Renly also considered what the situation in Westeros would be like after the war, but he didn't think about it deeply, or he didn't really care about it.

After successfully "clearing out" the enemies in Seaside City, the Ironborn settled in the castle that had been hostile to them for countless years, and began to act according to the plan.

Renly himself stayed in the castle and stood still for the time being.

The attack on the Black Goat God went smoothly, but Renly didn't actually know what the specific attack was. After all, he was not the one responsible for the attack. During this process, all he did was hold a statue of the Black Goat God tightly. , and then wait silently for the results.

The whole process was boring. Occasionally, golden light would emit from the palm of the hand, or bursts of screams could be heard, but most of the time it was silent.

The effect is obviously very powerful, and the harvest is destined to be rich——

Renly's threat is to have the Qohor people withdraw from Westeros, not just Seaside City, so the Black Goat God is not dead yet.

But judging from all these signs, it is obvious that this alien god has no power to fight back against the attacks of the Seven Gods. So when he wants to kill it, it all depends on when Renly wants to do so.

"This is just the extent of what the gods can do now. If you can rebuild the Knights of the Holy Sword, the gods will be sure to kill the horse god."

The spokesperson claims so.

Renly heard this without comment.

If it can really threaten the gods that the Dothraki believe in, then it indirectly means that the war has been won. However, it is not that simple to restore the Knights of the Holy Sword, just because the members of the Knights of the Holy Sword can only be knights. Rather than ordinary people who can be seen everywhere.

However, now that he understands this matter, Renly will naturally not give up this opportunity to win the war quickly, but after thinking about it, he believes that it is difficult to achieve this in the current environment.

After all, knights are not bad people, and now it is a time of war. They are all busy "making achievements" or earning commissions, but they have no time to come and form a knighthood with him.

Renly didn't pay much attention to this matter. Although the current situation in Westeros is still unclear, as long as the iron people join the war, it will definitely bring results. Maybe this will give the Iron Throne the upper hand in the war.

As for the specifics, the facts must speak for themselves.

As for whether the Ironborn would become a hidden danger after the war, Renly was not sure, but he had an idea, which was to revise the Ironborn's ancient rules.

In other words, the rules of the dead world.

After mastering the death world of the Ironborn, Renly had a vague feeling that he could change the rules of soul distribution, and this was closely related to the Ironborn's ancient ways.

As long as he changes this rule, the barbaric customs of the ancient road will inevitably be affected, and the habits of the Ironborn race will naturally change as a result.

Of course, this matter is not that simple. Survival issues, habit issues, etc. need to be considered. At the same time, changing the rules is just a feeling of his. He cannot really do it yet, and he is not sure whether he can change it at will.

If you want to explore deeply, you always have a hazy feeling, like a layer of window paper that can be pierced at any time, but it doesn't take much effort.

Just as the ironmen were rushing towards the Sancha River with their longships, in other areas of the Riverlands, even greater waves were spreading rapidly due to the incident in Seaside City.

Those stationed in the field barracks, those in the castle, those traveling long distances, those fighting with the Westeros people... No matter what they are doing, no matter where they are, when the Qohor people of Seaside City evacuate the castle , all the Kohor people on this continent also began to withdraw their troops!

Many people were surprised by this.

"Could it be a trap?" The lords of the Western Region stationed in Harrenhal gathered together because of this.

"What kind of trap would cause all the Qohor to retreat?"

"This can't be a trap, something must have happened."

"No matter what happened, this is an opportunity, we must seize it." The leader, Lord Tywin, said so, and he did the same.

So for a time, the army in the Western Region achieved great results and became as powerful as a rainbow.

In the Riverlands, Captain Barristan of the Kingsguard, who led another army to deal with the enemy, was not so decisive. Out of caution, he did not take advantage of the opportunity to send troops like Tywin, but instead guarded tightly to prevent any of them. Fraud.

It wasn't until the spies came to report that the Qohor people's comprehensive retreat was indeed free of conspiracy and traps that the old man relaxed his vigilance and then felt a little regretful.

However, the opportunity was fleeting, and although the remaining enemies were caught off guard due to this incident, they were still strong. Faced with this, he had to devote his energy to the current situation again——

Qohor is just one of the nine free trade city-states.

The war in the Riverlands was raging like fire. The Qohor people who withdrew from Westeros were all frustrated and inexplicable. However, they ignored the angry questions from their allies and carried out the orders of the Black Goat God without hesitation. The withdrawal order was issued without concern at all about the serious impact this would have on the allies.

Because they did not have their own longship for transportation, they encountered the problem of being unable to return after gathering on the east coast. Later, they contacted a group of pirate ships and were able to board the ship and go to sea.

However, after leaving Westeros, a land that seemed very strange to them, they did not return immediately, but fell into hesitation.

"Although the great Black Goat God has not given any instructions, I think we need to share His worries." Prut, who was the leader of the Seafront City, was also one of the high-level officials after all the Kohor people gathered. Because of the Seafront City incident, he was a little afraid that he would be punished by the Black Goat God after returning, so he proposed a new idea.

"There are clues to the Old Gate in the Land of Eternal Winter in the north of Westeros. Now that we are out of the war, why don't we go there to look for clues?"

"We have sent people to look for clues." Someone answered.

"But no news has been sent back."

Pruett patiently persuaded his companions, "I heard that the Land of Eternal Winter is larger than the seven kingdoms of Westeros combined, and it is difficult to search. We should send more people."

This proposal made all the senior officials very tempted, or rather, they did not want to return to Qohor inexplicably, without any gains, which would inevitably attract the doubts of the people and other senior officials stationed in Qohor-

Originally, not everyone agreed to send troops to Westeros, and now they have suffered such heavy losses. They can't explain it, and they can't just put the blame on the Black Goat God.

Although this fact is precisely because of the gods...

So after a long discussion, the Qohor people tore up the contract with the pirates, directly seized the ship and turned the road, and rushed to the Land of Eternal Winter in the north by sea, deciding to "make amends" from another perspective.

At the same time, a red-robed woman who looked like a "walking corpse" finally arrived at Dragonstone after going through untold hardships, but she did not come alone-on her shoulder, a crow with three eyes was quietly landing.

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