Rhaenys has been very busy recently, busy with epidemic prevention work in Haijiang City.

That's right, epidemic prevention.

Although she is a prisoner, she doesn't feel like a prisoner. After arriving in Haijiang City, there was nothing to do. It happened that the army besieging the city outside used a trick to throw corpses into the city, so she volunteered to stand up.

Rhaenys did a good job. At least for such a long time of siege, no one in the castle has ever been infected with the plague, even the iron people who followed the epidemic prevention.

This is naturally due to her mastery of potions and pharmacology, otherwise ordinary people really can't deal with those disgusting sources of plague.

In addition to work, she also observes the coalition forces besieging the city outside. In fact, Rhaenys is very familiar with this. She knows exactly how many troops each family has and who is the commander of the army.

It's not that she pays much attention to the internal affairs of the coalition, but she is born with a strong memory and can remember everything she sees. At the same time, when she was in Braavos, she also came into contact with the intelligence network of the Sea King.

Therefore, she also clearly understood some of the private information of these generals and commanders, such as Crannun, the leader of Norvos, who liked little boys, Sidney of Myr, who looked quiet but was actually a drunkard who beat his wives and concubines at will, and the governors of Pentos, who were fed up with the invasion of Westeros...

The last one was relatively important. Pentos had no army available except for a certain amount of city self-defense forces, because Braavos had defeated it in the past and signed an unequal treaty that was very humiliating for Pentos, so Pentos was the weakest among the nine free trade cities, but the weakness was limited to the army.

Pentos was very rich, even one of the few among the nine free trade cities, because it was the closest to Westeros, and relying on maritime trade, the citizens of Pentos were simply rich.

However, after the war began, this kind of trade naturally could not continue, and Pentos's troops were not willing, but were coerced by other city-states...

What can this kind of intelligence do?

It seems useless to ordinary people, but smart people can find many points that can be used from it.

Rhaenys thinks Renly is a smart man, so she provided this information to him, but Rhaenys thinks Renly is a person who is not very interested in most things, so she is not sure whether he will use this information.

It doesn't matter. Whether the information is useful is not important to her. After all, she is not a Westeros person, and she even supported the rise of Targaryen before.

Now providing this information is just to prove that she and Renly are on the same line. The purpose is naturally very simple, hoping that he can teach her some knowledge and abilities.

However, it seems that the other party has initially accepted her, but I still haven't seen him teach anything...

"Wasn't what I said before clear enough?"

While directing several ironmen to climb up the wall to deal with the dead bodies thrown in and hung on the fortress, the girl crossed her chest and pondered.

"Or is it because my purpose is not pure and my identity is embarrassing for him, so he doesn't want to teach?"

Rhaenys thought this seemed possible, but she could do nothing about it. She could choose to stand on Renly's side in a way that was not fair, but it was impossible to completely clear her current identity.

As for her impure purpose, she had no way to change this. If she didn't make it clear what her purpose was, how could others think that she approached him to learn skills instead of to plot?

It's so frustrating...

While sighing secretly, she remotely instructed the climbing iron people on how to deal with the corpse and how to use the potion she prepared. In the end, she completed the work smoothly and turned to walk towards the residence.

After all, she has been following Renly for almost half a year, but it is still uncertain when she can make further progress. Rhaenys is not impatient about this. She can even say that her patience is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Even if it goes on like this for several years, she will not be impatient-compared to eternal life, what are ten or twenty years?

She just doubted more and more whether Renly has the ability to teach others?

The interrogation ability in King's Landing, the strange situation in the Iron Islands that ordinary people cannot feel but the Ironmen are frightened by, and the many magic tricks that are currently blocked outside the Sea Border City...

Everything proves the mystery and strength of Renly, but can these powers be passed on to others?

Rhaenys couldn't be sure, but she had a vague feeling that she might be doing useless work.

"This is nothing, it can be regarded as broadening my horizons. Even if I don't learn anything in the end, it won't be a waste of effort..."

Comforting herself in this way, the girl lay on the desk in the house, but she couldn't soothe her sad mood.

Does it really have to seduce herself - no, do you have to play the emotional card of the previous life to make progress?

But this makes her feel very dangerous.

I usually try to avoid this kind of thing, but every now and then I can't help being obsessed with it. I have to take the initiative to try this aspect...

There was a sudden knock on the door, interrupting the girl's hesitant thoughts. After asking, it turned out to be Renly's servant who came to invite her. This surprised Rhaenys. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was the first time that the other party took the initiative to invite her?

"Do you want to ask for information, or..."

After thinking about it, Rhaenys slid off the chair and ran out of the room in a hurry.

Whether or not she could learn skills from him, all signs had already proved that Renly was a very mysterious person with many unique skills. Rhaenys believed that this kind of person was the one she should get in touch with, rather than hanging out with ordinary people doing boring things all day.

In fact, when she was in Braavos, she was more willing to communicate with her peers. But how could those petty "theorists" in Braavos compare to the current one?

Not as good in any aspect...

After arriving in the other party's study, Rhaenys looked up and saw the man sitting in front of the window with a tall and straight figure like a pine tree, black hair and blue eyes that were extremely unique. Even after seeing him many times, she still couldn't hide her amazement.

Mystery and majesty coexist, and she had never felt that kind of quiet and obvious aura from others.

It was also more eye-catching.

"It's understandable that I fell in love with this person in my previous life." She muttered to herself, and sat down on the chair opposite the desk, then tidied her hair with dignity, her eyes moving, and looked at the bookshelf beside her casually.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Rhaenys didn't think that the other party would talk to her about anything important, but she was more or less interested in it. However, the words that Renly said next shocked her spirit, and she could no longer see the calm look on her little face. Instead, her eyes widened and her expression became particularly wonderful.

"I want to teach you a special practice method to see if you can learn it."

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