lightning and thunder, the small ship seemed to be in danger at any time. There is a risk of being shattered by this strange storm!

However, it was not clear whether the ship was exceptionally strong or the power of the storm was different from what it looked like. Although it was teetering several times, the ship never completely shattered or overturned.

"That ship should be the ship that the Son of the Drowned God sailed on." The speaker was a pretty black-haired girl, and now she was standing on the deck of the first ship in the fleet, looking at the astonishing scene in the distance.

Strangely, although the sky above them was gloomy and dark, and the sea below was not calm, the sea area where the fleet was located did not encounter many violent winds, only bursts of moderate rain fell.

"The evil Storm God is attacking the sacred Son of the Drowned God." A thin, black-haired middle-aged man next to the girl said angrily, "But its conspiracy will not succeed! The sea is the domain of the Drowned God, and the great The Drowned God will definitely protect his children!"

He was wearing a rough robe commonly worn by Drowned Priests, holding a driftwood stick tightly in his hand. His eyes were wide open and his face was angry, as if he wanted to run to the ship that was being wrapped in the storm to bear the burden for the Son of God. This ordeal.

"We are still not sure whether the man named Renly is the son of the Drowned God ten years ago." The black-haired girl reminded her uncle.

"Since the evil Storm God can be so hostile, who could he be but the Son of the Drowned God?" the uncle asked coldly, making the black-haired girl secretly curl her lips.

Although more than ten years have passed, the uncle next to him who was once resurrected by the Son of the Drowned God has always been thinking about the Son of God, and is even more pious than before.

The piety makes the girl a little unable to understand.

As one of the people who had witnessed the strangeness of the Son of God in person, the black-haired girl Asha also maintained awe of the so-called Son of God, but she could not be called pious. In other words, her belief in gods was not very pious at all. I really can't understand the thoughts of my uncle and even those drowned priests.

At the same time, as the daughter of King Balon, although Asha led a team to greet him, she was not sure that the person she wanted to greet was really the beautiful little boy from the beginning.

"If the person on that ship was really the Son of God, then he couldn't have died so easily." With this muttering, the girl looked at the situation in the distance attentively, secretly looking forward to how things would develop.

Thank you Black Jade Book Friends for the 500 reward~

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